Showing posts with label Kelli Underwood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kelli Underwood. Show all posts

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Why am I in this business?

For the fans.

Feel free to invoice me for the time it takes you to read this blog post, although I should warn you I may bill you for the time I take to read your invoice.

Monday, August 17, 2009


So climate change denialists aren't the only stunningly stupid people out there. There are also those who read humour columns. I mean, not all of them, but some.

Check out my latest, here. It's not the worst example of the "I don't get it, and I shall now prove it beyond doubt" genre, but there are a couple of prize pigs in there.

"mocking of women taking non-traditional roles". Sigh. Yes, yes, of course.