Showing posts with label Facebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Facebook. Show all posts

Monday, February 01, 2021

Friday, January 01, 2021

Tuesday, December 01, 2020


 It's habit-forming  . . . 

Games played: 438

Games won: 227

Games lost: 209

Games drawn: 2

Bingos: 171

Sunday, November 01, 2020

Another Placeholder of sorts . . .

 I've been here before. You know the drill.

Games played: 378

Games won: 177

Games lost: 198

Games drawn: 3

Bingos: 160

Thursday, October 01, 2020

A Placeholder of sorts . . .

. . . is that the right term? I never know about these things. I've been Lexulous for about 11 years now. It's the Facebook version of Scrabble. I seem to remember that I started playing it because I was coming down with a severe case of 'Baby Brain', and I needed some form of intellectual stimulation before my brains leaked out of my left ear. As the stats indicate, I am a decidedly average player. In my defence I don't cheat, and I know some -  though not all - of my opponents feel the need to cheat by using word generators. I'm passed caring at this point.

What's the point of the 'placeholder'? Well, I just finished my 16,000 game, which is a landmark of sorts and at this late stage I'm interested in bingos for some reason, so that at the start of each month I'll post a screen grab of my stats so I can keep track of them. Why the sudden interest now? I don't have a scooby. Just my latest wilo-the-wisp bullshit version of prevarication and procrastination.

Apologies for the garbled post. Now that I've placed the blog on private, I'm giving less of a shit about proof reading:

Wow, look at this post from March of this year. Talk about repeating myself. Same patter and everything. Looks like the 'Baby Brain' never really went away, after all.

Friday, March 13, 2020

There's a word for that.

I seem to remember that I started playing Lexulous because I was suffering a really bad case of 'baby brain', and lack of sleep meant I could feel my brain seeping out of my ear each sleepless night. Eleven years on and I play Lexulous 'cos I can't be arsed to get the Scrabble board out:

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Quote of the Day

"‎Billionaires are just salt of the earth that they own salt mines, and much of the earth, and some people" -S. Colbert

Hat tip to Brad over at Facebook.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Corporate mans laughter

Quote of the Day

"I refuse to believe corporations are people until Texas executes one." - Ara Rubyan

Hat tip to Danny L. over on Facebook.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Old Big 'Ead

Via Giulio Manieri over at Facebook.

Not my favourite scene from Mike Leigh's High Hopes. That would be this scene.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Face off

Clinging onto the back bumpers for dear life, the SPGB finally climbs aboard the Facebook bandwagon:

  • Socialist Party of Great Britain Facebook Group
  • Socialist Standard Facebook Group
  • Feel free to grab onto the toggles of our collective anorak.

    Coming Soon:

    The SPGB on Twitter . . . but only once it's truly passe.

    Wednesday, February 13, 2008

    A Sleeve To Your Art

    Further to this old post comes BBC online playing catch up. . .

    . . . still waiting on those Japan album covers.

  • Further Linkage: Sleeveface
  • Monday, January 14, 2008

    They're A Facebook Phenomenon, But Where's The Japan Album Covers?

    I'd bet my milk bottle top collection that really is JAMC's Jim Reid.

    Hat tip to Yadogg. More laugh out loud inspiration over at the Facebook Group dedicated to rescuing vinyl for a meaningful purpose.