Showing posts with label London. Show all posts
Showing posts with label London. Show all posts

Friday, September 24, 2010

It's another first. Anarchist bookfairs are popping up all over the place, and the latest domino to fall is London Ontario. Here's the announcement of the first anarchist bookfair in that town from Linchpin, the website of the Ontario platformist group Common Cause.

London, Ontario Anarchist Bookfair

The London, Ontario Anarchist Bookfair and Gathering is scheduled to take place on Saturday October 23rd. This is our first of what we hope will be many annual bookfairs and your participation would be much appreciated. With the attention focused on anarchists recently it is important to offer folks outside of our communities a chance to see what it really is all about and dispel media myths. It is equally important that we gather to further strengthen and build our movements to carry forward with our agendas of radical transformations.

Calling all anarchist distros and publishers! We are not charging anything for tables, but we ask that a small percentage of profits, after expenses, be donated to the bookfair to allow it to sustain itself and grow.

Present a workshop! We are running workshops throughout the day and are excited to hear from you if you have a workshop you’d like to present. We will do our best to accommodate all workshop requests.

Everybody! We have an interest in helping meet your housing, childcare and transportation needs and the venue is accessible. Food Not Bombs will be providing food and we plan on having a social event in the evening including performances by talented anarchists…

Get in touch if you’d like to table, present a workshop, or simply attend so that we can help meet your needs and answer any questions.

-London (A) Bookfair Collective

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


While the police forces of Ontario and a good part of the rest of Canada are being drained to put on the massive show of force in downtown Toronto (who cares if there are a few more murders and a lot more robberies as long as those 'goddamn protesters' can be intimidated ?)the police in one other southern Ontario city, London Ontario, have been busy doing their little bit to stop the collapse of civilization. That is they were arresting two individuals for the heinous crime of putting up posters opposing the G20 summit in Toronto.

Now Molly knows that London Ontario is hardly unique in this regard. There are moves afoot by one city councillor here in Winnipeg to have postering outlawed, and there are numerous other cities where it is already illegal. This "crime" of course defies enforcement. One can only imagine the outrage if a city has to waste resources on a "poster police" to go around and tear down every single ad for stray cats on power poles and every single garage sale sign on boulevards. Quite frankly whenever I visit a different city I find these unauthorized signs infinitely more interesting than the legally permitted commercial advertising.

Down in London Ontario the anal retentive absurdity is somewhat less as the enforcement is targeted ie enforced against political opponents of the G20, part of the campaign to create paranoia that Canadian governments are obviously engaged in. Some in that city are not going to stand for this persecution. Here's a press release from the Ontario platformist organization Common Cause about what happened and the 'mass postering' response to the ham handed attempt at censorship.

June 22, 2010

For Immediate Release:


The recent arrests of two London activists for “promoting disturbance” represent yet another dramatic escalation in the Canadian state’s ongoing attempts to criminalize dissent.

We denounce these arrests as the shameful police intimidation tactics they are, and declare our solidarity with the two individuals arrested - including our organization’s youngest member, Andrew Cadotte.

It is clear that politicians and police officers in this country are more than willing to bend the rules to try and intimidate those seeking to challenge the continued domination of the poor by the rich.

By referring to postering as “property destruction”, the police are attempting to build a psychological connection between lawful dissent and violence where no such connection exists.

The police cited the “negative message” of the posters as grounds for holding these individuals overnight in jail. But the true “negative messages” plastered around the city are in the sexist advertisements that promote women as emotionless commodities, and on the countless billboards that sell apathetic consumerism as a way of life.

Public space should belong to the community, not to corporations, and should be a space where we can freely express our ideas as part of the democratic process. This freedom must be regularly exercised and vigorously defended, or else it will be trampled on by the repressive nature of the state.

This is why several of our members joined with the direct action on Thursday, June 17th that covered our city’s downtown core with the very posters our comrades were arrested for putting up two nights earlier.

As anarchists and social justice activists, we have every intention to continue “promoting disturbance” of the capitalist status quo, guided by our undying commitment to international class struggle and, ultimately, revolution.

Common Cause - London

Common Cause is an anarchist organization with branches in London, Hamilton, Toronto and Ottawa.

Common Cause
P.O. Box 347, Station E
772 Dovercourt Rd.
Toronto, ON, Canada,
M6H 4E3

Online Forum:

Friday, August 14, 2009

Here from the website of the Empowerment Infoshop in London Ontario is a notice about an upcoming benefit concert. Catch it if you're in the neighbourhood.
Aug 27, 9PM
with performances by:
Hidden Rhelm
Plutocralypse now!
Pressure drop
and more...
Please bring a 3-5$ donation for the legal fund!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Here's a notice via the London Commons about what the local chapter of Food Not Bombs is planning down there that way come Sunday.
Start: Jul 26 2009 - 5:00pm
End: Jul 26 2009 - 7:00pm
Campbell memorial Park
Hi everyone,
This Sunday we're planning on doing another Last-Sunday-Of-The-Month FOOD NOT BOMBS meal, and just want to put the word out as always for any of you that would like to join us this weekend.
We'll be cooking out of the kitchen at the Empowerment Centre (636 Queens Ave.) starting at 2:00pm, then heading over to Campbell memorial Park (on Dundas between Colbourn and Waterloo) to serve the meal from 5:00-7:00pm. Whatever amount of time you can offer would be a big help...people are playing with the idea of whipping-up some neighbourhood-picked mulberry pancakes to cook right on site..should be fun..
You can give Matt a call at the house (519-601-2547) if you got any questions.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The following blurb is from the website of the Empowerment Infoshop in London Ontario, advertising their upcoming May day event. What caught Molly's eye about this one was the origin of one of their entertainers- Yellowknife NWT. I love it. Capitalism and the state are not yet doomed, but when sympathy for anarchism spreads across the lake to Hay River you can be assured that the last days of the ruling class are nigh. Here's the blurb.
MAY DAY Show & Fundraiser --7pm May 1st :
Let's get together and celebrate May Day at a time when organized labour is under attack here in North America. The auto workers, as well as our brothers in other fields are in need of some support and solidarity. We will be celebrating with: (Welland/Guelph)
In many countries, May Day is synonymous with International Workers' Day, which celebrates the social and economic achievements of the labour movement.
May Day can refer to various labour celebrations conducted on May 1 that commemorate the fight for the eight hour day. May Day in this regard is called International Workers' Day, or Labour Day. The idea for a "workers holiday" began in Australia in 1856. With the idea having spread around the world, the choice of May 1st became a commemoration by the Second International for the people involved in the 1886 Haymarket affair.

Friday, April 17, 2009

The results of a second autopsy conducted on Ian Tomlinson, the man who died during the recent G20 demonstrations in London, have turned the entire case in another direction. The family of Mr. Tomlinson demanded a second autopsy with an independent pathologist, and this second procedure determined that Mr. Tomlinson died of "massive abdominal haemorrhage" rather than the heart attack claimed by the first examination. Here's an editorial from today's Guardian about what this means.
Ian Tomlinson: Death at the demo:
The Guardian,
Two months have passed since photographing policemen in a wide range of circumstances was criminalised. During that time video footage of the G20 demonstrations has revealed just how important it is to keep the force under surveillance. Among other things, officers have been caught on camera concealing their identity badges and lashing out at a female protester. More importantly still, it has emerged - contrary to initial police claims - that the one man to die at the event had felt the lash of the law.

Ian Tomlinson was a newspaper seller trying to get home who got caught up in the police operation. It was initially said that he had had no contact with police and had succumbed to a heart attack. But the Guardian obtained footage of an officer attacking him from behind and an independent inquiry was launched. A second postmortem, whose provisional findings were released yesterday, concluded that he had died as a result of an abdominal haemorrhage. The unease is only heightened by the Guardian's previous revelation that the doctor who carried out the first check had previously been professionally reprimanded for releasing medical details about another man who had died controversially in police custody.

The cause of Mr Tomlinson's bleeding may not yet have been established, but two things are no longer in doubt. First, that he fell to the floor soon after receiving a blow; and second, that his case injects new urgency into the whole argument about the police operation. In respect of the former, in the light of a policeman being interviewed on suspicion of manslaughter yesterday, the immediate issues are for the Independent Police Complaints Commission and the Crown Prosecution Service. In respect of the latter, everyone who can influence policing must now consider whether public order procedures need to be overhauled.

The announced review by the inspector of constabulary, Denis O'Connor - a policeman of some 40 years' standing - is no longer sufficient. Techniques such as kettling - forcibly containing protesters for hours at a time - must now be scrutinised in a more independent investigation led by a judge. The beleaguered home secretary may prefer to keep her head down, but it is attendant on her to give a lead. So too must Boris Johnson. London's mayor appointed himself head of the police authority, and has used the role to take a high profile when it suited him, as when he manoeuvred against the former commissioner, Sir Ian Blair. The uncharacteristic reticence he has shown on the handling of the G20 protests will no longer do.

The protests have conclusively shown that - without proper scrutiny - agents of law and order can soon become a law unto themselves.
Here's another item from the Guardian, one that raises questions about the quality of the first post-mortem.
The doctors in the Ian Tomlinson case:
a tale of two pathologists:
Audrey Gillan
The Guardian,
Dr Nathaniel Cary:
Cary, who performed the second postmortem and concluded that Ian Tomlinson died of abdominal haemorrhage, is one of the country's top pathologists. He has garnered fame for conducting follow-up autopsies that show inadequacies in tests originally carried out by others in his profession.

He questioned the findings that the Pakistan cricket coach Bob Woolmer had been murdered in his hotel room in Jamaica, concluding this was wrong. After carrying out a second autopsy he ruled that Woolmer had died of heart failure.

Cary was also employed to investigate the death of Pakistan prime minister Benazir Bhutto in a bomb attack in Rawalpindi after it was claimed she had been killed by a bullet wound. Cary wrote that the rapidly fatal head injury was sustained because of the bomb blast. And he was employed by the family of Harold Shipman to carry out his own inquiry into the death of the former GP turned serial killer who was found hanged in his cell. Cary said Shipman's death "could have been murder".

Dr Freddy Patel:
Patel, who conducted the first postmortem and concluded that Ian Tomlinson had died of a heart attack, was once reprimanded about his professional conduct by the General Medical Council after he released medical details about Roger Sylvester, a 30-year-old black man who died in police custody.

He told reporters: "I am aware from the medical records ... that Mr Sylvester was a user of crack cocaine." Sylvester's family were devastated by the suggestion and contested that he been a user.

In a second case, which raised questions about Dr Patel's findings, police dropped a criminal investigation after the pathologist gave it as his opinion that the victim, Sally White, had died of natural causes. Anthony Hardy, a psychiatrically-disturbed alcoholic, who lived in the flat where the body was found, went on to murder two other women and mutilate their bodies.
Here's yet another article from the Guardian, filling in further details about the case. One of the things that Molly found disturbing about the first article was the news (to me at least) that photographing policemen in Britain has been made illegal. One of the ironies of this event was that the person who videotaped the attack on Mr. Tomlinson was a "hedge fund manager from New York". This is doubly ironic. First because this is the sort of person that most of the demonstrators would be opposed to, and secondly because, if his act was illegal in Britain it is doubtful that the British government could prosecute him from across the Atlantic.
G20 death:
'This might have been swept under the rug' - eyewitness:
• Second pathologist results known for a week
• Crucial witness feels video evidence is vindicated
Sandra Laville and Paul Lewis
The Guardian,
As he sat down in his office in New York yesterday, the hedge fund manager who filmed the moment a police officer clashed violently with Ian Tomlinson digested the latest revelations.
He has chosen to remain anonymous but has been observing events from across the Atlantic. Informed by the Guardian that the second postmortem had found Mr Tomlinson died not of a heart attack but abdominal haemorrhage, he said he was relieved he had stepped forward as a witness.

"Judging by the short amount of time that lapsed between him being hit and pushed to the ground and him collapsing and dying, it just seemed to be too coincidental that it was called a heart attack," he said.

"Now I'm glad I came forward. It's possible Mr Tomlinson's death would have been swept under the rug otherwise. There was nothing except some witnesses speaking to the Guardian saying they saw him being beaten. But it was their statements versus the police. You needed something incontrovertible. In this case it was the video."

The Independent Police Complaints Commission, the Tomlinson family and lawyers have had the results of the second postmortem, carried out by Dr Nat Carey, for a week. The interval between discovering the findings - which differed starkly from the heart attack conclusion of the Home Office pathologist Dr Freddy Patel - and announcing them publicly gave investigators from the IPCC a chance to press on with its inquiry.

In the past few days, the police officer seen assaulting Tomlinson in the hedge fund manager's footage has been interviewed under caution on suspicion of manslaughter by investigators from the police watchdog.

They were concerned the findings of the postmortem be withheld in order not to prejudice their first interrogation of the officer involved.

The territorial support group officer, currently on sick leave, is understood to have had his solicitor present throughout the interview. He was not arrested as he had agreed to the interview under caution. The IPCC would not comment on the next step in its investigation but it is likely the officer, who was suspended by the Met last Friday, will return to be interviewed at a later date.

Until then, IPCC investigators will continue to trawl through video footage from demonstrators and passersby and still photographs presented to them by the Guardian as well as CCTV images which, until this week, they believed had not existed. All of these and the findings of the postmortem will make up any case against the officer.

But a legal source said it was a complicated investigation. "There are all sorts of people coming forward and you need to establish where they were, what exactly they saw and what the footage shows," the source said.

The IPCC has spoken to the Crown Prosecution Service but, as yet, it has not passed a file of evidence to prosecutors for consideration of charges. A source said it would be some time before that took place. Charges would only be considered once lawyers from the specialist crime division of the CPS have studied all the evidence gathered by the IPCC.

As the findings of Carey's postmortem passed through Scotland Yard, there was shock and concern, but also among senior police officers well-versed in the intricacies of manslaughter and murder investigations, there was an awareness the results left much room for debate and legal argument.

Carey said the cause of the abdominal haemorrhage had yet to be ascertained but he unequivocally ruled out a heart attack as a result of coronary artery disease as the cause of death.

Scotland Yard said the Metropolitan police wished to "reiterate its sincere regret in relation to the death of Ian Tomlinson".

"Our thoughts are with his family, and all those affected by this tragedy," it added. "We continue to cooperate fully with the IPCC and proactively provide any information that may assist them. We await the findings of the investigation."

But there was an immediate reaction from politicians to the second postmortem result with demands that the inquiry be pursued as a matter of urgency.

Chris Huhne, the Liberal Democrat home affairs spokesman, described it as an "alarming finding". He added: "It suggests that Mr Tomlinson's treatment by the police officer caught on video may have been the final contributing factor in his death. These findings put further pressure on the IPCC to investigate this matter with all urgency."

Boris Johnson, the London mayor and chairman of the Metropolitan Police Authority, urged the IPCC to be open and quick. "There must now be a fast and transparent conclusion to the IPCC investigation, with the full and urgent cooperation of all involved," he said.

"It is vital that everyone takes care not to prejudice either the ongoing IPCC investigation or indeed any future criminal proceedings that may arise.

"The Met receive and deserve the overwhelming support of the people of London, but the family of Ian Tomlinson need answers and so do Londoners."

At their home in the Isle of Dogs, east London, the Tomlinson family were finally able to see what they have known for a week played out publicly.

Their solicitor, Jules Carey, said it was some comfort that the record of how Mr Tomlinson died was now being put straight.

Paul King, one of Mr Tomlinson's sons, summed up the family's feelings. "Coming to terms with the idea that Ian died of natural causes - what we were told at the beginning - was hard enough," he said. "This puts a whole new light on the investigation. He died from internal bleeding."
Finally, here's an item from The Scotsman about the legal possibilities that the policeman who assaulted Mr. Tomlinson could face. When this news first became public Molly opened a poll at her sister site Molly's Polls. The question was "What should be done with the policeman who assaulted Ian Tomlinson shorty before he died ?" One person so far has actually chosen the "nothing" option. What is your opinion ? If the person who voted "nothing" he or she should note that they can change their vote. As each piece of new information comes in the case against the officer in question looks more and more damning.
It should also be noted that ,whatever the outcome of the criminal aspects of this case, the Tomlinson family would be fully within their rights to initiate a civil tort for "wrongful death". If you are unfamiliar with this legal remedy there is a Wikipedia article on it. The sterling example of this aspect of the law was the O.J. Simpson case.
G20 policeman faces manslaughter charge after vendor 'bled to death':

THE police officer caught on camera striking a man during the G20 protests could face manslaughter charges after it was revealed last night that the victim died of internal bleeding.

A second post-mortem examination, carried out at the request of the family of Ian Tomlinson, found he suffered an "internal haemorrhage" and not a heart attack, as thought.
The police constable captured on video footage hitting Mr Tomlinson with his baton was suspended from duty. But it has now emerged the officer was interviewed under suspicion of killing the newspaper vendor, who died after being struck and pushed forcefully to the ground as made his way home.
A solicitor acting for Mr Tomlinson's family said the findings of the second post-mortem examination significantly increased the chances that the unnamed officer would face a manslaughter charge. Further tests on Mr Tomlinson's body have now been ordered as it remains unclear whether the attack caused his death on 1 April after he got caught up in the anti-capitalist demonstrations in London's financial district.
A spokesman for the Independent Police Complaints Commission, which has taken control of the investigation into the death of the 47-year-old, said: "Following the initial results of the second post-mortem, a Metropolitan Police officer has been interviewed under caution for the offence of manslaughter as part of an ongoing inquiry into the death of Ian Tomlinson.
"Results from the second post-mortem were kept private for a week to avoid their release prejudicing the questioning of the officer. Though they remain provisional, they open the possibility that Mr Tomlinson's death was caused to some degree by police involvement.
Mr Tomlinson's stepson, Paul King, said: "First we were told that there had been no contact with the police, then we were told that he died of a heart attack; now we know that he was violently assaulted by a police officer and died from internal bleeding. As time goes on, we hope that the full truth about how Ian died will be made known.
"Chris Huhne MP, the Liberal Democrat home affairs spokesman, said: "This is an alarming finding. It suggests that Mr Tomlinson's treatment by the police officer caught on video may have been the final contributing factor in his death.
"Public anger at the police handling of the demonstrations in London's financial district has grown with the publication of video and photographic evidence. The IPCC has received 145 complaints, 70 relating to excess violence. The Met has itself asked the IPCC to look into the case of Nicola Fisher, 35, a protester who was seen on YouTube being hit in the face by an officer, and struck with a steel baton on her leg.
The initial post-mortem examination, by Dr Freddy Patel, concluded that Mr Tomlinson died of coronary artery disease. But the second, ordered by the IPCC and Mr Tomlinson's family and carried out by Dr Nat Cary, gave the cause of death as abdominal haemorrhage.
A statement from the City of London coroner's court said that the findings of both post-mortem examinations remained "provisional". It said that Dr Cary had found evidence of "coronary atherosclerosis" – thickening of the arteries – but said this was "unlikely" to have contributed to the cause of death. "The cause of the haemorrhage remains to be ascertained," the statement said.
Last night, one medical expert said Mr Tomlinson's rough treatment by police could easily have led to the internal bleeding that allegedly killed him.
Dr Charles O'Donnell, consultant in emergency and intensive care at Whipps Cross University Hospital in London, said it was quite possible that a pre-existing condition had left Mr Tomlinson vulnerable to the effects of a physical assault.
"For people predisposed to internal bleeding due to an infection or liver disease, a blow is very commonly associated with abdominal haemorrhage," he said. "It might only take a small thump, which in a healthy individual would not do any harm.
"However, Professor Simon Herrington of Bute Medical School at St Andrews University, said the finding that death had been caused by abdominal haemorrhage was not specific enough to determine whether it had occurred naturally or as a result of the attack.
Jules Carey, the Tomlinson family's solicitor, said the video footage of the "unprovoked and vicious assault" would easily justify assault charges being brought against the officer.
Mr Carey added: "The findings of Dr Nat Cary significantly increase the likelihood that the officer will now face the more serious charge of manslaughter.
"The family have been made aware of the findings of the second pathology report for a week and have had to endure the holding back of this information, despite continuing reports in the press that Ian died of a heart attack."
Inquiry hangs in balance after tests conflict on cause of death
FURTHER tests will be carried out on Ian Tomlinson's body after two post-mortem examinations came to differing conclusions about what caused his death.
The issue is central to the investigation into claims that Mr Tomlinson's seemingly accidental encounter with police was to blame for his collapse and subsequent death minutes later.
The first inquest, by Home Office pathologist Dr Freddy Patel, found Mr Tomlinson's heart and liver to be in a "diseased" state.
He also found a "substantial amount of blood" in his stomach but gave the cause of death as coronary artery disease.
The second, by another Home Office pathologist, Dr Nat Cary, said Mr Tomlinson's heart disease was "unlikely" to have caused his death and blamed "abdominal haemorrhage".
However, this can be caused by many factors – including physical assault.
"It's well within the realms of possibility. The question is where the bleeding was from," said Dr Charles O'Donnell, of Whipps Cross University Hospital in London.
"Some things commonly respond to trauma and some don't. For people predisposed to internal bleeding due to an infection or liver disease, a blow is very commonly associated with abdominal haemorrhage.
"It might only take a small thump which in a healthy individual would not do any harm," Dr O'Donnell added.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Last Wednesday a man collapsed and died at the G20 protests in London England. Since then the circumstances of his death have generated considerable controversy. There isn't any question about whether he died as a direct result of a police attack- he didn't. The controversy revolves around whether the police helped or hindered efforts to save his life. Here are the bare bones of the story from Yahoo News UK.
G20 death man suffered heart attack
Ian Tomlinson, 47, collapsed on Wednesday evening as scores of protesters were gathered near the Bank of England in the City of London.

The City resident was returning home from his work at a nearby newsagents at the time.

Despite receiving treatment at the scene, medics were unable to save him and Mr Tomlinson was pronounced dead later that day in hospital.

The City of London Police said: "A post-mortem examination found he died of natural causes.
"(He) suffered a sudden heart attack while on his way home from work.

"The family thanked all the people who rushed to Ian's aid when he collapsed and said how grateful they are for all the efforts that were made to help him."

A Metropolitan Police spokesman said officers treating Mr Tomlinson had bottles thrown at them by protesters.

But there were also claims that his treatment was delayed by the presence of the police cordon that had been thrown around the protest area.

The Independent Police Complaints Commission is looking into Mr Tomlinson's death.
As I said before there is considerable question about the actions of the police officers who were at the scene. The following from the Cardiff Radical Socialist Forum is a press release from eyewitnesses who were at the scene. It should be noted that a direct contact address is provided for those who wish to verify this story.
Press release from G20 witnesses to Ian Tomlinson death :
The following statement has been made from witnesses to the death of Ian Tomlinson:
Various participants in the City of London demonstrations on April 1st have come forward as witnesses to the collapse of a man later identified by authorities as Ian Tomlinson. Four different university students witnessed the collapse of Mr. Tomlinson. “He stumbled towards us from the direction of police and protesters and collapsed,” said Peter Apps. “I saw a demonstrator who was a first aider attend to the person who had collapsed. The man was late 40s, had tattoos on his hands, and was wearing a Millwall shirt.”

While the first aider was helping the man, another demonstrator with a megaphone was calling the police over so that they could help.

Natalie Langford, a student at Queen Mary, said “there was a police charge. A lot of people ran in our direction. The woman giving first aid stood in the path of the crowd.” The running people, seeing a guy on the ground, went around them.

Another demonstrator had already called 999 and was getting medical advice from the ambulance dispatcher. “Four police with two police medics came. They told her [the first aider] to ‘move along’.”, said Peter Apps. “Then they pushed her forcibly away from him. They refused to listen to her [the first aider] when she tried to explain his condition.”

The first aider, who did not wish to be named, said “The police surrounded the collapsed man. I was standing with the person who’d called 999. The ambulance dispatcher wanted to talk to the police, the phone was being held out to them, but the police refused.”

Another witness, Elias Stoakes, added “we didn’t see them [the police] perform CPR.”

Other people who had tried to stay with the collapsed man were also pushed away.

All of the witnesses deny the allegation that many missiles were thrown.

According to Peter Apps, “one bottle was thrown, but it didn’t come close to the police. Nothing was thrown afterwards as other demonstrators told the person to stop. The person who threw the bottle probably didn’t realize that someone was behind the ring of police.” All the witnesses said that the demonstrators were concerned for the well-being of the collapsed man once they realized that there was an injured person.

Natalie Langford said “when the ambulance arrived the protesters got straight out of the way.”

These witnesses are happy to give media statements.

They can be contacted through this press liaison email:
Is there possibly something more sinister to Mr. Tomlinson's death than has been suggested above. This is what the following from the Gaza Solidarity site implies. Molly has to note here that the following, even as it gives extra information about the reaction of Mr. Tomlinson's family to his death, is likely to be wrong in its implications. My personal impression is that the actions of the police, as detailed in the above eyewitnesses statements, were more negligent than active. Still, there is the possibility that Mr. Tomlinson was indeed attacked before his death. The sad thing about this is that, from numerous sources, he was not a participant in the demonstration, merely a passerby. To say the least innocent victims have been attacked by the police in many previous incidents. We'll see how the autopsy turns out.
Ian Tomlinson's wife says he 'died for the crimes of capitalism' :
From Salfordonline
By Martin Baxter in London
Witnesses to the death of a man during yesterday’s G20 protests in the City of London have called for an official inquiry into the incident after seeing what they believe was a murder on the streets of London.
Ian Tomlinson, 47, was apparently on his way home from work as a newsagent, and allegedly collapsed and suffered a heart attack during the protest.
The allegations were made after the widow of the man today lead a march for her partner who she said “died for the crimes of capitalism.”
One female witness who wished to remain anonymous talked of “police brutality and heartlessness” and directly implicated members of the police force in the “murder” of the protester who, in tributes left outside the Royal Exchange in the city, was described as a “hero.”
She spoke of the “unwarranted” attack made by “masked policemen in riot gear.” After being struck in the head by a police baton she said the man was then bloodied and left unconscious on the street.
Ian Tomlinson collapsed in St Michael's Alley close to the junction of Birchin Lane and Cornhill at 7.30pm.
She said the police had formed an “animal pen” around the protesters to contain what was slowly becoming a heated encounter.
In a statement made on behalf of the dead man's wife, witnesses were urged to come forward and give statements to expose “the failures of both the police and members of the media in the accurate reporting of yesterdays incident.”
Gaza Solidarity would like to make clear that Ian's wife has not accused the police of murdering him. Everyone is waiting for the findings of the post-mortem. Sorry for any misunderstanding and our condolences go out to all the family members of Ian.
However, witnesses are confirming what Gaza Solidarity has been reporting from the beginning:Did police murder G20 protester Ian Tomlinson?
Here is a statement that has been making its rounds on the "anarchonet" about the death. As the statements says, whether the death was due to a direct police attack or merely due to negligence, there is still a responsibility that the police must bear. From the Glasgow Anarchists...
Press release of Glasgow Anarchists - Death At The Hands Of Capital:
Yesterday through the actions of the Metropolitan Police a man died during the protests against the G20 in the City of London. How this man died, whether as a result of direct blows from police batons or from the effects of the police “kettling” tactic and their attempts to force people in a direction it was not possible move, his death is their responsibility. We have already seen the BBC, unsurprisingly, peddling the police’s line that his death was due to ‘natural causes’. When they mention it at all that is. Though how it is natural to be penned in by armed thugs like an animal before being beaten and attacked is a tribute to their warped logic. ---- What should not be forgotten in light of this murder is that this is not the first and nor shall it be the last death at the hands of capital.
Everyday people are murdered by states, police, armed forces and militias all over the world. Capital, and its agents, think nothing of human life and profit will always, always come before humanity. Capitalism is directly responsible for the deaths of millions upon millions of people all around the world. From the wars that are fought in pursuit of profit to famine and death through preventable disease to those murdered for resisting its impact upon their communities or for organising for better conditions at work.
As we see the economic situation decline for working people in this country we can expect to see this become starkly clear. As more and more are made homeless, jobless and see their living conditions reduced, the ruling class will continue to live in splendour and affluence upon our backs as their parasitical forebears have done for generations.
The rulers of this country, and indeed this world, live lifestyles of opulent luxury that is beyond the ken of the vast majority of us. These parasites shall not see their blood drenched splendour reduced in the slightest.
Unless that is that we, the honest, hard working people of this world tear their privilege asunder.
These wealthy parasites live off our hard work and we suffer the consequences of the economic games they play in pursuit of ever greater profits for themselves and everyday we, the working class, suffer and die all over the world. This death through police actions yesterday is just one more death in the tragic blood stained history of capitalism.
This is no appeal to calm, rage today on the streets of London. Rage though not at this one death but at the horror and terror inflicted upon our class by the ruling 1% and their agents. Rage against the theft of our world by parasites who sponge off our labour. Rage at having to work your entire life through only to be denied the fruits of the world that is yours by right of birth.
This is no appeal to calm.
This is a difficult one. Like many other situations, different versions say different things. I've been at this game long enough to realize that statements from the side that I favour are often no more worthy of belief than statements from the other side. In some cases they are even less worthy of belief. For what it is worth I think the following:
1)Mr. Tomlinson was probably not a participant in the demonstrations.
2)He did get caught up in a rather stressful situation where he was herded by the police along with the actual demonstrators. This precipitated a heart attack.
3)The police officers at the scene were indeed negligent. This is hardly an unknown situation. The officers involved were flying on adrenaline, and their first impulse was to attack, not to help. It takes a particularly calm person (or good tranquillizers) for any person in such a situation to calmly assess that they should change their mode of action.
4)This negligence means that the officers involved (and the London Police Service in general) are both legally and morally responsible for the death.
I am certainly willing to change my opinion as further facts become available, but this is what I think so far.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

In the lead up to the upcoming G20 summit in London the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) has issued the following statement to the world leaders that will gather in London.
Trade Unions to G20: Half Measures Will Not Fix Broken Global Economy:
Brussels, 23 March 2009 (ITUC OnLine): In a worldwide push for action by G20 governments to pull the global economy out of recession and chart a new course for job creation, financial regulation and global governance, trade unions across the world are today delivering a common set of demands to their national governments. The five-point union plan, which includes detailed policy proposals, sets out the actions needed to tackle the crisis and build a fairer and more sustainable world economy for the future. It calls for:
**a coordinated international recovery and sustainable growth plan to create jobs and ensure public investment;
**nationalisation of insolvent banks and new financial regulations;
**action to combat the risk of wage deflation and reverse decades of increasing inequality;
**far-reaching action on climate change;
**a new international legal framework to regulate the global economy along with reform of the global financial and economic institutions (IMF, World Bank, OECD, WTO).

The “Global Unions G20 London Declaration” , developed by the ITUC and the Trade Union Advisory Committee (TUAC) at the OECD, sets out the steps which need to be taken by the G20 in cooperation with other governments. It is being presented by national trade union movements to their governments today, and will be formally submitted to the G20 Leaders’ Summit in London on 2 April. Trade unions from around the world will be joining their colleagues from the British TUC in a huge civil society mobilisation planned for London on 28 March, to press home the need for coordinated global action by governments.

“If the G20 governments in London are only able to agree on half-measures, they will have failed to meet their responsibilities. As the world’s largest economies, they have the responsibility and the possibility to replace the failed neo-liberalism of the past with a whole new direction for globalisation,” said ITUC General Secretary Guy Ryder.

Recovery and sustainable growth can be achieved, according to the Declaration, but only if the focus is on job creation and public investment, active labour market policies, extending social safety nets and special measures for developing and emerging economies. The trade unions also put forward an eight-point specific action plan for global financial regulation, with immediate action to nationalise insolvent banks.

“Weak or non-existent regulation of banking and financial activity turned the world economy into an anything-goes casino, plunging the world into deep recession and causing the loss of tens of millions of jobs. This needs to be fixed urgently. Another main pillar of recovery and reform, creating decent, sustainable jobs and boosting purchasing power, must also be given priority attention at the G20,” said John Evans, General Secretary of the TUAC.

The London Declaration points to the real risk of wage deflation, and highlights the fact that growing income inequality across the world has been a major contributor to the current recession, as workers’ purchasing power has been insufficient to help maintain demand for goods and services. Ensuring that all workers have the right to collective bargaining, and strengthening wage-setting institutions, will establish a decent floor in labour markets and feed economic stimulus through more household buying power. This is closely linked to the broader requirement for reform of the IMF, World Bank, WTO and OECD, with the inclusion of the International Labour Organisation at the centre of an effective and accountable system of global governance.

“Financial regulation is essential, but it is not enough. The new global governance must be based on a strong pillar of social rights, including crucially the ILO’s core labour standards. The real economy, decent work and poverty reduction can no longer be left at the fringe of global policy. The G20 should not limit its horizons by simply making marginal changes to a discredited system. It needs to lead a complete overhaul in the way the world economy is run. Those who think that we can return to business as usual are seriously mistaken,” said Ryder.

The union proposals also focus on the urgent need for impetus to tackle climate change, given the enormous environmental, social and economic costs of inaction. Already, governments should be using coordinated global fiscal response to the economic crisis to set the world on a “green economy” path. Creation of green jobs, and action to ensure “just transition” in communities and sectors affected by the move to environmentally-friendly production, are central to achieving the levels of greenhouse gas reduction needed, and will contribute to pulling the world out of recession.

“Governments have the levers available now to turn the world towards a green growth path. Failure to take this opportunity would be a tragedy for humankind, and for the future of the planet,” said Evans.

The ITUC represents 170 million workers in 312 affiliated national organisations from 157 countries.
For more information, please contact the ITUC Press Department on: +32 2 224 0204 or +32 476 621 018

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Shachaf Polakow, of the Israeli anarchist group 'Anarchists Against the Wall' will be coming to Ontario as part of his North American speaking tour. Here, from the Ontario anarchist organization Common Cause is the itinerary in the next few days.
Ontario Feb. 22-25:
Anarchists Against the Wall speaking tour on the Apartheid Wall and Gaza‏:
!!!Please Forward Widely !!!

Shachaf Polakow from Anarchists Against the Wall

Speaking on their work in the West Bank and the current situation in Gaza

With video footage and photographs


Sunday February 22


Jack Purcell Community Centre, Room 201,

320 Jack Purcell Lane (off Elgin St. at Lewis St.)

$5.00 - $50.00 Suggested Donation

(No one will be turned away for financial reasons)


Monday February 23

AKA Autonomous Social Centre

75 Queen Street, Kingston, Ontario

Contact: Avi -


Tuesday February 24

7-9 p.m.

OISE Auditorium

252 Bloor Street West (St. George subway stop)

Suggested Donation: $5 or PWYC

For more info:


Wednesday Feb 25th
1. Fanshawe College, D1041


Sponsored by Fanshawe Social Justice Club

2. Empowerment infoshop

636 Queens Ave. London

9 PM

Contact: Darius Mirshahi -

Anarchists Against the Wall is a direct action group that fights against Israeli apartheid and oppression in all its forms, most recently also the atrocities in Gaza. For five years the group has waged a constant struggle against Israel's Wall. The work on the ground in the West Bank, alongside the Palestinian popular movement is breaking new ground in the joint struggle for Palestinian liberation. In December 2008, Anarchists Against the Wall and the Bil'in Village Committee were jointly awarded the prestigious Carl von Ossietzky Medal---an award given annually by the Berlin-based International League of Human Rights, named after German Nobel Peace Prize winner Carl von Ossietzky who died in a Nazi concentration camp.

Now more than ever, it is critical to support the Israeli resistance movement against the state's attempted repression of our work. Members of Anarchists Against the Wall continually pay the price for our activism, including being shot, beaten, arrested and indicted. We desperately need funding for legal support for both Palestinian and Israeli activists who are arrested and charged in the course of the struggle.

Schachaf Polakow, a member of Anarchists Against the Wall, will be touring the U.S. and Canada from February 1st to March 9th. His presentation will include film and photos, and will focus both on AATW's recent work in solidarity with Gaza and our ongoing work in the West Bank.

Anarchists Against the Wall website:

One of the co-founders of Anarchists Against the Wall, Matan Cohen, is currently a student @ Hampshire College in Massachusetts, and a member of the group, Students for Justice in Palestine. SJP was responsible for getting the college to divest from six companies heavily involved in supplying the occupation of Palestine. Though the college immediately denied any connection to Palestine in its choice to divest, they did admit that their decision was prompted by the work of SJP.

SJP website:

For more information and questions about the tour, please email OTTAWA endorsements:

Students Against Israeli Apartheid (SAIA) - Carleton University, Not In Our Name (NION) - Jewish Voices Opposing Zionism ,Common Cause Ottawa, Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR) - Ottawa University, Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG) - Carleton

TORONTO Sponsors and endorsements:

Sponsored by: CUPE 3907, Women in Solidarity with Palestine (WSP), Common Cause, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, Canada (IJAN) Endorsements include: United People's Jewish Order (UJPO) Canada, Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid (CAIA), Independent Jewish Voices (IJV), Zatoun, Not in Our Name (NION): Jewish Voices Opposing Zionism, CAW Sam Gindin Chair in Social Justice and Democracy, Ryerson University, OPIRG-Toronto, Yosher Jewish Network for Social Justice, Global Aware,Students Against Israeli Apartheid (SAIA) - Univ. of Toronto, Queers Against Apartheid (QuAA), Toronto Women's Bookstore
Common Cause P.O. Box 347, Station E
772 Dovercourt Rd.
Toronto, ON,
M6H 4E3

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Demonstrations are continuing every Saturday in Canada against Israel's war on Gaza. One of these today was in London Ontario where four peace activists occupied the offices of Tory MP Ed Holder. Here's the story from the Activist Magazine.
Peace advocates occupy Conservative MP’s office demanding action on Gaza war crimes:
Written by Rick Telfer
Saturday, 17 January 2009
Four peace advocates in London, Ontario are at the office of London West Conservative MP Ed Holder demanding immediate action from the Canadian government to denounce the continuing massacre in Gaza.

They are determined not to leave willingly until Mr. Holder agrees to advocate that the minority Conservative government:

- call publicly and vigorously for Israel to accept the ceasefire proposed by
Hamas without further conditions or stalling;
- condemn the Israeli
aggression against Gaza for what it is—a war crime (as is the firing of Hamas
rockets into Israel);
- demand that Israel ensure the full and safe delivery
of humanitarian aid to the needy in Gaza and cease targeting relief workers and
emergency medical staff;
- demand that Israel end the collective punishment
of Gazans and lift the illegal blockade of the territory (failing which,
boycott-divestment-sanction measures against Israel must be coordinated by the
international community;
- immediately reverse its shameful opposition to the
recent UN Human Rights Council resolution condemning Israel's offensive in the
Gaza Strip and set up a probe into "grave" human rights violations by Israeli
forces against the Palestinians.

Wendy Goldsmith, a social worker, Beth Guthrie, a library reference specialist, David Heap, a professor, all three from People for Peace, London and Cory Morningstar, president of Council of Canadians London Chapter are outraged at Canada’s complicity with Israeli aggression and crimes against humanity, and deeply concerned over the growing humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

"If my family and my community were being bombed to pieces and incinerated by white phosphorous shells, I would hope that people in other countries would take a stand against such atrocities." remarked Cory Morningstar, mother of five. Wendy Goldsmith adds "As a social worker in London, my job is to keep children safe. Who is helping to keep the children of Gaza safe?"

"Thousands of people in London have been crying out for justice for Gaza," points out Beth Guthrie, who has helped organize rallies and other events over the last three weeks. "But our government has been ignoring Canadians and ignoring international law. This complicity has to end."

"All Conservative government offices have turned into mouthpieces for Israeli war criminals." comments David Heap. "There are 142 more Conservative MPs offices across the country where other Canadians should be taking their peaceful, persistent and creative protests."

Call directly: David 1-519-859-3579 or Wendy 1-519-281-5225 or Beth 1-519-281-5538. For updates or background, contact Rick at FRANÇAIS: pour des entrevues contacter David 1-519-859-3579, pour des nouvelles Rick at Media release:

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The following is from the UK Indymedia website via the A-Infos website. The A-Infos site speaks of "editing"from the original source even though they haven't corrected the obvious misspelling in the article. Molly has. "Lead" to "led",etc.. The only editing change I could detect comparing the original to the A-Infos reprint was the replacement of "socialists" in the first paragraph by "revolutionaries" in the A- version. God knows why this was deemed necessary. Perhaps to differentiate the anarchist group in question from the Trots who also supported the cause ? Perhaps even as a bow of homage to same Trots ? This sort of "editing", however, should be viewed as rather bizarre coming from an supposedly anarchist group as a conservative defense of one welfare state provision could hardly be styled as "revolutionary". Not that the action was wrong, but, as I have expressed before on this blog, there are no revolutionaries outside of a a revolutionary situation. Trying to defend an entitlement from the state is the furthest thing from "revolutionary" that I can imagine. There may be "revolution-ists" in such a situation ie those who have a belief in the desirability and possibility of revolution but "aries" NO. What I would say is that the comrades, especially the one who did the "editing" put their beliefs in closer contract with what they are actually doing. I say this as a non-revolutionist.
That being said here's the report, inspiring in itself.
Anarcho students occupy ministry - report and photo's - Education is a priceless; it shouldn't have price:
Members of the anarchist group Autonomy & Solidarity from Goldsmith's University joined other students and revolutionaries("socialists" in original-Molly) to take action last Friday in London at the news that the government would be leaving 40,000 university goers without funding. The mainstream media have largely played this down as cutting back funding for ‘the middle class’ which is a nice way of saying the Labour Party is going deny the grants they threw us as a sweetener when they brought in top-up fees. How Scotland can afford not to charge top-up fees is left unexplained. The truth is this is part of a drive to gradually remove any kind of link between state or ‘public’ (i.e. taxpayer) funding and education. Instead they want a range of competitive market-led institutions. Of course this means that the best universities will be the most expensive and only the rich will get to go, but that is unlikely to bother our rulers when nearly 33% of MPs and almost 66% of members of the House of Lords went to private school, compared to 7% in the wider population.
The Socialist Worker website announced “students will march on the government’s department for innovation and skills” but A&S were told it would be an action; as it turned out not everyone seemed entirely sure which it was on the day either. There was a rally of about 100 students at Westminster Cathedral, then a march to the Universities Ministry 2 blocks away. When the demonstration arrived a fair number of people just went for it whilst some of the stewards looked a bit confused. After a bit of a to-do with police and security the students came out on top and took the foyer of the Ministry. A&S hung our ‘DON’T PANIC, ORGANIZE!’ banner from the first floor balcony - perhaps as much a message to the other marchers as well as the general public!
The occupation only lasted 5 minutes, which did not have much impact but on the plus side this meant no arrests and that the students were able to move off quickly and without a huge police presence. Our destination was the HM Treasury building on Whitehall to join the rally by the university workers union UCU. The 'Put people first' protest was to start at 4.30pm and had the support of trade unionists from the Public and Commercial Services union (PCS), the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) and the Communication Workers Union (CWU). Some of us had to get to work so we had to leave before the rally began – we hope it was a success. We dished out 30 or so copies of the anarchist paper Freedom to interested parties (no pun intended) on our way and can be contacted through our email with any questions.
Ellen S.
Edited from:

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Here's a report from the Linchpin/Common Cause site down Ontario way. Seems that the fascists last July 27th had a no score day in harassing the 2008 London Pride Parade, thanks to the actions of Anti Racist Action.
On Sunday, July 27th, anti-fascists ("antifa") came together from across Southern Ontario to confront and shut down an attempt by long time hate organizers to intimidate the participants of London's 2008 Pride Parade. Acting on information found posted on white supremacist websites, antifa in several cities were able to organize and produce the numbers despite minimal preparation time.

Close to 30 people gathered at Victoria Park at 11:30AM to discuss the plan for the day and create banners that would be used to block out the homophobic and anti-gay signs. As expected, harassment from the London Police Department was heavy from the get-go. Police used several tactics in an unsuccessful attempt to get information from and intimidate those gathered at Victoria Park (i.e. good cop / bad cop, isolating individuals and pressing for answers, intrusive photographs, etc). The group was approached by the cops repeatedly before they even left the park.

At around 12:15PM the 30-person strong crew left Victoria Park with several large banners, flags, and signs, heading down to pay the the fascists a visit at their meeting spot, the corner of Dundas and Colborne. Rumors had circulated earlier that upwards of 20 white supremacists would be present for the hate demonstration. However, in reality an unimpressive 5 people (including Randall Linton, Melissa Guille, Dave Ruud, and Louis Morin), primarily washed up Canadian Heritage Alliance (CHA) members, managed to drag their sorry selves out of bed early enough on a Sunday to wave around bristle board signs with sloppy slogans scrawled across in black sharpie.

During the initial confrontation a minor incident broke out that resulted in one ARA activist being arrested after a bonehead grabbed at a member of ARA. This police action was completely unwarranted and was a weak attempt to discourage those involved in the ARA demonstration. Our comrade was released from detention after we came together and arranged support for him.

Throughout the entirety of the parade, the fascists' signs were completely covered by ARA banners and flags, which was not exactly difficult considering that the homophobes were outnumbered by ARA 6 to 1. It did not take long for the members of the CHA and their supporters to become visibly frustrated and downright embarrassed that their day had been such an obviously miserable failure. On several occasions various boneheads found themselves completely alone and encircled by Rainbow banners, pro-Queer and ARA slogans as they scurried up and down the streets.

Towards the end of the parade the fascists called it quits after having several of their signs torn up, being publicly humiliated, and generally having a terrible Sunday out. They dispersed without incident, enjoying the police protection that they had greatly benefited from all day long.
No Homophobia! No Fascist Canada!