Showing posts with label 2023DartsChallenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2023DartsChallenge. Show all posts

Friday, July 14, 2023


 I'm never going to get that bastard, am I? . . . an ongoing series.

In fairness, it's not a shot I'm religiously going for everyday. It only really comes up when I'm playing - and losing - at Cricket against the Russ Bray app.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Wednesday, July 05, 2023

'I dedicate this post to the late, great Doug Mountjoy . . .

First 3 darts of the day. What the actual fuck? 😂🤔😳

T9, T20, T20 

. . .  . . . and it was my last 3 darts of the day, also.

Quit whilst you're ahead.

Sunday, July 02, 2023

Tales of the Unexpected . . .

Playing absolute garbage against the Russ Bray dart app and then I hit a 171 when I was on 191. (And it was the deciding leg.)  🎯

Still took me another 9 darts to hit the winning double. 😂

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Top tips, soft tips . . .

Riddle me this. Got the wee yin a soft tip dart board for his birthday and, though I felt a bit of traitor, I threw some soft tip darts to show him how it works. Slow forward five minutes and I hit a 180 with on the proper board with proper darts. Is that the key? Who knows. I dare not question the process.



Wednesday, May 10, 2023

"Peeling the skin back from my eyes . . . "




To the best of my knowledge, only the fourth 171 I've ever hit. At least that has been recorded for posterity. I'm actually not bad on the T19s. It's the T18s that kills me. Probably 'cos I don't throw with a straight arm. I need to work on that.

And, of course, I've yet to hit the holy grail . . .  the 3 bullseyes. One day.