Showing posts with label Armagh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Armagh. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

MacCionnaith Condemns Lurgan Raids

éirígí general secretary Breandán MacCionnaith has condemned the continuing harassment of Lurgan republicans after three homes were raided this morning [Wednesday] by the PSNI.

The PSNI arrived at the homes at 7am and were continuing with one raid this afternoon.  Among the homes raided were those belonging to relatives of imprisoned Armagh republican Colin Duffy.  Around 100 PSNI officers were involved in the searches.

MacCionnaith said: “Early morning raids are something that republicans in the Lurgan area are unfortunately very used to. However, that in no way lessens the trauma caused when a family finds its home invaded and their possessions being rifled through.

This morning, not only did the PSNI place massive strain on children by demanding they be taken from their beds so armed strangers could trample through their homes, they also confiscated harmless equipment being used for school projects and homework.”

MacCionnaith added: “These raids are about one thing – persecuting republicans for their political beliefs and activities.  The ongoing harassment of the Duffy family is an extra malicious element that has been added by the PSNI.

“éirígí and the wider republican community in Lurgan and elsewhere will not remain silent while the political police attempt to isolate and criminalise those who dare to stand up to the status quo.

“The families targeted this morning should be left alone to get on with their lives in peace.”