Showing posts with label Portishead. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Portishead. Show all posts


Portishead - Roseland NYC Live (1998)

When I was a young boy my father was a lorry driver and I used to go for trips with him during the school holidays. I went to Portishead a few times in the early to mid seventies.Crossing the Severn bridge was the high point of the trip (literally) looking down at the estuary from the high cab.
This album was recorded in 1997 and 1998 , featuring the Bristol trio in collaboration with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra.


Help- A Charity Project for the Children of Bosnia (1995)

The nineties passed me by in a haze. I have vague memories of drunkenly watching the nightmare of the wars in the former Yugoslavia on Newsnight . I knew I was living through a period of significant change, but it just wasn't sinking in. For example I have no recollection whatsoever of the collapse of the Soviet Union. The moon could have gone out and I wouldn't have noticed.
This record stirs some memories of watching Trainspotting on video and taking increasing amounts of alcohol fuelled sick leave.
I think that the original had no tracklisting because it was hurriedly  recorded and  released?
Anyway, I found this in a charity shop this week. No idea what happened to my original copy. I probably left it in that strange and inhospitable country- the past.