The Third Worst Anarchist Website in the UK

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.....Unfortunately it is an old part left hanging around in cyberspace, for the new even worse website click this:



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The Magazine  

"Produced by four teenage Viz readers in a shed with a dog called Spliff"


Issue 19 includes a free Colonel Gadaffi, promotes Gay Shame and wrestling, has a 'how oppressed are you' quiz, a 'when rape is rape chart' for Assange and Ken Clarke and an interview with a Tory Anarchist. Plus free New Age mag for trees.


Check out all the contents and all the back issues with links to articles as diverse as how to drink your own urine to the activities of the Starbucks' anarchist union 

                                         Buy your copy or take out a subscription



Covering areas such as Anarchy, DIY and Religion


If you want to find out what it's like to be in a deportation prison, how to dye a t shirt with beetroot or if astrology works you'll find out here.


There's also rubbish reviews and old reports



From the worthy to the pointless, from Porn for Prisoners to Blacklisting Bastards and Election Fun  




Comic Books, unreadable political tomes and tatty pamphlets


CDs, offensive T shirts and new age crystals


Spend your bucks here


plus Ian Tomlinson benefit CD




Failing to keep you up to date with what we are up  to.


Find out when new articles are added at least two weeks after they have been. Occasional other bits from anarchist actions to comedy gigs


  It's the nearest we'll get to a blog 


If you are easily offended back out now, otherwise..


Enjoy Your Visit!