Showing posts with label Family Business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family Business. Show all posts

Monday, April 27, 2020

I'm caught in a time loop, people . . .

Tried to explain the wonders of childhood Toast Toppers to the family in lockdown, and they just weren't buying it. It appears my descriptive powers are not as shit hot as I first thought. It didn't help that I also fell on my arse trying to describe a top cooker grill to them . . . 'You mean, it's like a broiler?' No, it's not a bastard broiler.

In exasperation, I dove into the internet, hoping to find a half decent pic of Toast Toppers in all its  last century glory but all I found was a thread from 2013 on Urban75 where people were shitting all over Toast Toppers. And, yep, I was in the middle of said thread, trying to defend the wonders of Toast Toppers. I'm living in a fucking time loop, people. No wonder I'm coping better than most with this lockdown repetition b/s.

Some of the better quotes from that 2013 thread. (I've removed the user-names, to ensure that the guilty are protected despite their snacking sins.):
  • "It's a shame each variety looks like puke on toast.”
  • “they look like a tramps vomit and taste like hells own armpit.”
  • “Truly vile shit in a tin - even back in the day when they were the pinnacle of modernity."
And this particular contribution won the internet that day:

  • "This is probably the most incisive class analysis thread on Urban. Love = working class Hate = middle class No fucking idea what you're talking about = ruling class."

Monday, February 24, 2020


Another darting first for me. Just pissing about whilst the kids were pissing about getting ready for school:

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Family Life in a Nutshell

Kara's bingeing on the latest season of Sabrina, Liam's monopolizing the bathroom, Owen's banging on the door of said bathroom, and I've just hit my 15th 180 of 2020:


Tuesday, November 06, 2018

A Slack Parent writes . . .

Genuine question. That job lot of Doctor Spock books that I bought from a charity shop all those years ago for the price of a jumbo-sized Mars Bar are not providing me with any answers:


Saturday, January 13, 2018

An exasperated parent who wants to kick Seth Rogen in the gonads writes . . .

At the moment I'm having to lie to Owen that I've seen Superbad so many times - I think I quoted the number 30 at him - that if he ever utters even the shortest of lines from the film, I will know he has watched the film on the sly, despite our strict instruction that he is not allowed to watch it on his kindle.

That Canuck fuck Seth Rogen has a lot to answer for. McHatin' at the moment.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Elf Life

There isn't a bandwagon that I won't jump on. However shameless.

Friday, November 25, 2011

3000 Posts

No doubt there's four or five booksiveread2011 'resting' in the draft section of the blog as I write but, to all intents and purposes, this is the blog's 3000th published post.

What (slim) hopes I had for the blog way back in April 2004. Pat on the back for myself for even failing to reach that especially set low benchmark. That takes a certain talent and dedication.

On reaching this particular blogging landmark, there'll be no misty eyed look back on posts past. That's so four years ago.

No, I'll just mention that this landmark post ties in nicely on a personal note because it's Fusspot's six month birthday today.

Fusspot? Did I ever get that nickname wrong. It's like nicknaming Ronnie Corbett 'Stilts'. Zen would have been a more appropriate nickname. I guess he's just happy and content in the knowledge that he shares a birthday with a certain musical genius, and that it's also the historical date of Celtic's last decent result in Europe.

That, and the fact that he's constantly entertained and mesmerised by 'Drama'.

Now that's a nickname that's bang on the money.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Simon's Cat in Santa Claws

Whilst I try to locate my mp3 of Graham Parker's 'Christmas is for Mugs', and as recommended by Owen:

Check out more snippets at the official Simon's Cat website

Hat tip to Tami over at Facebook.