Showing posts with label Humour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Humour. Show all posts

Friday, December 10, 2010

'Gosh, Talulah, let's kill her.'

Forget all your fuzzy feelings about those Malory Towers books you read as a kid; Enid Blyton had a mean streak in her when she didn't have her morning coffee:

Hat tip to 'dylans' over at Urban 75 for the very funny image. (S/he posted it on a thread on evolution.)
I wanted to see where the image originated from so that I could see if there were any other cartoons of a similar ilk, but the link to the gif leads you ultimately to this website.
Surely that can't be right?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Blog Light

I had a similar experience back in 1996 when I popped into Housmans to buy a copy of Radical Chains.

Anyway, shouldn't that guy be paying Ben Stiller royalties? And what are they selling again?

Hat tip to Exile On Moan Street.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

There is power in a union

Via The Onion.

It's like a flashback to the seventies when the unions were all powerful . . . the three second chat up.

Attractive Girls Union Refuses To Enter Into Talks With Mike Greenman

Hat tip to Pandagon.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Quote of the Day

“Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.” Jack Handey

Friday, June 27, 2008

Singin' in the Rain (Part Two)

Singin' in the Rain has to be one of my favourite films of all time. Definitely in my top ten, and it was on TCM tonight as part of a mini tribute to Cyd Charisse.

Of course, two minutes after the film ended I immdeiately thought of the classic Morecambe and Wise clip. I'm shallow like that.

"arsenal . . . . ARSENAL."

Panini-Zufallsbekanntschaft #10

Sighted at Best of Craigslist

  • Sexiest trashman ever! - w4m
  • Free Man's Toupee
  • An apology to the Ayn Rand man - w4m
  • wanted pre 1965 paper money for time travel
  • Top 5 Myths About America
  • Trust me, that's the PG version of the best of list. Hope you've got a strong constitution if you do decide to click on the above link.

    Hat tip to Madam Miaow blog.

    Friday, June 20, 2008

    Half-Time Humour

    . . . and I don't mean the picture of a young Davie Provan auditioning for an MC5's tribute band.

    Take it away Peter Grant:

    "Peter Grant says the funniest thing he ever heard in football was during an old firm game.

    Davie Provan was running rings round Alex McDonald. After one of his runs he walked past wee Doddy and says.

    'I could keep a beach ball away from you in a phone box.'"

    Hat tip to the internet.

    Monday, January 14, 2008

    They're A Facebook Phenomenon, But Where's The Japan Album Covers?

    I'd bet my milk bottle top collection that really is JAMC's Jim Reid.

    Hat tip to Yadogg. More laugh out loud inspiration over at the Facebook Group dedicated to rescuing vinyl for a meaningful purpose.

    Monday, October 29, 2007

    Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables

    Spotted this funny joke over in the comments box of Hak Mao yesterday:

    "I remember I saw a comedian in Edinburgh a couple of years back who noted that during the Afghan war American planes dropped food aid packages that contained peanut butter and "jelly" sandwiches. He thought that this lacked cultural sensitivity saying it would be like dropping fresh fruit over Scotland." [Hat tip to 'Duct']

    Monday, October 15, 2007

    When In Alabama

    From the latest episode of 'Real Time With Bill Maher':

    BILL MAHER:Thank you very much. Thank you. How you doin’? Thank you. Thank you. Wow, what a crowd. I think I know why you’re happy tonight. ‘Cause Al Gore won the Nobel Prize, is that right? [applause] [cheers] That’s true. Al Gore won the Nobel Prize. Or as President Bush announced it: “Sweden is with the terrorists.” [laughter]

    No. The President did not say that. What he said was, “The Nobel Prize is just a theory. It needs more study.” [laughter]

    And you could tell Al Gore is still wary about these kind of things, because they told him today – they said, “You received the most votes.” He said, “Yeah? Who won?” [laughter] [applause] [cheers]

    Monday, June 11, 2007

    The World Turned Upside Down

    Never thought I'd pen these words, but a really funny article from the anarchist journal, Freedom.

    Hat tip to Will Rubbish.