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Showing posts with label slim harpo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label slim harpo. Show all posts

Friday 28 December 2012

Another Party

Two days recovery and we're off to another party- my side of the family all getting together for a Christmas bash. I'm the oldest of eight. Seven of us have partners and we have eight children, aged from 16 to 6 months, between us. Plus both my parents and a ninety-two year old Grandmother. Then factor in afternoon/all day drinking and the habit some of us have of espousing differing opinions on various matters (politics, religion, music, the price of fish...) and you have the recipe for a perfect family Christmas do.

I Got Love If You Want It

Saturday 7 April 2012

Shake Your Hips

In the end I dashed out to see Wilko Johnson last night. It was pretty good- stripped down rhythm and blues, telecaster action, Norman Watt-Roy on bass (proving he can really play), some great songs. A little too much 'MojoUncut rock bloke' going on at times with some fiddly-diddly bits but I'm glad I went. And he did that shooting across the stage while machine gunning the audience with his guitar thing.

The blues has a long tail doesn't it? Not sure it shows much in the charts at the moment but it slithers on from the Mississippi Delta to Canvey Island to the Medway via elsewhere. It might die out in the next twenty years in terms of record sales and public profile but it's done pretty well. Some Slim Harpo for you and the slinky-as-anything Shake Your Hips.

Shake Your Hips