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Someone holding their loved one's hand

Better Care Now

Just about everyone in America has a loved one in a nursing home, knows someone who works in a nursing home, or recognizes that they may need nursing home care in the future. We need your help to make sure we have a strong safe staffing standard.

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KDP Works 

The PA AFL-CIO founded the Keystone Development Partnership to create workforce development programs that serve local communities.

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Tell us why the PRO Act is important to you and how it will help all working people.

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Read the Report

Death on the Job: The Toll of Neglect, 2021

Read the Report

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Rights and Protections for All Working Families

Millions of undocumented immigrants, who are vital to our economic recovery, still live in fear because of our outdated and inhumane immigration system. It’s time to put an end to this injustice. Tell your senators to pass a budget that includes a broad pathway to citizenship.

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Support the Strike

Our Mine Workers (UMWA) union family is on strike against management at Warrior Met Coal. Add your name to say you support their fight for a fair contract.

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