Grant lay on his high white cot and stared at the ceiling. Stared at it with loathing. He knew by heart every last minute crack on its nice clean surface. He had made maps of the ceiling and gone exploring on them; rivers, islands, and continents. He had made guessing games of it and discovered hidden objects; faces, birds, and fishes. He had made mathematical calculations of it and rediscovered his childhood; theorems, angles, and triangles. There was practically nothing else he could do but look at it. He hated the sight of it.
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Monday, September 12, 2022
Friday, January 04, 2008
Howard Zinn's 'A People's History of the United States' 1/8
Following on from the uploading of the Socialist Thinkers Series, I thought I'd turn my attention to posting the audio book of Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States, as read by Matt Damon.
It's in eight parts, so please bear with me.
A note of information: though the book of the same name covers the period of 1492 onwards, the audio book focuses on the twentieth century. Part one covers the subject of the Civil Rights Movement, and the earlier period of American-African self-organisation in the twenties and thirties:
DOWNLOAD LINK: A People's History (1 of 8)
FILE NAME: a peoples history 1 of 8.mp3
FILE SIZE: ~34.87 megabytes
LENGTH: 50:47
Further Reading on Howard Zinn:
Friday, December 14, 2007
Bronterre O’Brien and Working Class Radicalism 10/10/82
Back To The SPGB Basement Tapes
As promised, another old SPGB talk/lecture spirited from the vaults.
The following talk on the Chartist leader, James Bronterre O'Brien - split into three audio files for some reason - was, I think, the first lecture in a seven part series of talks which were grouped together under the title of, 'Socialist Thinkers – People Who History Made', and dates from early October' 82. (A time when Musical Youth was number one; Luther Blissett was the most prolific striker in English football; and I was coasting headfirst into my worst ever School Report Card*).
Once again, the SPGB speaker is Steve Coleman - who gave all the talks in the lecture series - which suggests that I've got some sort of political man-crush on the bloke that knocks Will's love-blog to Christopher Hitchens into the bleachers**, but probably owes more to the fact that once upon a time I was a labour history nut, and that was Coleman's field of expertise.
On the subject of O'Brien himself, I can't pretend to know a hell of a lot about him beyond what I've read in the past in the general histories of Chartism. He was always there or there about in the books about that tumultous period, but obviously the likes of Fergus O'Connor, Ernest Jones and Julian Harney always seemed to take top billing in such narratives.
What I do find interesting about O'Brien is that from what I remember of Stan Shipley's 'Club Life and Socialism in Mid-Victorian London', he had a dedicated group of supporters/followers who carried the mantle of his politics and legacy long after the slow political death of Chartism in the early 1850s, and this group of radicalised workers were one of the few groups who tried to sustain any sort of genuine independent working class politics during the difficult times of the 1850/60s.
Before I forget, an old quote from O'Brien that I dug out once upon a time:
“Lift up your democratic heads, my friends! Look proud and be merry. I was at a meeting on Tuesday night which does one's heart good to think on. I have been present at all sorts of political meetings, Whig, Tory and Radical, but never was it my good fortune to witness so brilliant a display of democracy as that which shone forth at the Crown and Anchor on Tuesday night. I often despaired of Radicalism before; I will never despair again after what I witnessed on that occasion.” London Mercury, 4th March 1837
Christsake, doesn't matter if it's 1837, 1977 or 2007, it looks like us lefties will always fall victim to the 'After The Pub Shuts' syndrome. I'll have a Vodka and Red Bull, thanks.
First Part
DOWNLOAD LINK: Bronterre O’Brien and Working Class Radicalism
FILE NAME: part 1.mp3
FILE SIZE: ~44.70 megabytes
LENGTH: 48:31
Second Part
DOWNLOAD LINK: Bronterre O’Brien and Working Class Radicalism
FILE NAME: part 2.mp3
FILE SIZE: ~15.17 megabytes
LENGTH: 16:28
Third Part
DOWNLOAD LINK: Bronterre O’Brien and Working Class Radicalism
FILE NAME: part 3.mp3
FILE SIZE: ~20.97 megabyte
LENGTH: 22:46
More lectures in the same series to follow*** when I'm in need of a blog-filler to mask the bloggers block.
*If memory serves me right, out of nine subjects taken: five C minuses; two Cs; one B minus; one C plus; and one A plus. Happy days.
**"bleachers"? Can't stand baseball, but its terminology has invaded my vocabulary for some reason.
***Featuring such oddballs as Kautsky, Dietzgen, Bax and Plekhanov amongst others.
Monday, May 14, 2007
The SPGB on
I can't wait to pop my clogs so they can place this blog in the SPGB section of the Marxist Internet Archive. Never mind the notion that I can't wait: the working class can't wait.Jack Fitzgerald Archive Edgar Hardcastle Archive