Monday, November 20, 2023

Quiet Week

My school is closed for the Thanksgiving holiday this week, and so I will be home doing things I would normally do when I’m at work: writing and crosswords.  Except this morning AT&T is coming over to fix my phone lines — yes, I still have a landline — and then get back to work on my new play.

I’ll be around here, too, after spending yesterday at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden and a car show.  I didn’t get much time to stroll around other than judging cars for the beauty contest, but I still managed to remind myself of this beautiful spot in the middle of Miami (technically, it’s in Coral Gables).

Lily pond at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Gardens.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Rosalyn Carter

From the Carter Center:

Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter, a passionate champion of mental health, caregiving, and women’s rights, passed away Sunday, Nov. 19, at 2:10 p.m. at her home in Plains, Georgia, at the age of 96. She died peacefully, with family by her side.

Mrs. Carter was married for 77 years to Jimmy Carter, the 39th president of the United States and the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize recipient, who is now 99 years old.

“Rosalynn was my equal partner in everything I ever accomplished,” President Carter said. “She gave me wise guidance and encouragement when I needed it. As long as Rosalynn was in the world, I always knew somebody loved and supported me.”

I hold her and the Carter family in the Light.

Sunday Reading

On Tape — The disruptive power of the cassette anticipated the even greater tectonic shift that the digital age would bring to music. By Jon Michaud in The New Yorker.

For a middle-school music-appreciation class in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., in the late nineteen-seventies, our teacher asked each of us to bring in a piece of recorded music to play on the classroom’s portable record player, which was a slate-blue box with a fat tone arm like a crab claw. I knew exactly the recording that I wanted to share: “Switched-On Bach,” the 1968 album by Wendy Carlos, which I’d discovered in my father’s expansive record collection. Though I’d recently started spending my allowance on albums by the likes of Led Zeppelin and Billy Joel, some bootlicking part of me was certain that the teacher would prefer my classical-adjacent selection to the contemporary FM-radio favorites my classmates were likely to bring in.

There was a hitch, though. My father, a serious audiophile, refused to allow his copy of the Carlos album to be ravaged by the school’s record player. He offered to make a recording of “Switched-On Bach” on his reel-to-reel tape recorder. Did the school have one of those? The next day, the teacher confirmed that they did, but she warned that she didn’t know how to operate it. That would be up to me. My father gave me a tutorial on his TEAC at home, but when my turn came in class—after every other kid had played their selection on vinyl—I could not make the school’s reel-to-reel machine work properly. The music came out accelerated, as if performed by Alvin and the Chipmunks. I crumpled with embarrassment as my classmates laughed.

A simpler solution existed, of course: the cassette tape. Shaped like a deck of cards (or a pack of cigarettes), the cassette was cheap, portable, easy to use, and eminently shareable. A cassette could live in the footwell of the family car or the bottom of your backpack. But it was also looked down upon by audiophiles like my father. As Marc Masters notes in his recent book, “High Bias: The Distorted History of the Cassette Tape,” the cassette “puts a smudgy fingerprint on everything it touches,” adding noise and hiss, the sound quality degrading with each playback. My dad never adopted the audiocassette—he jumped to compact disks in the nineties—but for my generation, the audiocassette’s virtues were instantly apparent and its flaws easy to overlook. Writing in ArtForum, Hua Hsu observed that “the cassette inaugurated an era when it was possible to control one’s private soundscape,” something we all take for granted now. The novelty of that control was thrilling to those of us raised on vinyl. Suddenly, anyone with a cheap tape player could record music, sequence it, distribute it, and—perhaps most powerfully—erase it and replace it with something else. Largely viewed as a nostalgic totem these days, the cassette tape was revelatory and revolutionary in its time; its disruptive power anticipated the even greater tectonic shift that the digital age would bring to music.

The compact audiocassette (to give it its full name) was conceived by Lou Ottens, the head of product development at the Dutch electronics company Phillips. One day, in the early nineteen-sixties, frustrated after “fiddling with that damn reel-to-reel” (as a colleague later recalled), an exasperated Ottens told his design team to create a version of their reel-to-reel tape that was small and portable, with the spools of tape contained inside a case. He wanted it to fit in a pocket and imagined it would be used by journalists and nature lovers (the latter to record birds and other outdoor sounds). Phillips introduced its new cassette system in 1963 and the immediate response was underwhelming. Before long, however, imitations of their compact cassette player began cropping up across the globe, most frequently in Japan.

Ottens then made a decision that helped boost the format. To promote standardization of the cassette, Phillips waived royalties, allowing anyone to license the design for free as long as they adhered to the company’s quality-control standards. This avoided the kind of schism that videotape would face during the VHS-Betamax war and insured that the Phillips cassette would be the dominant design. By the end of the sixties, eighty-five different manufacturers were producing cassette players, with sales of 2.5 million units. By 1983, cassettes were outselling LPs.

The ascent of the cassette caused a major freak-out among record-company executives. Nearly anyone who has ever bought vinyl will be familiar with the cassette-and-crossbones image that was for many years printed on record sleeves, accompanied by the dire warning: “Home taping is killing music.” On both sides of the Atlantic, the recording industry sought, futilely, to make the duplication of music on cassette tapes illegal. Other proposals included a compensatory tax on blank tapes. A member of the National Association of Recording Merchandisers even went so far as to equate cassettes with recreational drug use: “Very soon it becomes a hobby. And after it becomes a hobby, it becomes a habit.” None of those strategies blunted the popularity of the cassette tape. As Masters observes, the “perception that home taping was illegal or at least immoral . . . succeeded in making tapes seem even cooler and more rebellious.”

While the design of the audiocassette hasn’t changed much since its inception, the machines used to play it have evolved in magnificent and unpredictable ways. There’s a wonderful scene in Zack Taylor’s 2016 film, “Cassette: A Documentary Mixtape,” in which Ottens examines a display of tape players in the Phillips archive, including a telephone-answering machine, a deck that could play a stack of cassettes in sequence, and the first AM/FM radio-cassette combo. The two most consequential innovations in the tape player, however, were the boom box and the Sony Walkman personal stereo. One allowed you to externalize your musical taste, the other to internalize it. (Indeed, a Walkman was often the best defense against the sonic assault of a boom box.)

The cassette’s democratization of music production and reproduction paved the way for new musical genres. None was more important than hip-hop. Long before rap made it to the airwaves, taped live performances by m.c.s and d.j.s at parties in the Bronx circulated to the rest of the city—and, ultimately, the world—via cassette. Masters quotes Fred Brathwaite (a.k.a. Fab 5 Freddy) who recalled, “A big part of this hip-hop culture in the beginning was putting things in your face, whether you liked it or not. That was graffiti, or a break-dance battle right at your feet . . . or this music blasting loud.” Unlike a record player—or the reel-to-reel tape player—the boom box was both portable and commensurate with the scale and the volume of the city. “Cassettes were hip-hop,” Bobbito Garcia, of the Rock Steady Crew, says in Taylor’s documentary.

For other musicians, the limitations of the cassette became a creative boon. Keith Richards loved the effect he could achieve by recording his guitar on a cheap cassette player. “Playing an acoustic, you’d overload the Phillips cassette player to the point of distortion so that when it played back, it was effectively an electric guitar,” he wrote in his memoir, “Life.” His guitar parts on the Rolling Stones’ hits “Jumpin’ Jack Flash” and “Street Fighting Man” were recorded in this way. “That grinding, dirty sound,” Richards reflected, “It’s unexplainable.”

In 1982, Bruce Springsteen used a TEAC 144 four-track machine to record the stripped-down acoustic songs that became “Nebraska.” The TEAC was one of the first consoles that allowed musicians to do multi-track recording on a conventional cassette tape. (Springsteen used Maxells and mixed the recordings down on a water-damaged Panasonic boom box.) Though he originally intended those “Nebraska” tapes to be demos for a studio album, when Springsteen got into the studio with his band, he found that he couldn’t reproduce the aura of those cassette recordings. “The slightest alteration really ruined it,” Springsteen told the writer and musician Warren Zanes. “The nature of the unbelievably basic equipment we used was just unique.”

Though much eulogized in the decades since it was overtaken by the compact disk, the cassette tape, even in our digital era, is far from dead. As CDs in turn gave way to downloads and then to streaming, the cassette faded from the mainstream, but found refuge on the fringes, in the basements and bedrooms, the backs of zines and the depths of Bandcamp, the merch table in the alcove at the club (and, more recently, at Urban Outfitters). A few years ago, cassettes even got their own annual promotion, like Record Store Day. (You just missed it.) Simple nostalgia is not enough to explain why the cassette endures so persistently. Again and again in Masters’s book and Taylor’s documentary, aficionados of the cassette tout its limitations and imperfections as essential to its ongoing appeal. Like human beings, the cassette tape is analog, flawed, and perishable. “Our bodies are not digital,” the former Sonic Youth front man Thurston Moore tells Taylor. “We’re not robots.”

The second half of Masters’s book is given over to documenting myriad groups of tape enthusiasts, collectors, and sharers, as well as the busy network of small labels that continues to release new music on cassette. Much of this work is experimental and non-commercial. (If you don’t have access to a tape deck and would like to hear some of it, you could tune in to the rambunctious and nerdy Tabs Out Cassette Podcast, which will soon post its two hundredth monthly episode.) “High Bias” makes a persuasive case that all of this cassette-based activity functions as a sort of understory in the forest of music, a substructure in the shadows that nurtures and fortifies the canopy of successful commercial artists above.

For me, however, the most revelatory chapter was on the cassette’s potency and longevity in non-Western countries, many of which had state-controlled radio and music distribution systems. The cassette provided a way of subverting those authoritarian gatekeepers, spreading protest songs—or in some cases, dance music and wedding music—that were deemed improper, offensive, or dangerous. Masters profiles a group of “tape hunters” who have spent years searching the bazaars, kiosks, and market stalls of Asia, Africa, and the Middle East for musical novelty. It was while reading this chapter that I embraced “High Bias” as an extended, paperbound mixtape of cassette-based music. No longer owning a cassette player myself, I made a playlist (on Spotify, alas) of some of the artists featured by Masters, including the keyboardist Hailu Mergia, of Ethiopia; Omar Khorshid, an Egyptian composer and guitarist who recorded his albums in Lebanon; Sun City Girls, an experimental rock band from Phoenix; and the funky fusion of Ghana’s Ata Kak. But the artist I’ve most enjoyed discovering is Mamman Sani, a Nigerien-Ghanaian electronic-music pioneer, whose composition “Five Hundred Miles”—originally recorded and distributed on cassette—calls to mind some of the selections Wendy Carlos played on “Switched-On Bach.”

My first cassette was Strange Days by The Doors in 1967.

Doonesbury — Swift moves.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Friday, November 17, 2023

Happy Friday

We are barreling toward the holidays, starting next week and going full-tilt until January 2.  Between the week-long Thanksgiving break most schools are on starting Monday, then the various and sundry holiday special events — including December 7, the end of the Medicare enrollment period — the inundation never ends until the last balloon is popped and it’s 2024…and the election campaign takes off.  Can the End Times be far off?  One could only hope.

I have three theatre events coming up: the District 8 Thespians, which is for Miami high school students, on Saturday the 18th.  There hundreds of aspiring actors, directors, designers, and playwrights will gather to share their enthusiasm for the wicked stage.  I’ve already read and adjudicated 31 short plays (up to 30 pages), and the scope is amazing.  Then I will sit in on an evaluation of students applying for scholarships. This will be my first time doing that, so I have some things to learn.  Then a week from now, I’ll be working with my friend and director Jerry on a production of “The Christmas Commercial Conspiracy” for the Miami 1-Acts Festival at the Main Street Players in Miami Lakes. That’s a two-day event; my play is one of eight.  At the same time, theatre students at Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck, New Jersey, will produce “Any Second Now,” a short play about characters waiting to be cast in plays by anxious and brooding playwrights.

Speaking of anxious and brooding playwrights, I’ve started yet another play: “You, Me, and the Turkey Baster.”  I hope to have something to show for it by the end of the year.

Meanwhile, we brace ourselves for the crush of holiday consumerism — a good sign that Bidenomics is working — and the end of pumpkin spice everything.  And now that the no-named tropical storm has moved off, it’s time for the wildlife to enjoy the sunshine.

“Iguana see clearly now, the rain is gone…”

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Saving Mike’s Ass

From Charlie Pierce:

Headlines You Will Never See, Part The MCMXLV: Democrats Vote To Keep Government Open; Save Speaker’s Ass. From the Washington Post:

The House passed a short-term funding bill Tuesday that would avert a government shutdown Saturday, a major victory for new Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), who faced competing demands from different factions in his party. The bill would fund some government departments until mid-January and the rest through early February. It does not include spending cuts or policy changes that Republican hard-liners sought. A shutdown would leave legions of federal employees without pay just before the Thanksgiving holiday.

As far as I know, there were no outbreaks of Republican-on-Republican crime on Wednesday morning, but that doesn’t mean that Republican-on-Republican scheming has taken a holiday. From Politico:

Many House conservatives are fuming that Johnson — the most ideologically conservative speaker in decades — refused to take a hard line in his first attempt negotiating with Democrats and instead leaned on them for help. In the end, more Democrats voted for the measure than Republicans, in nearly identical numbers to the September stopgap measure that triggered McCarthy’s firing. Some tore into his strategy in a closed-door meeting Tuesday, arguing that his plan, which would allow funding levels set under Nancy Pelosi to persist for months, is tantamount to surrender. They’re not looking to oust Johnson over it. But some conservatives are privately entertaining other ways to retaliate.

Cue the organ music.

One tactic under discussion is the same one they used against McCarthy after he struck a debt deal they hated: holding the House floor hostage by tanking procedural votes. “There is a sentiment that if we can’t fight anything, then let’s just hold up everything,” said Rep. Ralph Norman (R-S.C.), one of several frustrated Freedom Caucus members who has huddled with the speaker multiple times this week.

If those divisions worsen — like if conservatives make good on their threat to start blocking bills from coming to the floor — some centrist Republicans pointed out that would just increase their incentive to join forces with Democrats. Republicans openly shifting to that strategy would amount to a historic shift in House power dynamics. “It just forces us to work with Democrats — these guys play checkers, they don’t play chess,” said centrist Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.).

At least, what’s left of their higher functions as the prion disease takes a toll was clear enough that they realized that firing Johnson for cutting the same kind of deal as the one that did Kevin McCarthy in would probably fasten the red rubber nose on the GOP permanently.

There are a few reasons conservatives won’t push a mutiny 20 days into Johnson’s speakership, an effort Rep. Andy Ogles (R-Tenn.) characterized as “untenable.” But mainly, Johnson doesn’t have the same stubborn trust issues that plagued his predecessor. McCarthy and his allies argue he was ousted not for working with Democrats to pass a spending bill, but largely due to personal animus among the eight GOP members who voted against him, particularly the leader of the rebellion, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.).

Nevertheless, the violence is clearly simmering not far below the surface. If the Senate balks at this deal, I expect the opening scene from Gangs of New York to break out in the Speaker’s lobby. We will keep you posted on any further outbreaks.

Spoiler Alert: The Senate passed the bill and it’s on the way to the White House.

Dark And Stormy Night

We had what the National Hurricane Center called a “non-tropical area of low pressure” that dumped about four inches of rain on my part of Palmetto Bay, rattled the windows, and tested my battery back-up on the computer and TV.

Offshore Southeast Coast of United States:

A non-tropical area of low pressure has formed near southern Florida along a frontal boundary. This system is forecast to move quickly northeastward across the Bahamas and offshore of the east coast of the U.S. through the weekend. Although development into a tropical cyclone appears unlikely, this system is expected to continue to produce gusty winds and heavy rains across portions of southern Florida, the Florida Keys, and the Bahamas during the next day or so.

For more information on this system, including gale warnings, see High Seas Forecasts issued by the National Weather Service.
* Formation chance through 48 hours…low…10 percent.
* Formation chance through 7 days…low…10 percent.

This is what it looked like as it moved through yesterday afternoon.

All’s quiet now.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Kids’ Party

After elbowing in the hall and fist-fights brewing in the Senate, what have we come down to?  Andy Borowitz finds the awful truth.

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (The Borowitz Report)—Millions of Americans are terrified by the dawning realization that Rep. Mike Johnson is the adult in the room, millions of Americans have confirmed.

Across the country, residents of the United States were initially cheered by the possibility that an adult was in the room, but were immediately shattered by the discovery that said adult was Rep. Johnson.

In particular, they wondered what sort of adult would deny the outcome of a legitimate election, believe that the separation of church and state is a myth, and declare that same-sex marriage is a “dark harbinger of chaos and sexual anarchy that could doom even the strongest republic.”

While a substantial number of Americans conceded that the Speaker of the House appears to be an adult when compared with Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, or Matt Gaetz, they disagreed that such a dubious distinction earns him even a remote claim to adulthood.

All in all, there seems to be a broad consensus that, if Mike Johnson is in fact the adult in the room, the room is totally screwed.

We should amend the Constitution so that one of the requirements for running for Congress include a degree in child psychology.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Ethically Challenged

So, the Supreme Court finally got the hint that they need to have a code of ethics.  Yip yah, right?  Well…

The Supreme Court on Monday adopted its first code of ethics, in the face of sustained criticism over undisclosed trips and gifts from wealthy benefactors to some justices, but the code lacks a means of enforcement.

The policy, agreed to by all nine justices, does not appear to impose any significant new requirements and leaves compliance entirely to each justice.

Indeed, the justices said they have long adhered to ethics standards and suggested that criticism of the court over ethics was the product of misunderstanding, rather than any missteps by the justices.

We’re going to have to take them at their word that they’re complying — pinky swears, I suppose — and even if they’re hoarding cash in the basement or taking free Gulfstream flights at the behest of their rich donors who have cases before them, it won’t matter.  It’s okay because they’re the Supremes and we should just trust them that they’re above reproach.


Monday, November 13, 2023

Don’t Say You Did Nazi That Coming

From the Washington Post:

Former president Donald Trump denigrated his domestic opponents and critics during a Veterans Day speech Saturday, calling those on the other side of the aisle “vermin” and suggesting that they pose a greater threat to the United States than countries such as Russia, China or North Korea. That language is drawing rebuke from historians, who compared it to that of authoritarian leaders.

“We pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections,” Trump said toward the end of his speech, repeating his false claims that the 2020 election was stolen. “They’ll do anything, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America and to destroy the American Dream.”

Sound familiar?  Perhaps you need to refresh your memory:

Nature is cruel; therefore we are also entitled to be cruel. When I send the flower of German youth into the steel hail of the next war without feeling the slightest regret over the precious German blood that is being spilled, should I not also have the right to eliminate millions of an inferior race that multiplies like vermin?

That was Adolf Hitler in 1942 while the ovens were running full-blast at Auschwitz and other camps in Europe.

More from the Post article:

“The language is the language that dictators use to instill fear,” said Timothy Naftali, a senior research scholar at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs. “When you dehumanize an opponent, you strip them of their constitutional rights to participate securely in a democracy because you’re saying they’re not human. That’s what dictators do.”

Ruth Ben-Ghiat, a historian at New York University, said in an email to The Washington Post that “calling people ‘vermin’ was used effectively by Hitler and Mussolini to dehumanize people and encourage their followers to engage in violence.”

And here’s Trump’s campaign mouthpiece doing a great impersonation of Josef Goebbels:

Steven Cheung, a Trump campaign spokesman, told The Post “those who try to make that ridiculous assertion are clearly snowflakes grasping for anything because they are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome and their entire existence will be crushed when President Trump returns to the White House.”

“Their entire existence will be crushed”?  Lining up the boxcars and dusting off the Arbeit Macht Frei banners are you?

The first question at every Republican news conference, debate, and TV interview with a member of that party should be “Do you think your opponents are vermin?  Yes or no?”  And don’t let them off the hook.  And if they are shocked, shocked to hear that kind of language, remind them that he has been talking like that since the beginning.  Don’t say you didn’t know; you were counting on it.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Sunday Reading

Sorry, Moms — Amanda Marcotte in Salon on the poor showing the ironically-named Moms for Liberty had last week.

“We have more people. That’s a huge part.”

Jane Cramer, a mother from Bucks County, Pennsylvania, explained to Salon earlier this year that she felt good about the ragtag team she’d helped assemble to boot Moms for Liberty, the well-funded conservative parents’ rights group, off of her local school board. “We’re not organized in the best ways necessarily, but it kind of all fell into place,” Cramer told me. “And we’re all obsessed a little bit.”

Last month, I published an investigative report about how Moms for Liberty, a group dedicated to rewiring American education toward the far right, had taken over the board of education in the Pennridge School District, about half an hour outside Philadelphia. Moms for Liberty, a heavily funded astroturf organization linked to GOP leadership, wasn’t especially subtle in its strategies, pinpointing a handful of swing districts in purple states, like Virginia and Pennsylvania, and targeting school board elections, which are usually low turnout and easy to win. Once installed, Moms for Liberty members started banning books and Pride flags, as well as protesting that teachers were “grooming” kids with “smut,” which usually meant either a history book or acclaimed, age-appropriate fiction. The idea was to create moral panics around sex and race that could tip national elections towards Republicans.

Well, it backfired.

As I reported, parents in the Pennridge district eager to fight back against right-wing radicals formed the Ridge Network and got the word out, arguing to voters that the group was degrading the quality of the public schools. This week, those efforts paid off: Democrats won all five of the open school board seats in the district, wresting control away from Moms for Liberty.

By the time this election rolled around, Moms for Liberty seemed to have already realized their brand had become poisonous. As the Daily Beast reported, “In 2021, Moms for Liberty claimed credit for 33 seats in Bucks County,” but in this election cycle, the group “endorsed only a single candidate in the county.” The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that some Republican candidates wanted the group to keep its distance, fearful of the taint. And that was my sense of things in the Pennridge district this fall. School board members who had links to Moms for Liberty tried to downplay it and ended up getting outed by investigators from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

The school board election is the latest in an escalating series of victories for the Ridge Network and other resistance efforts in Pennsylvania. Last month, the Democratic-controlled state legislature held hearings about the threat of book banning, allowing parents and educators to speak out. One of those parents, Darren Laustsen, told Salon about his attempts to expose backdoor book banning at Pennridge, which involved books mysteriously being “checked out” so that students couldn’t read them all year. In late October, he won a lawsuit against the school district over what the judge called a “cover-up” of such secretive book bans.

But Laustsen isn’t resting on his laurels. He’s still out there raising awareness of the radicalism of Moms for Liberty. He recently tweeted a story about Moms for Liberty activists demanding the arrests of librarians for letting kids read young adult novels, adding, “I am so tired of these psychos.”

It’s remarkable how swiftly Moms for Liberty became such an albatross organization. As many Pennridge parents complained to Salon, much of the initial media coverage of the group was credulous, buying into the false narrative that it’s a grassroots group of normal parents who are simply “concerned” about liberal “excesses.” In reality, the group was founded in 2021 by the wife of the chair of the Florida Republican Party and was immediately so well-resourced and fully staffed that it could only be they were propped up by secretive, wealthy donors.

The suspicious aura of money around the group was interesting to journalists, but what really damaged Moms for Liberty was that they underestimated the intelligence of the people in the communities they were targeting. The parents of Pennridge were not fooled by attempts to characterize literary fiction as “pornography.” Local residents also feared that rewriting history classes to adhere to right-wing mythologies would ultimately harm the school’s reputation, which could hurt both their property values and the ability of their kids to get into good colleges. Above all, multiple parents expressed a belief that schools should be preparing kids for the real world. They worried that right-wing whitewashing of history, social studies and other courses would leave kids without the basic skills necessary to thrive in a diverse, dynamic society.

Moms for Liberty was started, in a fairly obvious manner, to help boost the national prospects of Republicans. So it’s a delicious irony that, in two short years, the organization is mostly known as a symbol of the MAGA extremism that is driving down the overall popularity of the GOP, leading to yet another election cycle where Democrats overperformed expectations. The group was meant to put a family-friendly gloss on right-wing extremism. Instead, they got parents and teachers, many who barely have time to work and care for their families, to become political organizers. Messing with people’s schools was not, it turned out, a genius political strategy.

Doonesbury — It’s only a game.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

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