Showing posts with label Norwich City. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Norwich City. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Paradise And Beyond: My Autobiography by Chris Sutton (Black and White Publishing 2011)

Vialli left me out of the FA Cup Final team to play Aston Villa at Wembley in the last competitive game of the season. I went to Ray Wilkins and he marked my card the night before the game that I wouldn’t be involved, not even on the bench. I hadn’t trained as well as I should have for a few weeks prior to that, wasn’t applying myself. This probably made Vialli’s mind up. I was looking forward to the season coming to an end and leaving the club, although nothing was certain at that stage. But I was always involved when I was fit. I really lost my cool at being left out for the final. I guess the previous nine months just came to a head and I exploded.

I spoke to Vialli after breakfast on the Saturday morning. We stood in a corridor. I told him he was a coward for not telling me to my face that I wouldn’t be involved in the final. Then I repeated that insult to him. He tried to explain to me why I was left out. I called him a coward for the third time and he wouldn’t accept it anymore. He told me if I said it one more time, he would knock me out. I didn’t say it for a fourth time. I shouldn’t have said that to him at all, as, over the piece, he was more than fair to me. I regret calling him a coward. It’s not something I’m proud of. I was totally unprofessional. I regret it and it was the last conversation we had. I acted like a spoilt brat. It was my fault. My strength of character let me down, nothing else. I paid the ultimate price that day for taking my foot off the pedal in training in the build-up to the final. It was the correct decision to leave me off the bench. To compound it, I behaved selfishly towards Vialli and he certainly didn’t deserve it on the day of such a big game. I’m still totally ashamed of my actions that day and Vialli deserved much better.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Sick as 25,000 canaries

A quick add-on to the bloodbath that occurred at Carrow Road today.

SC over on Facebook picked out this gem of a quote from yesterday's Guardian:

John Ashdown, predicting promotion in yesterday's Guardian: "Norwich look the strongest of the relegated teams despite the departures of Lee Croft and Sammy Clingan. Bryan Gunn's squad is full of players who have impressed at this level before and, with 25,000 expected at Carrow Road tomorrow, optimism doesn't seem in short supply. Question marks still hang over Gunn's ability in the dug out, however." (Quoted here.) Time to revisit that assessment.

Looking at this picture below that I snaffled from the BBC Sports website, it looks like a couple of Norwich fans want to discuss that question mark (and a few stars) with Bryn Gunn personally.

Have you noticed that the riled up fans who get pissed off and want to invade the pitch to have a one on one with managers, players, referees etc, etc are never the fans wearing the replica tops?

Canaries on life support

Norwich City 1 - 7 Colchester Utd

I absolutely love the start of the season when it throws up results like this. All that pre-season optimism going out the window quicker than you can say, 'Wes Hoolahan: crazy name, crazy mad bastard for signing for Norwich'.

Poor bastards. Nobody saw that coming, and if I was a Norwich fan I would be dreading what could be a very drawn out season. Ian Gibson got out not a moment too soon. (There's already rumours doing the rounds that Bryn Gunn has contacted the Daily Telegraph to say that he's admitting to submitting false expenses claims. He's been claiming a salary for managing Norwich.)

Some of us are old enough to remember the ghost of opening seasons past. If only Norwich still had the goalkeeper that they had that glorious day.