Showing posts with label void network. Show all posts
Showing posts with label void network. Show all posts


VOID NETWORK "On the tragic and the farcical of the British referendum"

“The parliamentary regime leaves everything to the decision of majorities; how shall the great majorities outside parliament not want to decide? When you play the fiddle at the top of the state, what else is to be expected but that those down below dance”?
- Karl Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, IV (1852)

If we take as reliable evidence the anxiety (verging to panic) that spread over the social media among supporters of Remain once the results of the British referendum were made known, it would seem that a real tragedy has been played out on the 23rd of June. Or was it a ‘triumph of democracy’, as the celebrations of some leftists, who saw in the result a vindication of their own anti-EU agenda, would have us believe? Without adopting an imaginary middle road, it is advisable to distance oneself from both attitudes; neither the mix of fear with self-righteous indignation against those who voted “Leave”, nor the hasty projection of one’s own wishes add anything to a critical understanding of the referendum, of its driving forces, its context and its outcome. A drama no doubt unfolds, but what is its nature? Arguing that Brexit, in its immediate manifestations, has more farcical elements than tragic, is not meant to suggest that the referendum was an insignificant event; far from it. A farce can be deadly serious in its consequences, so much so if it is part of an unfolding tragedy.

Given the dominant presence of nationalist and anti-immigration ideas in the "Brexit" camp, it is difficult to claim that the result of the referendum was good or positive from a leftwing (or more specifically anarchist, or communist) perspective. It is certainly a political no less than a theoretical mistake to equate the putatively largely working-class composition of those voting for “Leave” with a “victory of the working class”, as some anti-EU left forces have done, both in Britain and abroad. In sharp contrast, taking into account the broader rise of the far-right and nationalism in Europe (manifested in their more vulgar and violent form during the Euro competition taking place in France), Brexit should be a cause of worry. If it is indeed true that considerable parts of the working-class voted for Brexit, this shows that they tend to associate the recovery/protection of their labor rights and the regaining of their “lost dignity” with the fantasy of a recovered national sovereignty which will allow “their state” to protect them from foreign dangers, whether these are posed from “above” (the EU bureaucracy) or from “below” (the immigrants). Such is a worrying trend in much of (‘north’ but also ‘east’ and ‘south’) Europe.

But if there was very little ‘Lexit’ in ‘Brexit’, no less problematic were the hegemonic political forces on the other camp, the “Bremain” campaign. Even if parts of British capital may find in Brexit an opportunity for profit or were even directly supportive of the Leave campaign, Remain was still the predominant strategic choice of Britain’s ruling elite. It is indeed strange to hear claims that the victory of Remain would have kept Britain an open and hospitable country for immigrants, especially if we widen the gaze from educated professionals to the poor and proletarianized masses. Remain in practice would lead automatically to the implementation of the agreement made between the British elite with its European counterparts, which would not only allow the British state to impose further restrictions on immigration flows, but which had also earned further exemptions of Britain from EU policies and regulations. The major spokesman of “Bremain” was Cameron, not Corbyn; no more than in the Brexit camp, did the Left set its own agenda in the Bremain camp. At least from the point of view of an outside observer, there is a sad impression that in both sides the Left was simply a supporting cast, with the more radical (including antiauthoritarian and anarchist) voices being entirely marginal. From our perspective, this is the crucial problem.

It is understandable why middle-class professionals (whether ‘left’, ‘right’ or ‘center’) who have benefitted from the opening of the labor market that the EU has brought, would be in favor of Remain. On the other hand, what cannot be accepted is the self-evidence with which this choice has been represented, an uncritical attitude that ends up identifying interests stemming from a concrete class position with a supposedly ecumenical “imperative of reason”. As if it was only lack of education and parochial bias that could make someone vote for Brexit. No wonder that the article which supposedly proved that those who voted for Leave “did not really know what they were doing” became viral in the social media. This attitude tends to blind to the fact that for a growing number of people, especially those coming from the lower classes, the EU is not appealing at all. No matter its further evaluation, the fact to reckon with is that in all too many cases where the vox populi was called upon, the results of the referendums were negative for the EU. Can this possibly be only for the wrong reasons?

Like the last year referendum in Greece, there is one very positive element in the recent referendum in Britain: it verified the decline of polling as a technique of power, meant not to reflect public opinion but to control and shape it. It is certainly a sign of dignity to vote what you believe is the right choice, and not let all this cacophony of “warnings of doom”, which were accompanying polls, influence you. In that context, silly as it sounds, Donald Tusk’s claim that Brexit would threaten “western political civilization” (!) must not be taken lightly. It expresses the deep “hatred of democracy” and the underlying “fear of the masses” felt by the governing elites of Europe. Sadly, much of the sentiment among the professional middles-classes condones, even unwittingly, this anti-democratic bias. The poor it seems cannot be relied upon.

If the discourse deriving from dominant media, even at its more liberal and moderate shapes, was annoyingly pedantic and dystopian, much of the representations of EU coming from left intellectuals were depressingly idealist, one of them going as far as to claim that “if the EU did not exist it would have to be invented”. There is certainly something noble in the bourgeois cosmopolitanism that stands as a historical foundation of the EU. It is extremely doubtful however that the ghost of Kant is enough to redeem the neoliberal logic that pervades the architectonic of the “actually existing EU”. The EU that is said by supporters of “Bremain” to stand as the only protective net for labor and democratic rights is none other than the institutional apparatus which imposes austerity on whole peoples and which consistently promotes laws and policies that attack not just specific labor rights, but subvert the very idea of collective right as a basis for organized labor struggle. The EU may continue to draw its legitimacy from a vision of cosmopolitan democracy as an organic counterpart to market induced prosperity, but it consistently moves closer to a bureaucratic, authoritarian and internally divided imperium.

Equally problematic is the representation of nationalism to be found in much of the modern Left. Nationalism is neither an inexplicable evil affecting the uneducated, nor a barbaric force invading the EU from outside. It is generated by the dynamics and expresses the contradictions of the EU itself. Thus, while it may be a force of subversion, it is immanent to the historical process of European integration. In fact, nationalism not only subverts European completion by leading to fragmentation, but it also augments the solidification of ‘Fortress Europe’.

The contradictions of this process will be played out even more now, in the attempt to manage "Brexit". The EU elite, under the auspices of Germany, may well try to give to the “real” Brexit a punitive dimension, so that no political paradigm will be set. Yet, they will hardly want to instigate a full-scale breakdown of economic and political relations with Britain. Likewise, the national-populist political forces prevailing in the Brexit side –following here their European counterparts, like the National Front in France and the Freedom Party of Austria- seem hardly keen to challenge British capital, or indeed to attempt any serious subtraction of the British economy from its European (much less international) setting. If “Brussels” appear to want or indeed to afford of a punishment that does not really punish, national-populists fantasize over a change that will not change much. Thus, from the tragic showdown of Brexit we have been led to the farcical spectacle of technocrats and politicians who preached doom now saying that there is no cause for worry; of Johnson, Farage et co who preached salvation taking back their promises (indeed, literally taking them down from the online site) or even quitting; of viral videos with regretted voters of Leave; of intentional bureaucratic forestallments; of spreading hopes and mounting suspicions that Brexit may somehow not be implemented.

The crucial point to insist upon here is that the farcical aspects of Brexit do not cancel its seriousness. For as the dust raised by the result settles down, a genuine contradiction appears: if “reclaiming Britain” does not mean protectionism, an organized labor market along national lines, channeling of money-flows into public investment and public institutions, a different set of economic policies (etc.), what “leaving the EU” means? If it is simply a more closed off and xenophobic political structuring of the nation-state, while maintaining key interstate agreements with the EU, how can this bring any real solutions to the multifaceted problems that generate “EU-exit” as a mass desire? On the other hand, if leaving the EU does not have any serious cost on the existing geopolitical and economic configurations, if one can be in the EU without also becoming integral part of it (as the agreement achieved by Cameron had determined) what does it mean to “be in the EU”? If, ultimately, the dominant forces in both camps dance to the rhythms of “the markets” how do we thus assess the meaning of the referendum? If the tragic denotes a conflict between two forms of right or justice, perhaps then, there was no real tragedy staged in the 23rd of June.

It is not a question of proving that the referendum was a “pseudo-dilemma” that will have no consequences. Still, it is something to reflect upon that a referendum took place over an issue –exit of the British state from the EU-, whose implementation no one exactly has worked out, and more fundamentally, who very few want to have far-reaching, thus destabilizing, effects. There may have been political opportunism behind the British referendum, just like there may have been opportunism behind the Greek referendum last year. But, there would be no polarization and mobilization, no mass anxieties and mass fantasies, no elite fears and intense elite negotiations, if it was just that. As a historical product, the referendum of the 23rd expresses much more than political opportunism, much more even than the problem of Britain’s status in the EU. While in its immediacy Brexit is more farcical then tragic, there may still be a dimension of tragedy inscribed into it, which pertains to the referendum’s character as an act of a wider drama: the ‘EU project’.

Whatever other historical lines of meanings it may embody, the EU founded in 1993 is at its most basic the form that the internationalization of capital takes during the "era of neoliberalism" in Europe. In this respect, Brexit is but one expression of the deep crisis of this process, which is also a project carried out by concrete social and political forces. This crisis certainly manifests itself as a series of functional short-circuits in the institutional apparatus of the Union, but it does not mean only “dysfunction”. It is a moment of truth that opens up EU to its political presuppositions and to conflicting political positions that bear different potentials. “We” are certainly not into this “all together” and there was nothing problematic in the division that the referendum brought. The problem was that it divided for the wrong reasons. But, we are not quite as yet caught into an inescapable battle between nationalist fragmentation and European completion. Indeed, it is far from coincidental that national-populists side with the political establishment whenever a popular movement appears to become threatening to order, as it happened recently in France. Stark as their difficulty may be to block austerity or pose a political alternative that is able to operate on the same level of totality as neoliberal governmentality does, we must not underestimate the dynamic of the lines of flight and change opened up by recurring popular movements and uprisings around Europe. It is certainly in their lines that we stand.

The recent demonstration in London, whereby antifa banners flown side by side with EU flags, has verified the contradictions that we are caught into and the inescapable political confusion. The complex dynamic that the crisis of the EU project generates continues to accelerate, creating a rather fluid situation which belongs and adds up to the generalized instability that spreads around the world. In this context, any rounded assessment would be premature. Brexit may have serious long-term consequences, but no referendum ever brings the end of the world and the apocalyptic tone of some Remain supporters should not be taken at face value. It is, for sure, as understandable as its pro-EU sympathies, why the international middle class of educated professionals fears instability and uncertainty. But while not all change is for the best, is there ever any meaningful change that is not accompanied by uncertainty and instability? Given indeed its structure and architectonic, is it possible to conceive of a meaningful reform of the EU in terms of a smooth process, without mass popular insurrections? However that may be, investing too much on the electoral result of Brexit (either positively or negatively) is ill-advised. Given the present configuration of powers, expressed after all in the terms of the debate, Brexit in itself will not bring any cataclysmic change. It will especially not put a direct end to the dominant policies and logic of austerity, either in Britain or in the EU. In the end of the day, however far-reaching effects the result of the referendum may prove to have, the important things are not decided in voting ballots, but in and out of well-guarded and secluded offices, in their corridors and underneath their tables, in the streets outside, in squares, in workplaces, in neighborhoods; in all these places where the real problems of power and justice are being played out.

[Theory, Utopia, Empathy Ephemeral Arts]


CROSSING BRIDGES International Festival / Frankfurt / 31.10.2015

Sa. 31.10.2015

Party and Politics, Participation, 
Intercultural Exchange, Art and Culture

Zentrum Klapperfeld
Klapperfeldstraße 5, 
Frankfurt am Main


ReCreate Public Space *
Open Street Action, Subversive Sounds and Flashmob
Meeting point: Klapperfeld
- Participate ;) -

Temper and movement of an activist
Interactive Body Movement Workshop with Dada Vecerin

Social Revolt and Radical Movements in Greece Now!
Open discussion with members of Void Network from Athens.
Moderation: Tasos Sagris (co-editor of the book "We are an image from the future, the Greek Revolt of 2008"), Sissy Doutsiou (activist, poet, actress) and Yiannis Raouzaios (poet, journalist).

Exhibition and Guided Tour through the former prison Klapperfeld

19:00 and all around:
- VolXküche
- Fireshow in the yard
- The Fantastic Fauns performance by aFairMix
- Alice Project info booth on drugs, culture and change
- Cinema Area / Films & information
including show of:
Let's Not Live Like Slaves 
Film-Documentation by Yannis Youlountas
on Resistance in terms of Self-organization, Solidarity and Autonomy.

OXI - Does No mean No?
Information & open discussion about 
Revolt and Resignation in Greece and other countries 
with activists from Greece and Martin Glasenapp (Blockupy)
Moderation: Dada Vecerin & Wolfgang Sterneck

Faust hoch 3 
Theatre performance by Niklas

Armed Words
Void-Network : Multi Media Poetry Action with Sissy Doutsiou, Tasos Sagris, Yiannis Raouzaios 
Sound by Crystal Zero & Sissy Stardust - Visuals by Void Optical Art Laboratory

Party - Rhythm and Change:
DJs, Live acts, Chills, 
Performances, Visuals:
Sissy Stardust,
Crystal Zero
(Void Network / Athens)
(Crystallin Music / Crete), 
(Erdlichter / Athens), 
Lava 303 Live 
(Crystallin Music / Playground)
Stefan Ludley 
(Psylofant / FfM) 
FlipFlop (FfM) & friends

Visuals by Optikos, 
Global Eye (London Void Network) 
& Void Optical Art Laboratory 

- This event is a collaborative project of a network collective of activists and artists from Germany and Greece. 

More information: 
* * .....

- Refugees Welcome!

- Participate!

- This is a work in progress ;) - We (incl. YOU) all create it together! 

- We ask you to bring a plastic or cloth bag for your jacket/coat/.. to leave it at our guarded cloakroom.
It might be cold outside, but not inside. ;)

- Entry: Free / Solidarity Donation

-The monetary surplus of this event will be used for refugee projects in and around Frankfurt. 

- Info on Klapperfeld:

The former police prison Klapperfeld in the inner-city of Frankfurt am Main was erected in 1886 and throughout its 115 years of existence was exclusively used for the repression and oppression of people.
The initiative 'Faites votre jeu!', which was founded as a autonomous, self-organizing cultural and political initiative, moved into the former prison at the end of April 2009, opening the building to the general public with numerous events, projects and an exhibition gallery. The 'working group history' is part of the initiative and it dedicates its work to a critical political approach to the prison’s past.

.... Crossing Bridges ....

- * -

The night of 31 October in all western lands is celebrated 
as a night where the frontiers between the enforced reality 
and our real desires are abolished. 
This is a night against all kinds of normalities 
where the frozen social roles derive. 

The children become dangerous, 
the poor come out in the streets, 
the rich ones hide themselves terrified under their bed-covers, 
lovers express their uncontrollable sexual passions out in public.

Night of the Dead is also a night of memory 
for all those lost ones, 
all those that left their lives 
without succeeding to materialize their dreams, 
who left their plans unfinished 
and their desires unfulfilled.

Also, it is a long drunken wild late night celebration, 
an awaken night for all those living imprisoned, 
all these living dead buried in deluded needs 
and fake desires. 
This is a night of magic 
where everything we were dreaming of for a long time 
NOW we have to put into practice. 

The days of our apathy and fear are over. 
In the deep darkness you can hear a muffled howl:




VOID NETWORK: 25 YEARS IN SPACE | 1990-2015 / 3 days for all underground cultures / THUR.22- FR.23- SAT. 24.1.2015 / Occupied Theatre Embros

THUR.22 | FR. 23 | SAT. 24 JANUARY 2015

Ελεύθερο Αυτοδιαχειριζόμενο
Ρ. Παλαμήδη 2 Ψυρρή
EMBROS / R.Palamidi 2 Psiris, athens centre

ΕΙΣΟΔΟΣ ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΗ / free entrance

Thur. 22/1
starts: 20.30


Αστικός "εξευγενισμός" και αόρατες περιφράξεις
Εισήγηση: Γεωργία Αλεξανδρή (ανθρωπογεωγράφος)

Open Public Talk: Against the City-Prison
Urban Gentrigication and invisible Enclosures
intro lecture by Georgia Alexandri (anthropogeographer)

starts: 23.00
LET'S sleep together! 
Let's WAKE UP together!
AudioVisual Ambient Experience
All stage One Huge Bed!:
23.00-24.00 THE ESTIA PROJECT 
24.00-01.00  FISHHIMSELF  
01.00-02.00 STEFAN TORTO 
02.00-03.00  EXOSOMATICA  
03.00-04.00 WAR
04.00- late morning

Όλη η σκηνή ένα μεγάλο κρεββάτι! Φέρτε μαζί σας στρώματα, μαξιλάρια, κουβέρτες, sleeping bag και ελάτε να κοιμηθούμε όλοι μαζί υπό την υπόκρουση της πιο γλυκειάς μουσικής και να ξυπνήσουμε όλοι μαζί την άλλη μέρα! Θα υπάρχουν πολλά καλοριφέρ για ζέστα, ψυχεδελικά visual art, αναγνώσεις ποιημάτων και παραμυθιών, ρακόμελο, κρασί και χυμοί για όλους!
FR. 23/1


starts 21.00
10.30-11.00 NERRVES 
11.45-12.30 NO MAN'S LAND 
12.30-01.30 BAZOOKA     
01.30-2.30  FUNDRACAR
02.30-03.00 MYKHTES
03.00-03.45 LOSTINTHE 
03.45-end  OI XAROI 

SAT. 24/1

starts 15.00
15.00-16.30 MRS HCN 

16.30-18.00 DONNIE DUB
18.00-19.00 SELECTA FRED  

19.00-20.00  GHETTO ROCK
20.00-21.00 RANKIN JOHNNY

          +RADICAL GEE
23.00-24.00 INSP-I-RATION 



starts at midnight:

12.00-01.00 IDAHO
01.00-02.00 ISIS  
02.00-03.00 JUNIOR X
03.00-04.30 SIAMvsPACHANOI
04.30-05.30 SAMMY 
05.30-06.30 CRYSTAL ZERO
06.30-07.30 MINDPHASER
07.30-end  UNDERVERSE 
starts at 23.00 

11.00-12.30 SANITY ASSASSIN 
12.30-02.30 CHAOTIC MOON 
           vs RAMAN
02.30-03.30 DUAT
03.30-05.00 ELECTROWARE
05.00-end  GEORGE APERGIS  
ΑLL FESTIVAL Visual Art by


Το Κενό Δίκτυο είναι μια πολιτισμική, θεωρητική και πολιτική συλλογικότητα μη-αμoιβομένων πολιτισμικών ακτιβιστών που εμφανίστηκε στην Αθήνα το 1990 με την επονομασία "Η Ομάδα Στον Τρόμο Του Κενού" με σκοπό την ριζοσπαστικοποίηση της καθημερινής ζωής, την κοινωνική αμφισβήτηση, την ανάδειξη της κριτικής σκέψης, την εκστατική συλλογική συμβίωση και την έκφραση της διαφορετικότητας, την πολύμορφη συμμετοχή στους ευρύτερους χειραφετητικούς / κοινωνικούς αγώνες, την δημιουργία Προσωρινής Αυτόνομης Ζώνης, τη συμμετοχή σε κοινωνικά κέντρα, καταλήψεις και αυτοδιαχειριζόμενους χώρους, την κατασκευή καταστάσεων στον δημόσιο χώρο και την εφήμερη τέχνη. To 1996 καταλαμβάνει ένα μεγάλο κτίριο στην Πειραιώς 81 και δημιουργεί το Κενό Σπίτι 1. Το 1997 αλλάζει το όνομα της ομάδας σε Κενό Δίκτυο επεκτείνοντας την λειτουργία της σε μεγαλύτερο εύρος δραστηριοτήτων. Μετά το 1998 και σαν επακόλουθο των επαφών και των καταστάσεων που ενεργοποιήθηκαν στο εξωτερικό, τα πολιτικά φεστιβάλ, τις παγκόσμιες περιοδείες που διοργανώθηκαν και την συμμετοχή στο ευρύτερο διεθνιστικό / ελευθεριακό / αναρχικό / αυτόνομο κίνημα το Κενό Δίκτυο ενεργοποίησε επαφές και δημιουργικούς πυρήνες σε διάφορες χώρες με ισχυρότερους από αυτούς στις Η.Π.Α., την Αγγλία, το Μεξικό, την Βραζιλία, την Βουλγαρία, την Γερμανία και την Ισπανία.
Συμμετέχει στην διοργάνωση των Αντιαπαγορευτικών Φεστιβάλ Αθήνας.
Τον Ιούνιο του 2005 πήρε μέρος στην δημιουργία του Ελεύθερου Κοινωνικού Χώρου Νοsotros, συμμετείχε στην διοργάνωση των Β-Fest και στις αρχικές συνελεύσεις απελευθέρωσης & υπεράσπισης του Αυτοδιαχειριζόμενου Πάρκου Εξαρχείων. Το 2008 ξεκινούν οι εκδόσεις «Κενότητα». 
Επίσης, το Κενό Δίκτυο συμμετέχει μόνιμα στην πρωτοβουλία διοργάνωσης του Αντιφασιστικού Φεστιβάλ Παραστατικών Τεχνών και στην ανοιχτή εβδομαδιαία συνέλευση της κατάληψης του Ελεύθερου Αυτοδιαχειριζόμενου Θεάτρου Εμπρός.

[Θεωρία, Ουτοπία, Συναίσθηση, Εφήμερες Τέχνες]

με την την ομάδα επικοινωνήστε στο email:


Void Network is a cultural, political and philosophical affinity group that first appeared in 1990 in Athens / Greece with aim the radicalization of every day life, the social question, the arising of critical mind, the ecstatic collective symbiosis, the visibility of diversity, the participation to the emancipatory social struggles of our times and the creation of Utopian Public Environments by non-employed cultural activists. Other aims are the participation and creation of social centers, self-organized autonomus spaces, the construction of situations in Public Space and the Ephemeral Art. Discussions, multi media lectures and poetry shows, open free festivals, multi screen Void Optical Arts Atmospheres (live cross-platform collaborations between visual artists, photographers, poets, lecturers, d.j.s), performances, documentary representations, culture jamming, organization of demonstrations, street parades and public actions, celebrations, concerts, open collaborative workshops of artists, activists, academic scientists and spiritual friends that through dialogue, interaction and synchronized activity can manifest multi formic conditions of open access to creativity, education, free information, open liberated autonomous public zones, meeting places, places of communication, empathy, expression and creation for thousands upon thousands of people.
In 1996 Void Network occupied a huge building in the centre of Athens
and created Void House 1, a half year project that raided by Greek state
After 1998 and through the creation of political global festivals and the participation of Void Network to the emancipatory / anarchist / autonomus "Movement Against the Globalization of Capitalism" the Void Network established contacts and creative cells in U.S.A, U.K., Mexico, Brasil, Germany, Bulgaria, Spain
In June 2015 Void Network participated at the creation of Free Social Space NOSOTROS, a project that still functions. The group is a part of the organizing assembly of yearly BFEST and Athens Million Marijuana March-Festival Against All Prohibitions and All Addictions! and among many different groups and people that created and defended the Occupied Park of Exarchia. In 2008 started the project "Voidness" publications.
Void Network also is a permanent member of the weekly assembly of occupied self-organized theatre Embros in Athens and the organizing assembly of the AntiFascist Festival of Performing Arts.
contact with the group and participation:

more info and timelines to be announced soon


International Film Poetry Festival 2014 Friday 28/11/2014 starts 20.00 Occupied theatre EMBROS Athens Greece

International  Film
Poetry Festival 2014

Friday 28/11/2014
starts 20.00

Occupied theatre
R.Palimidou 2 Psiri.
athens. greece

Video artists:

D.H Dugas FR | M. Dickes USA | D. Wotton FR
M. Piatek POL | J. Solomko UKR | I. Shevchenko UKR
S. Wiegner GER. |
J. Brok & A.Marseille HOL 
T. Bentley UK | Visto Desde el Zaguán IRE
K. Polischuk UKR | MAI ΙT | Κ. Καρβέλη GR
A. Anderfuren HUNG | Γ.Πατεράκης GR | S. San GER
V. LeBlanc UK | E.Tsymbalyuk UKR | E.Στάμου GR
M. Craven AUSTR | P. Gialis GR | L. Kalyadin RUS
N.Κωστόπουλος GR | M. Mullins USA
T. Granot ISR | Orquesta de Poetas SP
E. Al-Ansari UK | D. Dirgela LTH |V. Giourousis USA
P. Müller GER | M. Lland UK | Bobye FR
K. Sargent UK | D. Fiori & O. Pohankova AUS
I. Andreevski HOL | Θ. Σπυριδάκη GR | G. Pryor USA
Didi SUD | E. Vinogradova UKR | Θ. Πάνου GR
Aγγ. Φραντζής, Ν. Πάστρας GR | S. Brova, P. Lypa RUM
J. D. Scott USA | I. Oravin FNL | S. Samyi GER |G. Sibilska POL
Σ. Κουφού GR | Ί. Μόσχου GR | Κ. Κυριακίδης GR
Σ.Βρυώνης GR| Κ.Καπουλέα GR | Rrose Present SP


Whitney Sparks (USA) |  Iωάννα Λιούτσια

Live Concerts:




Μulti Media Poetry Show:

T. Σαγρής | Σ. Δουτσίου | Γ. Ραουζαίος |  
Ο. Μπατάκης | Κ. Ζησάκη

Fr. Avenbach | Στ. Καλογήρου |  
I. Γαϊτανάρου | MattaBee

Πηνελόπη Δ. + TripmakerYoung |  
Δ. Αναλυτής | Xρ. Συριοπούλου


Junior X  .  War

Visual Art: 
 Void Optical Art Laboratory

 Produced by


The yearly International Film Poetry Festival will be held for third time in Greece on Friday 28/11/2014 2014 in Athens. Approximately 1000 people attended the festival last year.

There will be two different zones of the festival. The first zone will include video poems, visual poems, short film poems and cinematic poetry by artists from all over the world (America, Asia, Europe, Africa). The second zone will include cross-platform collaborations of sound producers and music groups with poets and visual artists in live improvisations.

The International Film Poetry Festival 2014 attempts to create an open public space for the creative expression of all tendencies and streams of contemporary visual poetry.

It is very important to notice that this festival is a part of the counter-culture activities of Void Network and + the Institute [for Experimental Arts] and will be non-sponsored, free entrance, non commercial and non profit event. The festival will cover the costs (2000 posters, 15.000 flyers, high quality technical equipment e.t.c.) from the incomes of the bar of the festival.

All the participating artists and the organizing groups will participate voluntary to the festival.

Void Network started organizing multi media poetry nights in 1990. Void Network and +the Institute [for Experimental Arts] believe that multi media Poetry Nights and Video Poetry shows can vibrate in the heart of Metropolis, bring new audiences in contact with contemporary poetry and open new creative dimensions for this ancient art. To achieve this, we respect the aspirations and the objectives of the artists, create high quality self organized exhibition areas and show rooms, we work with professional technicians and we offer meeting points and fields of expression for artists and people  that tend to stand antagonistically to the mainstream culture.

International Film Poetry Festival 2013 photos:

You can look here for some photos of previous poetry nights 

organized by Void Network and + the Institute [for Experimental Arts]:

for more photos from Void Network art, events and actions :     
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