
Big D on Twitter by unknownusername77 in Superstonk

[–]SirGallahadnt 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Wrong Dave, wrong. There’s been no risk SO FAR. The times, they are a changing

Tokyo Ghoul Inspired AI Art- Jotaro And Dio by BananaNutt3 in StardustCrusaders

[–]SirGallahadnt 2 points3 points  (0 children)

What AI? Looks like it’s been painted by hand on paper

They had to redefine “recession” because they still need to time to prepare for MOASS. by Sharp_Significance44 in Superstonk

[–]SirGallahadnt 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Our chairman RC said it himself “to hell with the left and right, stop dividing the people”

IBKR had now disabled the DRS function on their site. you cant DRS until July 26... is this okay???? there are still a few days left before 18th. by CptnBarbosa69 in Superstonk

[–]SirGallahadnt 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Wrong, they do do limit sell orders. If I recall correctly apes have tested out the selling mechanism on other DRS’d stock and it’s done in minutes online

We signed up for this. Uncharted territory, folks. Ultimately, I think the DTCC will be left deciding how to handle the dividend after Computershare does their part. by floodmayhem in Superstonk

[–]SirGallahadnt 6 points7 points  (0 children)

No. You’ll often hear claims like “that’s demonstrating this isn’t a free market.” And this is true.

What this actually means is that it’s telling GameStop that hey, we know you’ve worked your butt off to make your company the biggest it can possibly be- but we’ve just decided to cap your company’s growth and there’s nothing you can do about it.

$5000 seems like a lot right now, but it would put GS at a similar marketcap to something like NVIDIA. I have invested in this company to get the absolute best possible return on investment, and I reckon GameStop organically can do better than what NVIDIA is now, in 5 years or so.

Stock Split Dividend for dummies by Gisslan in Superstonk

[–]SirGallahadnt 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Read the part of my comment talking about the consequences of “magicking” in more shares.

Also in order for lenders to receive this share dividend, they’d have to recall their shares from the entities they’ve loaned them out to. What do you think happens to the short positions when the shares they’ve borrowed are taken away? 100% utilisation for many days likely suggests they desperately need those shares.

Stock Split Dividend for dummies by Gisslan in Superstonk

[–]SirGallahadnt 91 points92 points  (0 children)

You’ve completely neglected the possibility of synthetic “phantom” shares.

Sure, if naked shorting wasn’t factored in, and everything is as should be, then you may be right.

Whenever a company issues a dividend, short sellers are responsible for paying that dividend out of their own pockets.

Moreover, GameStop will only issue the correct number of shares to distribute. IF there are more shares out there than should exist, it falls to Cede & Co/brokers to scramble to provide the shares to all of those holders who are not DRS’d. And how else would they provide these shares other than to buy them off the exchange (driving the price up). Your argument of “they could just generate more fake shares” would be crime as clear as day to the public and the final spit in the face GameStop would need to withdraw their shares from the DTCC and end this mockery of a stock market.

Either way, to me, hedgies r fuk and imma continue to buy, HODL and DRS.

(None of this constitutes financial advice.)

I can't believe y'all are getting distracted and divided this easily. by llamacornsarereal in Superstonk

[–]SirGallahadnt -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Occam’s razor- simplest explanation (as was the prevailing sentiment on this sub when the news first broke)- I personally just think it was a way for RC to make money without selling any GME shares.

Serious Concerns & Updates Regarding DRSGME.org by goldielips in Superstonk

[–]SirGallahadnt 55 points56 points  (0 children)

This mod team fucks.

I hope the people surrounding the DRSGME project take these points on board, and hopefully use it to improve their approach, rather than feeling offended and discredited.

I’m working on a GME Countdown website!! (v2, comment bugs or ideas) by Rockets2TheMoon in Superstonk

[–]SirGallahadnt 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Do you think you could add a live “share countdown” for how many shares are left? So we can see when it hits zero?

Apes are everywhere (from TFT by Riot Games!!) 🚀 by SirGallahadnt in Superstonk

[–]SirGallahadnt[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

No, it’s in the new set of Teamfight Tactics! (I think it’s one of the items from a trait- shimmerscale!)

Casually painting the fed reserve in flames, while standing in front of the federal reserve. After Covid-19 pandemic during the great reset and before the epic crash if 22’ by FalconTop3978 in interestingasfuck

[–]SirGallahadnt 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Kind of crazy how a private entity (beyond the reach of even the White House) are allowed to print money. By printing more money, and clumping most of it for the rich and powerful, aren’t they effectively making everyone else poorer?

Not to mention the Fed insiders apparently sold their stocks at the peak of the market.

Can we just ban politicians from being able to buy and sell individual stock? They should only be allowed to buy index funds that track the entire market for their country. Watch them magically drive their efforts to benefit the whole US economy when their own money grows with it

Man arrested for stealing sausage rolls killed himself after police labelled him a paedophile by KevinPhillipsD in news

[–]SirGallahadnt 0 points1 point  (0 children)

All for the insatiable greed and the desire for constant economic growth. Remember when a single working parent could provide for a family of 4 in a 4 bedroom house? The resources are there, it’s about how we distribute them.

It’s completely unsustainable.

Billionaire Peterffy, founder of Interactive Brokers states "If the short squeeze happens, the stock could go to infinity" (clip starts mid video) by mtgac in Superstonk

[–]SirGallahadnt 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Correct me if I’m wrong but just because the limit sell is capped at 210k on Computershare, if the price is trading above that- the limit order will execute at the current best possible price.

[deleted by user] by [deleted] in Superstonk

[–]SirGallahadnt 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Doesn’t the loopring wallet have it’s own unique wallet address tho? Not sure what’d happen for those that have both

CPI 8.6% by sparttann in Superstonk

[–]SirGallahadnt 2 points3 points  (0 children)

They also use basket goods, so they base these off the price of the cheapest off-brand stuff. When you and I think of Cola we usually buy Coca Cola. The price of Coca Cola could go up 25% or the like, but if the price of the off brand cola goes up 6%, they report the price of cola as up by 6%.