
Does DRSbot think there are 22m shares registered now? by shonzi in GME

[–]No_Progress_7706 2 points3 points  (0 children)

DRS bot with the trimmed average has been and will likely continue to be our most accurate indicator regarding real time registered shares. It is currently showing 10.5mil.

This sounds a bit high because it includes an outrageous 161 average regestered shares per person. (It was 71 at the last earnings report.)

Nevertheless, this is our most accurate indicator to date- not the Reddit Scraper

What 130,000 purple rings actually looks like by Bepler in Superstonk

[–]No_Progress_7706 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Just 130k.. Just those of us that have registered shares.

This is so cool. Guys, if you haven't yet, zoom in of this. This is such a cool creation!!

u/Bepler, is this literally 130k purple circles or just an estimate?

Checkmate by -einfachman- in Superstonk

[–]No_Progress_7706 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Will be digging into this later today- thank you for your efforts OP!

Computershare VS Broker by Scuba_Steve_7_7_7 in GME

[–]No_Progress_7706 0 points1 point  (0 children)

u/millertime1216 In my opinion, if we never lock the float, this will be why.

We may see more insider buys this week after the stock dividend announcement by jab136 in Superstonk

[–]No_Progress_7706 12 points13 points  (0 children)

The only thing I question about your theory is when we can expect share lenders to start recalling their shares. I’m not sure that they can wait until the last possible second because last time around, the record date was announced AFTER it had already passed. Therefore, they won’t know when they need to have their shares back until after the day they would’ve needed them.

Or am I misremembering how it went during the voting?

Citadel Faces Potential Default on Russian Tech Company Yandex NV by thepwnguin in Superstonk

[–]No_Progress_7706 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I didn’t have the chance to read that article. Didn’t really feel like seeking it out tbh, but that seems relevant. Is it available online?

Yeah… sure will…. by Kevizzle12 in Superstonk

[–]No_Progress_7706 303 points304 points  (0 children)

I stopped being honest with my family about my position as soon as I hit XXX😂

| $GME Daily Discussion | New to the sub? Start here! by AutoModerator in Superstonk

[–]No_Progress_7706 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I still don't see why NFT's are a necessary part of this process. What does the smart contract accomplish?

| $GME Daily Discussion | New to the sub? Start here! by AutoModerator in Superstonk

[–]No_Progress_7706 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You should be able to do that already though. I mean, you can sell digital assets in game (like FIFA, for example)

| $GME Daily Discussion | New to the sub? Start here! by AutoModerator in Superstonk

[–]No_Progress_7706 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Alright guys, I have a question and I'm not really sure where to go with it but hopefully someone browsing through this thread can help me out.

How do I explain the value of NFTs in gaming to those who don’t see the value in digital ownership? The most common argument is that NFTs in gaming are unnecessary.

Scared to DRS Shares by tywall21 in unusual_whales

[–]No_Progress_7706 2 points3 points  (0 children)

To add to that, you really don’t have to worry about time in transition. It only takes a few business days. I’ve never had to wait more than 3, personally.

All credit to U/zirdc. Posting again for visibility. by Candid_Abalone in Superstonk

[–]No_Progress_7706 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Oh nice. I've used the chat feature in the past but this seems even easier! Good stuff, OP