
Seems like a good case for more guns by RagTag9899 in conspiracy

[–]CannadaFarmGuy 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Probably less than when they let the bad guy with a gun go on for hours before they intervene?

France court: Cows "not favourable for the climate" by nedimko_sa in conspiracy

[–]CannadaFarmGuy 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Woh woh woh who turned on the braincells here? Pipe down Reddit is gonna go after you.

In all seriousiness, they really don't want people to figure this one out.

US action on short-sellers likely in 'next few months' -DOJ official by alilmagpie in Superstonk

[–]CannadaFarmGuy 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Big big oof.

Someones getting a slap on the wrist in a few months.

Clean it up and youll get off scot free is what Im reading here

$GME Daily Directory | New? Start Here! | Discussion, DRS Guide, DD Library, Monthly Forum, and FAQs by AutoModerator in Superstonk

[–]CannadaFarmGuy -12 points-11 points  (0 children)

Why are there so many lefthanded regards on here? or is it just bots? you are partaking in the markets, the pinnacle of capitalism. get real you virtuous regards. not everyone has to be 100% in agreement with you at all times. hurt your feels? dont matter, still drsing.

Ryan Cohen on Twitter: Companies should stay out of the business of taking a position on social issues. by Kaarothh in Superstonk

[–]CannadaFarmGuy -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

See, people existing and having items marketed to them is somehow labelled as propaganda or as pushing an agenda by you

not the same, marketing vs religious arguement. 2 completely different things.

And yes, young minds are very, very easy to influence. why do you think cults target the young? reglions, target the young. the government, targets the young through schools. marketing teams, target the young (see cereal box colors and height of displays, mcdonalds etc.)

Denying this very simple and basically universally known fact is a profond lack of knowledge and critical thinking on your part.

Did I state they turn you gay? Nope.

I wasn't talking only about simple rainbow shirts. I'm more along the lines of talking about the month of virtue signaling coming up in a couple of days.

Businesses that want to play that game can and will do it. And the people can and will do what they want. The fact that you don't get it, that's fine. That doesn't make you better than others. The others aren't dumb if you don't understand it. And your virtue signaling doesn't get you a higher rank in life.

Your painting me with a nice paintbrush full of prejudice, haven't even taking the time to fully question and answer, pull out the bs attacks to try and get a the highground where you feel you've won an argument online.

Good job there bud. Keep smacking others down, it might make you feel taller, but you aren't growing, your just making others crouch.

💻🐍 Market Maker Signals 2023-05-24 🐍💻 by mlebjerg in Superstonk

[–]CannadaFarmGuy 0 points1 point  (0 children)

are you able to see the intervals?

preset timed intervals, windows etc. could be a way

preset pattern of exchanges

just some quick thoughts

💻🐍 Market Maker Signals 2023-05-24 🐍💻 by mlebjerg in Superstonk

[–]CannadaFarmGuy 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Can I theorically start setting buys in lots of 700's thru iex and fuck with them?

Ryan Cohen on Twitter: Companies should stay out of the business of taking a position on social issues. by Kaarothh in Superstonk

[–]CannadaFarmGuy -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

am not mad. dont want the propaganda when I go shopping is all. if you dont want to shop there because they dont push the agenda you are allowed, just as those who dont shop there when they do. thats the beauty of capitalism.

it really is , that plain and simple

Ryan Cohen on Twitter: Companies should stay out of the business of taking a position on social issues. by Kaarothh in Superstonk

[–]CannadaFarmGuy -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

No. Shoving it down peoples throats is being "woke". Like the vegans who go demonstrate and film themselves yelling at restaurant owners.

There are normal people out there who are vegan.

Just like you dont have to be pro blm to be against racism.

Live and let live. Stop shoving your shit down other peoples throats. Get over yourselves.

If the US defaults on it’s debt, will I be able to buy a house? by freebird348 in wallstreetbets

[–]CannadaFarmGuy 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Hijacking up here to state Fednow starts june 1st, and panic/market turmoil is a great way to force a "solution" onto the people.

If the US defaults on it’s debt, will I be able to buy a house? by freebird348 in wallstreetbets

[–]CannadaFarmGuy 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Fednow , june 1st..

Debt ceiling, june 1st..

Seems they already have the solution in place, the need for panic is to execute the plan.