

The Rules of r/Superstonk

We want this to be a fun and healthy environment for everyone! Follow the rules and report posts or comments before you message the moderators. We believe the moderators are here to serve the community, so with that in mind; We encourage you to speak up if you believe that a rule should be added, changed, or is otherwise unrepresentative of this community's ideals. Please, do not hesitate to voice these concerns if they arise.


1. Be Nice or Else

Always treat each other with courtesy and respect.

  • Do not be rude.

  • Do not Insult others. Constructive criticism is appropriate and encouraged.

  • Do not call out users in order to harass, attack, bully, or threaten.

This rule keeps the overall civility of the community high and makes it better for all of us.

We have a zero-tolerance for breaking of this rule.

Expanded Rule


2. Posts and comments must be relevant to GME

Topics, titles and contents must be directly related to GME, GameStop or market mechanics.

Tangentially-related topics must explicitly state how they relate to GME. See the Rules Wiki for post requirements and expectations.

Please link your sources!

Improper content includes, but is not limited to: other companies/stocks, politics, religion, NSFW content, and upvote fishing.

Expanded Rule


3. No Brigading

Under NO circumstances, will brigading be tolerated on this subreddit or any other. Individuals who are discovered to be participating in this, risk being permanently banned for this reason.

Brigading includes: organized voting on other subs, harassing other subs, using r/Superstonk to defame other subs, posting screenshots from other subs

Additionally, Reddit Admins have placed an irremovable code into our automod that prevents linking other subs entirely.

Community Posts regarding this rule:

Check out the list of Automod whitelisted subreddits.


4. Reddit Screenshots cannot have Usernames, Avatars, and/or Subreddit names visible

Please make sure you can't see any Reddit Usernames, Snoos (Avatars), or Subreddit names.

If it's a screenshot from our Subreddit, you may link to the original comment to give the user credit.


5. No Meta Content

Reddit Meta: No content allowed negatively discussing or calling out Reddit users, moderators, or other subreddits.

Superstonk Meta: Content dedicated to discussing Superstonk should be directed to the monthly Open Forum, or in any post with the flair "Community Post".

If you have a request/question/suggestion/anything you'd like to bring to the Mod Team's attention, please send us a Modmail.

Community Posts regarding this rule:


6. Back Up Claims With Sources

Our biggest strength is our ability to crowd-source information. For the Integrity of the sub, and in order to rule out Misinformation or FUD, please cite your sources when making claims.

Making any Call-to-Action posts or comments without verifiable sources is not allowed.

Speculation is allowed under the Speculation/Opinion flair.

We all love a good "trust me bro" moment, and those will always be allowed, and of course people are allowed to be wrong about things (we're all learning together), but let's get in the habit of backing up what we're saying with some data.

If you see someone making a claim, look for their source. Judge their source and their claims, not the person.

If someone is wrong, and you can help them out, do it!

If someone seems to be spreading misinformation intentionally, report them using this report reason: Back Up Claims with Sources.

If you research their history and things don't seem right, send us a modmail or use this report reason.

Community Posts regarding this rule:


7. Karma/Account Age Requirements

Automod limitations are 240 days / 4800 karma for posts and 120 days / 1200 karma for comments. If you do not meet these requirements, it will be removed. Award karma is excluded. If removed, you'll receive a message with specifics. Report errors as "Automod fail." Please note that moderators may approve posts removed by Automod at their discretion as it's an anti-shill/spam/troll tool, not the oppressor of apes.

Approved Users will bypass the karma and age restrictions imposed by automod, but must still comply with other automod rules. Thank you for understanding.

More info here


8. No Mass-Shared Content

This rule is to be used at the mods' discretion to remove excessive repeats of already-shared content. Moderators may "Spam" these for expediency. i.e. @RoaringKitty tweets, and 20+ people post a screenshot of it. Moderators could remove some of these to declutter the subreddit feed.

This rule may apply to excessive Opinion posts, such as popular but unverified theories. This isn't to limit free speech, but to limit speculative posts so as to not drown out properly-researched DD posts.


9. No Organizing or Market Manipulation

Any attempts to organize or manipulate our members into potentially ILLEGAL market manipulation will not be tolerated. Posts and comments that appear to violate this will be removed. Please do your own research on what Market Manipulation entails and keep yourself out of trouble.


10. No Self-Monetization Allowed

All posts and comments attempting to use Superstonk or its users for personal or financial gain will be removed.Links to monetized Discords, chatrooms, and YouTube, etc, as well as sites & stores like Etsy, Telegram, etc are not allowed on Superstonk

(Alternative: Put them on your Reddit user profiles).

If you're posting a video from Youtube and it has a JOIN button, it will be removed.


11. DRS Positions & Buy Orders only, No Gain/Loss Porn

Full positions can be posted if they are directly registered in your name. Any positions from “street name” brokerages will -be removed.

Buy orders (including through brokerages such as Fidelity and TDA) can be posted. (If using a brokerage, do NOT show your full position or account number).

Do not post screenshots or details of your gains or losses. (ie. Exited positions displaying gains or losses from sale) These posts will be removed indiscriminately.


12. Post Flairs reserved for Weekends

Marketplace Creator

You must be a verified Gamestop Marketplace creator to use this flair.

Please message the moderators for more details regarding these posts.

NFT Giveaway

NFT cannot be improper content.

Do not ask for money, crypto, or for people to fill out a form.

Do not ask anyone to follow, like or retweet things on Twitter.

It's okay for artists to request royalties (coded into the NFT - indicates revenue from future sales that will be routed back to the creator, maximum of 10%).

How to create NFTs using Loopring

Safety Tips

Do not click on ANY links that anyone messages you privately that ask you for your wallet information - EVER!

Never give out your seed phrase! EVER!

Never give out your wallet password - EVER!

*for additional crypto wallet safety, consider a hardware wallet, like a Ledger.

How to use NFTBot

Community Posts regarding this rule:


13. Help Us Help You

If you see something, say something. Report users, posts, and comments that seem alarming. For those unaware, we mods mostly do our job through Mod Mail and Reports. Mod Mail is in the Moderators box on desktop and in the About menu (as a little mail icon) on mobile.


Additionally, moderators are expected to supply a reason for removal, but are allowed to mark Spam for repeat posts that clearly break the rules.

We thank those of you who follow these rules! You are helping cultivate a healthy, safe community that is inclusive to all.

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revision by FluffyTrexHentai— view source