Fit celebrities whose political views you could probably overlook

MANY celebrities have tediously earnest political views that would be off-putting in someone less attractive. Here are some whose ramblings you could probably live with.

Tories genuinely think you've been blown away

THE Conservative party actually believes that you are overwhelmed by their generosity in yesterday’s budget.

Netflix to start playing next episode before one you're watching has finished

NETFLIX has announced plans to autoplay the next episode of every show before the current one has finished in a bid to keep viewers binge-watching.

'We've tried that one' and other things your parents shouldn't say during TV sex scenes

YOU were enjoying a new TV drama with your mum and dad but suddenly it’s turned into hardcore porn. Here’s what you definitely don’t want to hear from their sofa. 

The swimming pool changing room, and other agonising places to bump into an acquaintance
MET someone you sort of know while wearing a scrap of wet lycra and nothing else? You’ll hate seeing them in these other places too.
Covid inquiry to look into your lockdown wanking next

THE Covid inquiry will turn its attention to your self-love habit during lockdown next, it has announced.

What trite and obvious political point is your Banksy print making?

AN unearthed interview seems to confirm that Banksy is Bristol-based artist Robin Gunningham. But if you’re got one of his undemanding artworks on your wall, what does it mean?

Yeah, it's the National Insurance that's f**king killing us, everyone agrees

BRITAIN has agreed that between inflation, rent, mortgage rates and taxes, National Insurance was definitely the problem in need of urgent attention.

Nation's dads to hold headlight-lit vigil for Top Gear

BRITAIN'S dads will be gathering silently in their cars and switching on their headlights in honour of Top Gear, they have confirmed.

Six people who are far, far too into Christmas already

HATING Christmas is going too far, even this early, but loving it as much as these psychopaths do comes close to pushing you over the line.

Successful person admits lack of working-class backstory

A SUCCESSFUL entrepreneur has confessed that she neither has a working-class background or is prepared to make one up.

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'Eight Labour frontbenchers?! Okay, withdraw the troops,' says Israel

ISRAEL has confirmed it is declaring a ceasefire in Gaza after learning no less than eight Labour frontbenchers voted for one.

Bad news! We're keeping the £140 million, says Rwanda

RWANDA has sympathised with the UK about its unlawful deportation plan and confirmed it will be keeping the money.

Dear Suella, you were shite, love Rishi

FOLLOWING Suella Braverman’s blistering resignation letter to Rishi Sunak, the prime minister has written back. His letter is below.

'Nobody else knew where abroad was': six reasons why it had to be Cameron

DAVID Cameron has been appointed foreign secretary in an act of sheer desperation. Here’s why Sunak had no other choice.

Check out my OnlyFans page. By Thérèse Coffey

NO longer a cabinet minister and with a majority of a mere 20,000, I have been forced to seek alternative sources of income. Pay me for these.

Sunak 'a typical bloody ungrateful immigrant', says Braverman

RISHI Sunak’s weak leadership is absolutely bloody typical of migrants who come over here and think they can run the bloody place, Suella Braverman has said.

Teen thinks wildly popular band from 20 years ago is underground and alternative
A TEENAGER believes his fandom of a band that was hugely popular two decades ago makes him cool and alternative.


Man horrified to learn from bathroom cubicle wall that his mother 'gobbles knobs'

A MAN has been appalled to learn from some graffiti in a pub bathroom that his mum gobbles knobs, it has emerged.

Buying expensive paintings of tits: six smug middle-class ways to smash the patriarchy

JUST because you have money and no real desire for radical change it doesn’t mean you can’t be part of the sisterhood. Take on gender inequality in these ultimately meaningless ways.

TV show basis for conversation, girlfriend believes

A GIRLFRIEND is confident that TV programmes only provide the basis for a long ongoing conversation while they continue in the background.

'They should teach kids about tax at school,' says man who would have spent whole lesson drawing dicks

A MAN who spent his school days drawing penises on textbooks believes children would benefit from being taught about Britain's tax system.

Woman not going out until March

A WOMAN has confirmed that she is not leaving her home until March and that nothing and nobody can stop her.

Woman wearing bold lipstick sacrifices drinking fluids

A WOMAN wearing a brightly-coloured lipstick has given up drinking fluids so as not to ruin it, it has emerged.

Sarah Ferguson, and other 80s wanks you're keeping quiet about
DID Fergie’s appearance on This Morning bring back unpleasant memories of mentally ploughing the same furrow as Andy back in 1986? Keep these passions hidden.


Local death yields excellent haul at charity shop

THE unfortunate death of a local resident has provided a charity shop with an excellent selection of secondhand books, clothes and records, it has emerged.

New fake nails render girlfriend unable to perform simplest task

A WOMAN has nails so long that she is completely reliant on her boyfriend to perform everyday tasks for her.

Tourists think going clubbing in central London will be fun

A GROUP of Americans visiting London for the first time believe nightclubs in central London will be hip and fun.

'I tried my first pumpkin spice latte aged 80. Now I'm wearing Uggs, listening to Taylor Swift and I've got a man bun'

‘WHAT harm can it do?’ I asked myself. ‘It’s just a drink.’ If I knew then what I know now, I would never have taken that first fatal sip.

The teacher who left had a nervous breakdown, and other bullshit myths you believed at school

IF all the rumours you swallowed at school were true you'd have been living through the greatest soap opera ever. But they were all bollocks, like these.

Gorgeous, pert 25-year-old with perfect skin vows to embrace ageing naturally

A BEAUTIFUL 25-year-old without a hint of wrinkle or sag has decided that she will age gracefully, with no cosmetic intervention.

'Sorry I lost the house gambling, here's some flowers from the garage' say Tories
THE Conservative party has apologised for losing the house in a series of ill-advised bets by presenting Britain with a bunch of flowers from the all-night garage.


Let Saudi Arabia win the f**king World Cup as well if you want, shrugs football

FOOTBALL fans have suggested that, since Saudi Arabia is going to host the World Cup in 2034, why not let the murdering pricks win the f**ker as well.

Shattered nation finding what comfort it can in Manchester United defeat

A COUNTRY beset by horrifying news on every front is trying to wrap itself in the warm glow of Manchester United being beaten three-nil by City.

Female football fan shamelessly sexist about women's football

A FEMALE football fan has openly poured scorn on women’s football in a manner that is extremely offensive to women.

England reach semi-final, but in rugby

THE England team are in a World Cup semi-final, but sadly only in the game of rugby.

Wembley arch f**ked either way

THE Wembley arch would be facing a monumental backlash no matter what colour the lights are, it has emerged.

Bernie Ecclestone actually six foot six

FORMULA One boss Bernie Ecclestone has admitted to lifelong fraud and that he is actually six feet six inches tall.

'Why are you in a mood with me?' woman asks traffic warden giving her ticket
A WOMAN has demanded the traffic warden writing her a parking ticket explain why he thinks it is okay to treat her like this.

Science & Technology

'It was closed' and other incredibly helpful online reviews morons leave

CHECKING online reviews is a minefield of idiots, pricks with a vendetta, and people who are incapable of spelling anything longer than two letters. Like these.

Pensioners at computer literacy class all keen to spread bigotry online

ALL attendees at a computer literacy class for the over-70s are learning to use the internet so they can share their prejudices with the world.

Texting with one finger the correct way, scientists confirm 

EXPERTS agree with your mum that jabbing the screen with a single finger is the most effective method of text messaging.

Hipster teen has growing collection of obsolete MP3s 

A TEENAGE boy believes he is  the coolest person in his university halls thanks to his arsenal of outdated digital downloads.

WhatsApp archive graveyard of lost loves and friendships

WhatsApp archives are graveyards filled with lost loves, abandoned friendships and failed career opportunities, it has emerged.

Six technological innovations teenagers think of as old people shit

TECHNOLOGY evolves so fast that even recent innovations look ancient. And as far as Zoomers are concerned, these belong strictly to pensioners.

Wim Hof's tips for surviving when your dad refuses to put the heating on
ICE-LOVING Dutchman Wim Hof has survived the coldest locations on Earth, but could he last a winter in a draughty house in Hounslow with a cheapskate dad?

Arts & Entertainment

André 3000’s album of flute solos, and other self-indulgent musical returns by artists who were once good

THE Outkast star is back with a head-scratching 90-minute instrumental woodwind album. Here are some other artists who have returned with truly dreadful music.

Woman watching The Crown hoping nothing bad happens to her favourite character

A WOMAN who has become very attached to Elizabeth Debicki’s character in The Crown hopes nothing bad happens to her this season.

Foreign cane toads are replacing our indigenous celebrity culture. By Nigel Farage

I’VE noticed a disturbing trend here in the I’m A Celebrity camp. Cane toads are coming here in their millions, replacing traditional British culture with their alien amphibian ways.

Aspiring GB News presenter disappointed she will first have to intern as Cabinet minister

AN Oxford graduate hoping to present on GB News is disappointed to learn she will first have to perform an entry-level role as a Cabinet minister.

November Rain: six seasonal songs written in the vague hope of annual royalties

BEING a musician isn't all about learning chords and being able to sing. You also need to find untapped lucrative seasonal events to rinse, like these.

Doctor Who not for children but developmentally delayed adults, says showrunner

RUSSELL T Davies has confirmed that his upcoming series of Doctor Who is not for children but for adults who, for complex reasons, are unable to enjoy proper television.

We choose candidates based on their Religious Studies GCSE grade, admit employers
EMPLOYERS have confirmed they only consider giving the top roles to candidates with top grades in their religious studies GCSEs.


How to escape from a crappy little gift shop selling overpriced shite without buying anything

WANDERED into a curious little shop only to realise it sells nothing worth buying, you’re alone and the proprietor is staring at you? Here’s how to politely free yourself.

Government aiming to end north-south travel by 2025 by renewing Avanti's rail contract

THE government has confirmed that it will make it impossible to travel between the north and south of the UK by totally f**king up the railways.

Failing American candy shop wishes it was money-laundering front

THE proprietor of a struggling American candy business only wishes money-laundering criminal syndicates were interested in his business.

'I am a successful businessman staying in a five-star hotel, and I'm f**king having Coco Pops for breakfast'

WHEN staying alone in a hotel, a man powering through a five-figure deal must seize the opportunity for the breakfast of champions. Coco Pops.

Should you sext someone who just wanted a ham and mushroom pizza? A guide for arseholes

A THIRD of 18 to 34-year-olds have been inappropriately texted by staff at takeaways or delivering parcels. Here’s a handy checklist to read before sending customers a picture of your cock.

How to completely f**k up a company's branding. By Elon Musk

GOT a website with internationally-known and instantly recognisable branding? Here visionary tech bro Elon Musk explains how to f**k it up for no reason.

Next Bushtucker trial to trap Farage in Schengen Area
AN upcoming Bushtucker trial will force Nigel Farage to endure confinement in a free-movement agreement between 27 Eurozone countries.


Get back in the office or you're fired and fill in your satisfaction survey positively: five contradictory statements from human resources

HUMAN resources want to fully exploit their humans as a resource and for them to be happy about it. These are the contradictory messages you will get this week.

Getting reprimanded politely the worst, employees confirm

BEING told off in a constructive and professional manner by a manager who only wants to help is far worse than a red-faced bollocking, workers have agreed.

Lanyard powerless outside corporate realm

A CORPORATE worker is beginning to realise that her lanyard wields no power in the outside world.

Have you considered becoming a barrister, mum asks middle-aged son

A WOMAN has asked her middle-aged son if he has considered becoming a barrister, with cancer research scientist or Oxford professor as back-up options.

Orchestra conductor and other jobs that look piss-easy but are, in actual fact, even easier

WAVING a baton about looks easy, doesn’t it? And you’re right, it is. Here are some jobs that are, quite frankly, taking the piss.

Man on the dole way ahead of AI

AN unemployed man is way ahead of warnings that AI will end traditional paid work, he feels.

Why we should have tax cuts that benefit me personally and nobody else, by a whole bunch of twats
TOMORROW’S budget statement is rumoured to contain tax cuts, but will they save you money or are they politicised bullshit? A group of twats give their views.


Doncaster celebrates 20 years of wine

DONCASTER is marking the 20th anniversary of wine being introduced to the city’s pubs, shops and supermarkets.

British women best at being pissed

BRITISH women have triumphed against their gutless continental counterparts in the global race to be the best binge-drinkers.  

Hungover woman determined to make everyone suffer for it

A WOMAN who drank two bottles of red wine last night is determined to share her pain with everyone around her, it has emerged.

You've been drinking body shots off strippers WRONG your whole life

EVERYONE likes to slurp up a shot of tequila from a stripper’s belly button, but did you know you’ve been doing it wrong your whole life?

American treated to traditional British Halloween of getting shitfaced in regular clothes

A GUEST from the US is enjoying a British celebration of Halloween without all the sobriety and costumed nonsense he’s used to.

London Zoo, British Museum: Six places where it's inappropriate, but possible, to get drunk

GETTING pissed in the pub is beginner shit. Advanced drinkers should head to these places where it's weird to get half-cut, but still possible.

Colleague's tits suddenly bigger
A WOMAN who has been absent on medical leave has return to the office with, to her co-workers’ surprise, significantly larger breasts.