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"Remembering Bronwyn Bishop"


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Blogger Firesnake said...

Unfortunately, we don't have to remember. Dr. Reece who had images of Sodom and Gomorrah - "you can see the sulfur balls Madam Chair" - and the highly technical "picture of a tree with snakes for branches", to predict the result of methadone, NSP's, MSIC, etc, continues to push the moral barrow.

His real issue is biblical fundamentalism and the sin of modern society. Sadly, people are fooled by him. Actually, people are killed by him for the same reasons - doing what god wants him to. Ergo: "There's consequences" our "addiction specialist" warned Bishop.

And what consequences for modern society in a democracy was our "addiction specialist", who slanders Wodak every chance he gets offering to explain, with his own practice, studies, research budget, subjects [live ones at first], theories, following, etc? God's biblical wrath is the reward of a community that supports Harm Reduction/Harm Minimisation. Simply put? Don't Sin. God will punish us. This crap, and Bishops predetermined support was at our expense and remains something that really, really pisses me off.

After losing 25 patients in 18 months to his brand of forced abstinence, he bragged about it as a victory - "defeated the cream of the methadone crop" - because the medical tribunal indefinitely adjourned... Took 18 months, after warning the QLD gov' they'd "have blood on their hands", if he was closed down and not given naltrexone. To his sick, sick mind, this is all good for it is morally correct.

Page 31 is where his original submission begins:

At the end of his sub' he's asked about fatalities and naltrexone, not himself. He is of course, "offended" by the suggestion and responds by slandering Dr. Wodak and the false claim MMT kills.

Note Dr. Wodak has saved millions of lives across the globe, advising to developing nations who suffer horribly due to BBV's. "God's revenge" as Reece loves to call it. Condoms have led to the HIV rise, he also notes in the Iquiry - to the astonishment of committee members.

Here's his crap now in the Global Drug Policy Journal:

There were other worse submissions, once he realised Bishop was there to attack HM, not accept evidence. In fact, she actively cut off criticism of, and probing inquiry into, Reece. She also supported the slander of Wodak and helped Reece wiggle out of the naltrexone issue, by intervening.

She's crazy, he's beyond insane and they take themselves seriously. Danger Will Robson! Here he is in Feb of 2007 attacking HM, along the same lines;

The hero of other abstentionists who hate HM, and seemingly us by default - point 6.

Waaay back to his buddies within DFA and APFDFY;

Let's hope it's not left to us to address this, for he does have a following and they do promote this very rot.


DFA Watch.

29/7/08 10:35 am

Blogger Terry Wright said...

Great stuff Firesnake.

Dr. Reece is one evil fucker. Even more sickening than Bishop herself. These demented sub-humans are not made to face the deaths they incur and are allowed to continue on with their vile ideology. Reece is guilty of inciting hate and the systematic murder of addicts seeking help. You pointed out that Bishop blindly supported Reece and his attacks on Alex Wodak and HM. Doesn't she realise that rational people will now write her off as a nutter like Reece.

The whole Bishop Enquiry was a scam and received so much criticism I am surprised she is still in politics. BB, Reece & co are the most sinister fucks on this earth because of their selfish, self serving and dangerous agendas. Murdering 18 people in the name of God and boasting about it is religious fundamentalism and for Bishop to happily support it is just sick.

Thanks again Firesnake for some great insite.

29/7/08 11:02 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grrr, Bronny Bishop, grrrr. How can she say that HM is "old" when the zero tolerance approach was implemented BEFORE HM?!

Fuckin' idiot! And I can't believe she added that bit about multiculturalism at a DRUG FORUM.

God, she's such an opportunistic bitch.

Like I said, grrrrrrrrrrr.

29/7/08 9:24 pm

Blogger Leon Bertrand said...

The government probably dosen't misunderstand its policy, it just dosen't want to be seen as soft on drugs.

Its a sensitive issue in the wider electorate, and there's nothing a pollie fears more than being painted as wanting people's kids to smoke marijuana or shoot up.

4/8/08 12:56 pm

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