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Showing posts with label punk rock 'n roll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label punk rock 'n roll. Show all posts

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NEWS | Shows n'at.

Alright! 2 new shows at The U-Pie added: 

April 30th
American Werewolves (Cleveland)
Turbo Lovers (Youngstown)
Violent Offense (Youngstown)

Facebook event page: (RSVP!)

May 7th
Midnight (Cleveland)
Fishwives (Youngstown)
Horses Have People Teeth (Sharon/Pittsburgh)

Facebook event page: (RSVP!)

Both shows are 18+, $5 for over 21, $7 for 18-20. Doors open at 9pm.

Here are some music videos to enjoy while you wait patiently for the 30th.

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Jeff Magnum

Originally conducted via email for Artless Nonculture Webzine, June, 2009.

Let's take a little trip back in time here... Frankenstein forms in Cleveland in 1975, from members of Rocket From The Tombs (Cheetah Chrome and Johnny Blitz), Stiv Bators from Youngstown/Girard, Jimmy Zero, and this guy Jeff Magnum on bass. The band is kinda short-lived, then everyone (except Jeff) moves to NYC, changes the band's name to The Dead Boys, and plays gigs without a bass player for a while, until they convince Mr. Magnum to relocate from Cleveland to New York. This was around 1977.

1) Were you a fan of RFTT before you joined up with those guys? How did you meet?

Turbo Lovers

Conducted originally via AIM for Artless Nonculture Webzine, September, 2008.

Interview with BJ Lisko of TURBO LOVERS
by Sam Sinister (well, okay, mostly by BJ Lisko...)

SS: So, where do we start?

BJL: Whereever you want man.

Alright, sir. So, I hear tell of a new album in the works. Wanna tell us a little about that?

The new record is called Outstanding, keeping in line with the title of the previous record, Cock of the Walk. If you notice, there's a theme going on here with Turbo Lovers - "I Am The Swagger", "I Want It All", "Rock 'n' Roll Son of a Bitch", "On My Way" - It's all about that swagger and all about having that ego, plain and simple. Some call it cocky, I would call it cocky even, but you have to be that way when it comes to rock 'n' roll anymore. We're not pompous about it, we're approachable and as nice and talkative as anyone, but I do feel that we put on one of the best live shows in the area. I didn't tattoo "I Am The Swagger" on my arm for nothing. It's a mindset, whether we're playing for a ton of people or just a handful, we are committed to putting on the best show possible. No one wants to see a group of nervous guys standing entirely still fumbling through a set list all awkwardly. We are the furthest thing from that on the planet, and basically that little bit of ego is us telling you that ahead of time.

The Donnas

Interview with bassist Maya Ford, a.k.a. Donna F., conducted originally for OUTSIDER Webzine, some time in 2003. Questions were answered via email while on the way to the first gig of the Spend the Night tour.

1. What's up with the Electrocutes?

The Electrocutes was our band before we were the Donnas. It's all the same people, but we played faster, more complex music and we wore weirder clothes. The Electrocutes thought the Donnas were "goody-two-shoes". Near the end of hiskool we merged the two bands cuz more people were going to Donnas shows cuz the Donnas were catchier and the Electrocutes were just noisy and a little scary.

2. Would you describe your music as "punk rock"?

Not really. I think we're just rock 'n roll.