Showing posts with label t-shirts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label t-shirts. Show all posts

Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Thirst For Change

You may remember this article, in which I put the call out for good folk anywhere to support my push for a new kind of politics in this country, a politics based on love and friendship and giving me things.

No doubt you've been hungering for ways in which to show just how much you love the idea, so people who see you in the street will dribble in admiration for you.


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Are You Looking For A Way To Look Less Slovenly?

Look no more! For here to save you from your own cripplingly ugly appearance is newmatilda's Brand-New Range Of T-shirts And Assorted Other Things!

Click on that link to enter the world of current affairs-analysis-themed merchandise.

In particular, check out the range of t-shirts, many of which feature hilarious and nether-moistening quotes by the man whose blog you are even now unable to tear your eyes away from.

...which is me. You can actually wear quotes by ME, on a T-SHIRT. This is AWESOME. Now you won't even have to talk to people to let them know how much you love me. That's got to save all sorts of time in your day-to-day routine. Go order some now!

Isn't that SEXY????