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Showing posts with label glass candy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label glass candy. Show all posts

Friday 26 March 2021

Sunny On The Inside

Friday has arrived, once again like it always does, but it feels like it's worth celebrating. I finish work for two weeks today, some much needed time away from it. There are so many things going on there at the moment that it's impossible to know where to begin. The shift from teaching online to teaching back in the classroom, with the mass testing of over a thousand teenagers and then re- integrating them back into classrooms and routines, plus all the ongoing discussions about how grades are going to be awarded, has been hard work. It's clear that for many of them extended periods in lockdown and time out of social situations has had a big impact. Some time away from everything is what everyone needs. 

I came off my bike last weekend. Cycling along a country lane near Tatton Park I hit a pothole and was on the tarmac before I had time to do anything about it. The right hand side of my body hit the ground, knee first, then hip, shoulder and ankle. Apologies if you're not good with blood but this is what my knee looked like when I got home. 

Luckily my bike was fine- I cunningly cushioned it with my body- so I was able to cycle home, blood dripping down my leg. When I cleaned it up it wouldn't stop bleeding so I went to A and E and was treated, grit washed out of the wound, X- rays done as a precaution and steri- strips applied to close the wound (the nurse said that she couldn't stitch it as the wound was too jagged and I'd left too much of the skin somewhere on the road in Cheshire). I have been hobbling round all week as a result. Several people have pointed out that they told me that exercise is dangerous and one family member asked me if I should be doing these things at my age. 

So that's the status updates from my life. The clocks go forward this weekend and there has been the occasional bit of blue sky. The sun came out once or twice. From Monday we're allowed to have people in our gardens. Maybe things are looking up (I'm aware that as I type these words the words 'third wave' are becoming a media currency). Ten years ago Glass Candy, an Oregon duo made up of Johnny Jewel and Ida No, released their Italo- disco single Warm In The Winer, a giddy, ecstatic, endorphin rush of a record. Over some euphoric, Moroder- esque arpeggiated synthlines singer Ida coos about 'love in the air' and being 'sunny on the inside/ Crazy like a monkey (ee ee ooh ooh!!)/ Happy like a new year'. A more uplifting and life affirming song you will not hear today. 

Warm In The Winter

Friday 12 May 2017

Digital Versicolor

This is a free download of Glass Candy's Digital Versicolor by New York's Black Light Smoke. I'm a big fan of Ida No and Johnny Jewel's uptempo house/Italo disco, especially 2011's massive, giddy, grin inducing Warm In The Winter. This one here is Moroder-esque and has a throbbing sequencer line aimed squarely at your dancefloor.

Thursday 18 December 2014


Here's some super slinky 70s stuff from Glass Candy, a cover of Herb Alpert's classic. Glass Candy always manage to stay just the right side of the line- they skirt it pretty close sometimes- but make no mistake, this is class. Listening to this I feel like I should be reclining in my 25th floor New York apartment overlooking Central Park, in one of those suspended plastic bowl seats, with a large weighty tumbler in my hand (spirits splashed over ice), while my girlfriend lounges in a see-through nightie idly flicking through Cosmopolitan. I am wearing polyester flares and a polo-neck, smoking. A chimp plays the trumpet.

Tuesday 18 March 2014


I did a mix for a new website called Cooking Up A Quiet Storm. There are a whole bunch of top notch mixes there, some by people familiar to these pages and the blogs over on the right hand side of your computer screen. If you like mine, or anyone else's, there are two things you could do- leave a comment there, and maybe also volunteer to do a mix yourself. I'm sure Mark would appreciate it.

My mix looks like this...

My Bloody Valentine - Don't Ask Why/Warpaint - Love Is To Die/Public Service Broadcasting - Everest/Big Audio Dynamite - V Thirteen/Toy - Dead and Gone (Andrew Weatherall Remix)/Brian Eno - Another Green World (The Blue Realm mix)/The Orb v Lisa Stansfield - Time To Make You Mine/The Asphodells - Beglammered/Kolsh- Der Alte/Glass Candy - Warm In The Winter

Sunday 18 August 2013

Redheads Feel More Pain

Gentlemen prefer blondes I know, but do redheads feel more pain? Answers on a postcard please.

My favourite nu-discoists Glass Candy put a new song up on Youtube, which is what often counts as a release now. It went up on August 5th, while we were on holiday, and was also our 18th wedding anniversary. Mrs Swiss and I had a romantic meal for four at the campsite restaurant. The song's a slow burner, not up there with Warm In The Winter but very good all the same. I seem to be hammering this kind of summery, spacey, housey-disco, kind of thing at the moment. What happened to the guitars?

Warm In The Winter

Monday 1 April 2013


New single from my current nu-disco favouites Glass Candy here- free download (thanks to London Lee for the tip off, hope he doesn't mind me re-presenting it here. Think of it as a kind of Bank Holiday Special on repeat). It's a slow burning affair with bubbling synths and Ida No's druggy vox, through the glass darkly. Which reminds me- I still need to find a copy of Warm In The Winter on vinyl.

Edit: have now purchased said vinyl, and am awaiting it's arrival. While I'm here again here's the video

Thursday 24 January 2013


Some more Vorticist linocuts for you- words I didn't think I'd end up typing when I started this blog. The one above is Henri Gaudier-Brzeska's The Wrestlers (looks like it should be easy to do, probably very difficult. Maybe I should try).

Second, E McKnight Kauffer's Flight- he went on to advertising and to produce posters for the London Underground.

Third, Claude Flight's Revolution- fucking brilliant (and yes, that's art criticism).

Finally Lill Tschudi's Tour De Suisse, which isn't really done justice to in this jpeg.

Today's music- some more slightly barking nu-disco from my current faves Glass Candy; good enough to melt the snow and bring the sun out.


Saturday 12 January 2013

Kill For Love

I bought an album on a whim last weekend, based on it being recommended by someone and in Piccadilly Records top ten lps of 2012- Chromatics' album Kill For Love. On double pink vinyl. Also I'd heard their cover version of New Order's Ceremony which I thought was alright (with Glass Candy's Ida No on guitar and Johnny Jewel, it turns out, is a member of both bands).

Some of the songs are growing on me, individually, although as a whole album I think it's too long and samey, too one paced. But maybe that's me and my lessening patience for 16 song albums. There's an early 80s mix of clean guitarlines, crisp production and electronics and a lot of icy atmosphere. At times the FX on the vocals are really irritating- singer Adam Miller making way too much use of his vocoder- but when Ruth Radelet sings things take off. The title track features Ruth's vocals and the unmistakeable influence of Bernard, Hooky, Steven and Gillian.

Kill For Love

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Warm In The Winter

'Warm in the winter, sunny on the inside'

This, as people on Twitter are irritatingly prone to saying, is my new jam...

From Oregon, Glass Candy are a duo/trio, who make disco. It's slightly warped and slightly trippy, with analogue synth arpeggios, some big bass keys, and great loopy, uplifting vocals, but it's disco all the same. Weatherall played it at the end of his recent 6 Mix show if you need a further recommendation. It is great. It is, as I said, my new jam.

I'm off looking for more of their stuff. Apparently much of it is vinyl only and sold at gigs. Not much chance then.