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A Quick Quiz [Dec. 7th, 2009|11:14 pm]
My latest newmatilda article...and comments.

Now, having read said article and said comments, a quick quiz for readers to take, to win big!

1. In what sense can "motherlode" (however you spell it) be construed as a religious reference?

2. What is the average IQ required to grasp the difference between ridiculing someone who IS a Catholic, and ridiculing someone for BEING Catholic, with no other reason?

3. Is there any particular reason anyone's religion should be immune from ridicule?

Highest scores win a specially autographed essay on the links between anonymous abusive internet warriors and virulent anti-Semitism.

[User Picture]From: rosewart
2009-12-08 03:04 am (UTC)
personally I found the article, as usual, brilliant.

I think Labna was miffed at not understanding you were writing SATIRE and then getting all hysterical when s/he/it had it pointed out.

Keep it up Ben - heh I wonder if Labna was Abbot...
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From: (Anonymous)
2011-01-11 01:58 pm (UTC)

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From: (Anonymous)
2011-01-12 08:17 am (UTC)

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From: (Anonymous)
2011-01-14 02:35 pm (UTC)

Piddle around rental accounting software?

At the time of my most recent outing toward Arkansas I met Glen while on this path. He explained to me, he was ready to get a new-found Package inside our PC Stockroom near the corner. Well, what a luck, I was just on the way to proceed in the direction of this identical stockroom, nevertheless for a diverse motive. We both determined to depart as one, subsequently we both be capable of give suggestion to one another.
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Forever identify, what appears to be best!!
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From: gekikava
2011-04-13 01:09 am (UTC)
This article was vey helpful to me. It helped me to be informed and more aware. The details were such a blessing, thanks.

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From: gibitoff
2011-04-15 07:45 pm (UTC)
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