Showing posts with label West Bank. Show all posts
Showing posts with label West Bank. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Vigil for Palestinian Hunger Strikers at Israeli Embassy in Dublin

Palestinian prisoners associated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) began a hunger strike last week on September 27 against conditions imposed on detainees by the zionist regime.

The prisoners are calling for an end to the humiliating treatment and abuse of prisoners, and of those trying to visit them. They are also demanding an end to the solitary confinement of Ahamd Sa’adat, general secretary of the PFLP.

Sa’adat was arrested in January 2002 by Palestinian Authority security at the behest of Israel. He was held without charge or trial at Jericho prison until March 2006, when Israeli forces laid siege to the prison and kidnapped Sa’adat and several comrades.

The zionists eventually tried Sa’adat, convicting him of membership of a prohibited organisation [the PFLP], of holding a post in a prohibited organisation, and of incitement. For these ‘crimes’ he was sentenced to 30 years in December 2008, and has been held in solitary ever since. He has now joined the hunger strike as well.

The Israeli prison regime responded immediately by threatening to increase repression against striking prisoners, by moving them into isolation or to other prisons entirely. This prison transfer tactic has been used frequently by the regime to break up comrades and to disrupt the organisation of resistance within the prison system.

The prisoners answered by announcing that they will escalate their campaign by rejecting all prison orders and refusing to wear their uniforms.

As republicans mark the 30th anniversary of the ending of the 1981 Irish hunger strikes, we in éirígí extend our solidarity to the Palestinian prisoners who have been steadfast in their resistance to the attempts of the zionist regime to subjugate them. We also once more pay tribute to our comrades in the PFLP, who have taken this action for the sake of all prisoners of the Israeli occupation, and for their families and friends as well.

On Wednesday 5th October, éirígí will hold a candlelit vigil in support of the prisoners on hunger strike outside the Israeli embassy, Pembroke Road, Dublin. The vigil will begin at 6.30pm. Bígí linn.

We print below the prisoners’ statement announcing the commencement of the hunger strike.


“We, the comrades of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in the Zionist prisons and detention centers, declare to the steadfast, struggling brave masses of the Palestinian people and to all free people in the world:

We announce that we will begin an open-ended hunger strike on Tuesday morning, September 27, 2011, in response to the official policies of the Zionist government and its fascist prison administration. We demand our rights and our dignity, as we struggle for the victory of our values and ideals.

Our goals for this hunger strike:

1. End the solitary confinement and isolation of our comrade, General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, member of the Palestinian Legislative Council and the PLO Central Council, Ahmad Sa’adat, Abu Ghassan.
2. End the policy of isolation for all prisoners;
3. End the policy of systematic humiliation by the occupation army against the Palestinian people at checkpoints and crossings, particularly targeting visitors to prisons, and end the arbitrary denial of visits to the prisoners, especially the prisoners from the Gaza Strip. End the humiliation and abuse of prisoners during transfer.

The principles of our revolution include the rejection of all forms of injustice, and for us to struggle and confront the occupier in all areas and places in our own manner. Accordingly, we call upon all of the Palestinian and Arab people, political forces and institutions, human rights and civil society organizations, to raise their voices for us, so that we do not become easy prey for a vicious occupier. 

We promise to all of our people, and to the legacy of the martyrs of Palestine, that we will continue on our path until victory.
Great glory to the martyrs ...
Victory to the revolution ...
Victory is inevitable.”

 Click here for previous coverage of the issue of Palestinian prisoners including Video footage from a demo outside the Israeli Embassy in Dublin

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Mavi Marmara Massacre – One Year on

Twelve months ago yesterday (May 31), the Israeli military intercepted the International Freedom Flotilla in international waters as it headed for Gaza.  On board the various boats making up the convoy were pro-Palestine activists from all around the world, including Ireland.  They were attempting to break the illegal siege of Gaza and were carrying shipments of humanitarian aid which they intended to deliver to the besieged strip.

What followed was a massacre. Nine activists on board the Mavi Marmara were murdered by Israeli troops, many more seriously injured. Those that survived were kidnapped and forcibly brought to Israel against their will where they were interrogated, beaten and tortured in many instances. Their passports were seized and other properties stolen. This was an act of naked unprovoked aggression, international piracy and state terrorism.

So a full year on from the massacre aboard the Mavi Marmara, many questions remain to be answered.

What efforts are being made by the so-called 'International community' to bring to justice those that ordered and carried out this slaughter and other Israeli war crimes?

What efforts are they making to bring an end to the inhumane and illegal siege of Gaza which the flotilla was trying to breach?

What efforts are they making to force Israeli compliance with international law, whether in relation to illegal settlements, their apartheid wall or political repression?

What efforts are they making in relation to the kidnapping, internment without trial and abuse and torture of prisoners, including hundreds of children?

Twelve months on and the answer to all the above is a shameful 'none'.

The reality is, despite Israel's claims to have 'eased' the siege last year and despite the opening by Egypt of the Rafah crossing last week, Israel continues to illegally blockade Gaza. While the opening of the Rafah crossing is welcome, it relates solely to the movement of people and does not address the core issue of free movement of goods to and from Gaza or the movement of people between Gaza and the West Bank which Israel continues to ban.

A UN report published in March of this year said that Israel's restrictions continue to ensure no improvement in people's lives and continue to violate international law. (Click on the image below to read report in full) 

According to the report “as an occupying power, as well as in every instance in which it exercises control over Gaza and its population, Israel is bound by international humanitarian and human rights law obligations. This legal framework prohibits Israel from imposing restrictions that are detrimental to the rights and needs of the population and which are not strictly required by legitimate security needs. Such restrictions may amount to collective punishment, which is prohibited under any circumstances.”

The report adds: “Israel must fully lift the blockade. This includes a removal of restrictions on the import of construction materials and the exports of goods, as well as a lifting of the general ban on the movement of people between Gaza and the West Bank via Israel. Additionally, Israel must remove to the fullest extent possible the current restrictions on the access of people to areas in the vicinity of the perimeter fence and to sea waters along Gaza’s coast. When resorting to the use of force, it must ensure that civilians and civilian objects are not targeted, and that all necessary measures are adopted to prevent or minimize the negative effect of attacks on the civilian population and its property.”

As you read this, the former Bosnian Serb military leader Ratko Mladic is in custody awaiting charges of war crimes committed during the Balkans wars. The International Criminal Court (ICC) has said that the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has a case to answer for war crimes committed by his troops bombing civilian areas. The US and British military are currently involved in a bombing campaigning of Libya supposedly to protect Libyan civilians and bring Gaddafi to justice for his alleged war crimes.

But no such effort has been made to bring Israels leaders to justice for their crimes. In fact much effort has been made to bolster the zionist regime and protect their war criminal leaders. The British government introduced measures to prevent the arrest of Israeli leaders when in Britain while Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu only recently addressed the US Congress where he was treated to a heroes reception despite the atrocities he is responsible for.

Despite condemning the attack on the flotilla last year, the European Union has steadfastly refused to break off diplomatic and economic links with Israel, with moves currently underway to start upgrading those links even further. The Dublin government, despite saying there would be 'serious consequences' for Israel if they harmed any Irish citizens, have also refused to take any meaningful action against them. Both the previous and the current government in Leinster house refuse to countenance shutting down the Israeli embassy and severing all diplomatic and economic links with the zionist state. 

It is this shameful lack of action in defence of the rights of the Palestinian people by governments and other institutions whose duty it is to uphold human rights and international law that has forced activists to organise last years flotillas and other such actions.  Indeed, a second flotilla will now set sail for Gaza in late June. This will comprise of more than 1000 activists, including an Irish ship with many Irish activists onboard.

Outlining the reasons for the second flotilla, Irish Ship to Gaza (ISTG) coordinator Fintan Lane said:

Israel has no right to treat the people of Gaza as inmates in what has become the world’s largest prison. This amounts to collective punishment, and as such is a violation of international humanitarian law. Irish Ship to Gaza is part of a broad-based, grassroots international movement of concerned citizens who are committed to peacefully uphold the fundamental rights of the Palestinian people in the face of continuing inaction by our governments.” 

Fintan Lane
Already Israel have issued threats to use military force once again to prevent the flotilla getting through to Gaza. With this threat of piracy, kidnapping and other violations of international law, as well as the events of last year in mind, you would think that the 'International community' and governments around the world would be intervening to hold the Israeli's to account and ensure safe passage for this humanitarian flotilla.

Their response however has been truly shameful. Rather than ensuring that Israel complies with international law and insisting that they will be held to account for their crimes if they attack the flotilla, various governments and institutions such as the UN have ceded to pressure from Israel and are instead trying to prevent the flotilla from being able to depart for Gaza at all.

It is a warped logic of ignoring the crimes of the perpetrator, shifting the blame onto the victim of those crimes. Indeed if the UN took meaningful action and ensured the ending of the siege there would be no need for this or any other flotilla.

The bottom line is that the Palestinian people continue to live under a brutal military occupation. Peaceful protests continue to be attacked by Israel. Palestinian civilians continue to be murdered by Israeli troops. Palestinian land continues to be stolen as illegal settlements and the illegal apartheid wall continues to be built.

While Palestine remains occupied, it is our duty as Irish socialists and republicans to give whatever practical support and solidarity to the Palestinian people.

Over the coming weeks let us all redouble our efforts and help to end the siege of Gaza, to bring an end to the apartheid Israeli regime and to secure freedom at last for the Palestinian people.

For more information on the upcoming flotilla click here

For more information on the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) click here


Monday, January 31, 2011

Solidarity with Bil'in – Remembering Jawaher Abu Rahmah

The small village of Bil'in has been a focal point and a symbol of resistance in recent years against the construction of Israel's illegal Apartheid Wall and against the occupation of Palestine in general.

Located just over 10 km from Ramallah in the West Bank, since 2005 this village of less than 2000 residents has been the scene of weekly peaceful protests against the 700km long wall which the International Court of Justice has ruled is in violation of International law.

The response of the Zionist regime to these protests, despite their non-violent nature, has been to unleash lethal force against those participating in them. Their violent repression using tear gas, rubber bullets and live ammunition has resulted in countless serious injuries and deaths.

The latest casualty was 36 year old Jawaher Abu Rahmah who was killed on new years day as the Israeli Occupation Forces attacked the weekly demonstration once again. She died after inhaling toxic tear-gas fired at demonstrators by Israeli troops becoming the first Palestinian casualty of the occupation in 2011.

Jawaher is not the first member of her family to be injured or die at the hands of the occupation troops at these weekly demonstrations. 

In July 2008 her brother Ashraf Abu Rahma was deliberately shot and wounded with a rubber bullet by an Israeli soldier standing right next to him.  This was despite  the fact that the military had cuffed and blindfolded Ashraf after detaining him for taking part in part in protests against the wall in the nearby village of Ni'lin.

In April 2009 another brother Bassem Abu Rahmah was shot dead by an Israeli soldier who hit him in the chest with a high velocity tear gas canister.

Less than 3 months earlier in January 2009 their cousin Khamis Fathi Abu Rahmah was shot in the head with a similar high velocity tear gas canister also while attending the weekly protest. He was hit as he held his hands above his head to show he was unarmed. Despite being seriously wounded and remaining in a coma for 12 days, Khamis was lucky to survive though his injuries still cause him to suffer to this day.

Local protest organisers and leaders have also being singled out by the Israeli authorities for arrest and imprisonment in an attempt to quash the protests and intimidate those taking part.

On the night of December 12 2009 Abdallah Abu Rahmah, the co-ordinator of the Bil'in Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements, was kidnapped by Israeli forces who raided his home at 2am in the morning. He was taken blindfolded from his home and remanded in Israeli custody. After an eight month long trial before a military court and despite the absence of any evidence against him, Abdallah was found guilty of “incitement” and “illegal protest” and sentenced to twelve months in jail.

 According to Amnesty International Abdallah is a prisoner of conscience, “jailed solely for the peaceful exercise of his right to freedom of expression and assembly.”

He was due for release on November 18 last year but was kept imprisoned as Israeli authorities sought to have his sentence extended. Earlier this month, an Israeli Military Court of Appeals at Ofer increased his sentence from twelve to sixteen months.

Abdallah's real 'crime', and that of the population of Bil'in, has been that they have refused to allow themselves be intimidated into submission. They have stubbornly resisted everything the state of Israel has throw at them and have fought tooth and nail in defence of their rights, against the construction of the wall, against the theft of their land, against the illegal settlements and against the occupation of Palestine itself. 

Tomorrow Tuesday February 1st demonstrations organised by Queens University Belfast (QUB) Palestinian Society and the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) will take place in Belfast and Dublin. They are being held to honour the memory of Jawaher exactly one month on from her killing and to express solidarity with the people of Bil'in in their ongoing struggle against the might of Israeli occupation and repression.

The Belfast demo commences tomorrow at 12 noon at Queens University Student Union with the Dublin event commencing an hour later at 1pm outside the Israeli Embassy in Ballsbridge, Dublin 4.

Click here for more information on the protests

Click here and here for more information on Bil'in and the campaign against Israel's Apartheid wall

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sligo Shopping Centre gives Commitment on Dead Sea Products

The Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) North-west have cancelled a planned demonstration that was to take place today (Wednesday Jan 26) outside Johnstons Court shopping centre in Sligo.

The protest had been called as a result of a company 'Premier Dead Sea Cosmetics' trading from a stall in the shopping centre. An impromptu protest was held on Saturday by a number of local IPSC activists who became aware of the stall which was selling Dead Sea Cosmetics product, the sale of which helps fund the Israeli apartheid regime, its brutal occupation of Palestine and its illegal settlements in the West Bank (click here to read news coverage of that protest).

The cancellation of the protest comes as 'Premier Dead Sea Cosmetics' have ceased trading there yesterday (Jan 25). The Management of Johnstons Court also gave a commitment today that this company and their Dead Sea Cosmetics would not be allowed to return and trade in the shopping centre.

Welcoming this commitment local IPSC activist Ciaran Adams urged other shopping centres to follow suit:

Mr Adams said: “The products being sold on these stalls help to fund Israel's war economy and their brutal and illegal military occupation of Palestine. It is also highly likely that these goods come from illegal settlements on Palestinian land, although it is routinely mislabelled as coming from within Israel's borders.”

The IPSC in this region will now be stepping up our campaign in support of the call by Palestinian civil society for a Boycott of all Israeli goods, similar to the campaign that helped bring about an end to apartheid South Africa. We would now urge other shopping centres in the region to give a similar commitment to not allow this company, or similar ones selling Dead Sea products, to trade on their premises.” 

He concluded: “By taking this stand and boycotting Israeli goods, businesses and shopping centres can play a positive role in helping to bring an end to Israeli apartheid and secure the long overdue freedom that the people of Palestine both desire and deserve.”

Also welcoming the news was éirígí Sligeach activist Gerry Casey who urged the public to refuse to buy Israeli products, to complain to the management in stores that stock these goods and to contact the IPSC to let them know where these products are on sale.

Casey said: "This year has started like any other year for the Palestinian people. The Palestinian people continue to endure terrible suffering and brutal repression at the hands of the Israeli regime on a daily basis."

"The illegal occupation of the West Bank, theft of Palestinian land and resources, the continued expansion of illegal settlements and the construction of their apartheid wall continues unabated. Israel continues to kill Palestinian people, kidnap children and jail those who dare resist this brutal occupation. Israel's illegal and inhumane siege of Gaza, a clear violation of international law, also continues."

Referring to the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign, Casey continued: "The Boycott campaign is an opportunity for every individual to express their abhorrence at the crimes committed by the Israeli state and to express solidarity and support for the rights of Palestinian people to secure peace, justice and freedom."

"More importantly, it is an opportunity to take practical measures that can have a positive effect, similar to what happened with the South African boycott which helped bring about an end to the apartheid regime in that country. So too all of us can play a role in helping to bring about an end to the apartheid Israeli regime and the occupation of Palestine."

Casey concluded: "Where people become aware of Israeli goods being sold, they should refuse to buy them, complain to management and contact the IPSC to make them aware of where these goods are being sold. While the EU and what passes for government on this island refuse to impose sanctions against Israel, the people of Ireland themselves have the power to make such a boycott effective.”

For more information on the activities of the IPSC and the BDS campaign click here or e-mail

Monday, August 23, 2010

Protest against Apartheid Israel at Bray World Cup Qualifier

"Although no two countries or struggles are identical there can be no doubt that the success of the anti-apartheid movement and the BDS (Boycott Divestment & Sanctions) campaign that helped bring down apartheid, can be emulated with regard to apartheid Israel and the struggle of the Palestinian people.  The BDS campaign against the colonial, racist zionist state of Israel - guilty in fact of far worse crimes than apartheid South Africa - must be advanced and sustained with all the energy and unity we can muster." - Ronnie Kasrils, former South African MP and National Executive member of the African National Congress (ANC)

This Wednesday (August 25), the Irish Women's soccer team are set to play the first leg of  a  World Cup qualifying tie against Israel at the Carlisle Grounds in Bray, the home of League of Ireland side Bray Wanderers.  

This is the second Israeli side to play in Ireland in recent weeks.  Just last month Shamrock Rovers played host to Israeli side Bnei Yehuda Tel Aviv FC at Tallaght Stadium in a Europa League Qualifier.  On that occasion a protest to highlight the continued occuption of Palestine and to support the campaign of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel, organised by the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) and supported by éirígí, the Palestinian Rights Institute (PRI) and the Irish Anti War Movement (IAWM), was held outside the ground.

Once again, the IPSC have organised a demonstration, which will take place in two parts at two diferent locations in Bray.  The first stage of the protest takes place at the Bray Royal Hotel from 5.30pm as the Israeli Embassy are hosting a pre-match meal and reception there.  Following that, the protest will move on and continue outside the Carlisle Grounds from 7pm, with the game kicking off at 7.30pm

As on the previous occasion at the Shamrock Rovers game, the theme of this protest" will also be "Love Football - Hate Apartheid".  Banners bearing that slogan as well as 'Unity Against Occupation' and  'Boycott Israeli Apartheid' will be on show at the protests alongside Palestinian national flags.

According to the IPSC, the protest will call for a sporting boycott of Israel due to the racist and apartheid nature of the Israeli state. This is in support of the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) who have confirmed this match falls under their Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) guidelines.

Announcing the protest, IPSC National Chairperson Freda Hughes said: “Israel is a racist apartheid state with a human rights record worse than that of Apartheid South Africa. It continues to defy United Nations Security Council Resolutions and breaches International law on a daily basis. It is long past time that Israel was shown that there is a heavy price to pay for its human rights abuses, war crimes and continued denial of freedom to the Palestinian people.”

Ms Hughes added: "While some may suggest that sports and politics shouldn't mix, we believe there is no place in sport for racism or teams who act as ambassadors for racist or apartheid states.”

Ms Hughes continued: “Attempts by the Palestinian national soccer team to participate in International competitions are consistently hampered by Israel. Travel restrictions including refusing players exit visas as well as a complete ban on travel between the West Bank and Gaza makes training virtually impossible and has led to cancelled internationals. In 2006, Israel bombed their stadium in Gaza and three footballers were murdered during their month long attack on the strip last year.”

Ms Hughes concluded: “The IPSC are urging people to join the protests, to take a stand against Israeli apartheid and to show their solidarity with the people of Palestine. We are also urging Irish fans not to travel to Israel for the second leg of this tie. Similar to the International boycott of the Apartheid South African regime, Israel must be boycotted completely, including all sporting events such as this upcoming game. The Boycott helped end South African apartheid. It can be used again to help end Israeli apartheid and secure freedom for Palestine.”

Sligo éirígí activist Gerry Casey said that while Israeli apartheid and the denial of freedom for Palestine continued, a complete ban on participation by Israeli individuals and teams in sporting events similar to that which was imposed on apartheid era South Africa must be imposed.

Expressing support for the protest, Casey said:  "Human rights abuses, the illegal siege of Gaza and the occupation and colonisation of Palestinian land continues unabated.  Israel has seized further Palestinian lands through the building of their illegal wall.  The West Bank has half a million Israeli settlers living in illegal settlements, joined together by a network of special "Israeli only" apartheid roads, access to which is denied to Palestinians.  There are more than 600 military checkpoints across the West Bank, through which Palestinians need identity cards to get from one village to another."

 He added:  "While Israeli apartheid and the occupation of Palestine continues, then it is essential that the boycott of Israel be not just maintained, but expanded and intensified.  As well as economic and diplomatic  sanctions, Israel and Israeli teams and individuals, must also be completely blacklisted and banned from participation in all international sporting events just as apartheid era South African sports teams and individuals were banned."

Casey concluded:  "Wednesday's demonstration is a chance for people to once again stand with the Palestinian people and against the racist apartheid Israeli regime.  While the Dublin government shamefully refuse to take any action against Israel despite their war crimes and their kidnapping and brutalisation of Irish citizens, the message needs to be sent to Israel that those who represent that apartheid state are not welcome in our country."

For more information on the protest and the activities of the IPSC click here

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Dont Fund Israeli War Crimes - Boycott Israeli Goods

This weekend (July 9-11) is International Boycott Sanctions & Divestment (BDS) Weekend against Israel. Here in Ireland, to mark the occasion, the IPSC (Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign) are launching a nationwide petition calling on Dunnes Stores to cease stocking Israeli goods in their stores.

This petition and actions surrounding it are in support and solidarity with up to 200 organisations from within Palestinian civil society who have pleaded with the international community to endorse the call for a campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel, similar to that which helped to end the apartheid regime in South Africa. These organisations include Palestinian trade unions, professional bodies such as all the academic unions and associations, medical unions, and most of the major NGOs.
The Palestinian people continue to endure terrible suffering and brutal repression at the hands of the Israeli regime on a daily basis. The illegal occupation of the West Bank, theft of Palestinian land and resources, the continued expansion of illegal settlements and the construction of their apartheid wall continues unabated. Despite Israel's claims that they have somehow 'eased' their illegal siege of Gaza, their unhumane blockade and clear violation of international law continues.

This deliberate policy, coupled with the devestation caused to the infrastructure of Gaza during Operation Cast Lead last year when they slaughtered more than 1400 people, more than three hundred of whom were children, has resulted in the complete collapse of the Gazan economy and extensive and unnecessary illness and deaths, particularly among the young and elderly.

Let no-one be under any illusion – the suffering endured by the civilian population in Gaza is no accident. Neither is it a case of them being 'caught in the middle' as Israel targets Hamas as some might suggest.

No, the siege itself, like Israel's policy towards the Palestinians generally, is targetted specifically at the civilian population. By Israel's own admission, the blockade has a primarily political, as opposed to military objective, which is to put pressure on the civilian population of the Gaza Strip in order to influence Hamas.

Former Israeli Deputy Defense Minister M.K. Matan Vilnai equated the closure of Gaza with the achievement of changes in Hamas 'behaviour': He said that Israel would need “to reduce the scope of goods and thus create pressure on the Hamas organization, which is deliberately failing to take steps to advance the negotiation."

According to a senior Israeli government adviser Dov Weisglass the idea was “to put Palestinians on a diet but not to make them die of hunger”.

It is a clear cut case of collective punishment being imposed on a civilian population completely at odds with international law.

Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Genvention is crystal clear on such matters. It says: “No protected person (civilian) may be punished for an offence he or she has not personally committed. Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited.”

Yet despite this, the US and the EU have welcomed Israel's 'easing' of the siege, which is nothing more than a PR stunt to divert attention away from massacre of humanitarian activists on board the Gaza aid flotilla. Once again they seem to ignore Israel's blatant contempt for International law and basic human rights for Palestinians. They need to be reminded that only a complete and total end to the blockade is acceptable under international law and to the Palestinian people.

The Palestine Center for Human Rights (PCHR) have already expressed their concerns over some international reaction to Israel's move. Raji Sourani, Director of PCHR, said that “the siege has transformed the Gaza Strip into an animal farm. The risk is that Gaza is just passing to another form of illegal blockade, one that may become internationally accepted and institutionalized."

The EU and US have also conveniently and shamefully ignored the litany of war crimes carried out by Israel, most notably those carried out during their month long murderous assault on Gaza last year and the more recent massacre of humanitarian activists on the Gaza aid flotilla. 

Specifically where the Dublin government are concerned, they have turned a blind eye and failed to take any action against Israel.   This is despite the fact that Israel engaged in the hi-jacking and kidnapping of Irish citizens on board Challenger 1 and the MV Rachel Corrie who they subsequently assaulted and ill treated while in captivity. Yet at the time at their kidnapping, Brian Cowen warned  that Israel would face “serious consequences” if any Irish citizens were injured. True to form, but shameful nonetheless, this Fianna Fáil led administration have so far refused to take any action whatsoever against the zionist regime.

In a briefing document distributed to members of the Leinster House Joint Committee on European Affairs on June 21, the IPSC proposed the following steps that the Dublin government need to take in relation to Palestine and Israeli War Crimes

(1)End its arms trade with Israel, e.g. the purchase of helmets and bullets from Israeli firms

(2) Support the suspension of the Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement until Israel complies with international law

(3) Ensure that the ‘silent upgrade’ of EU-Israeli relations is halted until Israel complies with international law

(4) Work to reverse Israel's premature accession to the OECD

(5) Withdraw its ambassador from Tel Aviv as other countries have done, and expel the Israeli ambassador to Ireland. "Symbolic" actions such as the expulsion of a minor security official from the Israeli Embassy are insufficient.

(6) Oppose Israel's plan to hold an "internal" inquiry into its own actions against the Gaza Flotilla and support the holding of a genuinely impartial international inquiry.

(7) Exercise pressure on Irish multinational CRH to divest from its Israeli subsidiary that is engaged in building the Separation Wall deemed illegal by the International Court of Justice in 2005.

However, it is not just campaign groups or politicians that can make a difference or influence the situation. This Boycott campaign is an opportunity for every individual to express their abhorrence at the crimes committed by the Israeli state and to show support for the rights of Palestinian people to secure peace, justice and freedom. But more importantly, it is an opportunity for people to take practical measures that can have a real and positive effect, similar to what happened with the boycott of apartheid-era South African goods.

Support International Boycott Weekend by signing the IPSC petition, distributing the petition if possible to friends, family, neighbours, work colleagues etc and contacting your local store to ask them to cease stocking Israeli goods.

The IPSC in Sligo will be leafletting and gathering signatures for the Boycott Israel petition this Saturday (July 10) in O'Connell Street, Sligo between 2pm an 4pm.  Everyone welcome. 

For more information on International Boycott Day, to get copies of the petition for distribution and to learn of further IPSC activities in your area click here or email

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

éirígí Calls for Action on Israel

éirígí Tir Chonaill spokesperson, Micheál Cholm Mac Giolla Easbuig, has called on the EU to halt it's association with Israel in light of the recent vote in the European Parliament to support the UN Goldstone Report on Gaza. One of those who has voted in favour of the report is local MEP Pat The Cope Gallagher.

The report, by Justice Richard Goldstone on behalf of the UN Human Rights Council, was compiled in the aftermath of the military assault by Israel on Gaza in early 2009 and was heavily critical of the actions of Israel during the conflict. In the report, Goldstone concluded that Israel committed "grave breaches of the Fourth Geneva Convention in respect of wilful killings and wilfully causing great suffering to protected persons," war crimes and possible crimes against humanity.

Mac Giolla Easbuig said "The fact that the European Parliament has voted in support of such a report goes to show the revulsion that is felt, by so many, of the brutal actions meted out by the Israeli state on the Palestinian people, both in Gaza and the West Bank. This week, the the Council for the EU will be discussing the up-grading of the EU-Israel Association Agreement (EUIAA) and we in éirígí are calling on the EU to halt this in light of the recent vote that was taken by the European Parliament."

"The EU-Israel Association Agreement promotes strong business, trade and cultural links between the EU and Israel and an up-grade to 'special status' will make these links even stronger, eventually giving Israel the chance of more input in EU policies and more access to EU money. This just will not be acceptable. Currently Israel is no more than a rouge state. Its in clear breach of a list of UN Security Council resolutions, the Forth Geneva Convention and rulings from the International Court of Justice. Its even in breach of the regulations of the EU-Israel Association Agreement set up for Israels benefit. Its a nuclear power in violation of international law and shouldn't be rewarded for its continuing illegal occupation in Palestine."

Likening Israel to to the once Apartheid South Africa, Mac Giolla Easbuig continued by saying widespread sanctions should be placed on Israel. "The conditions which the Palestinian people endure under the Israeli occupation are as bad as that which the people of South Africa lived under during the Apartheid Regime. Economic, cultural and sporting boycotts done much to bring that regime to an end and similar actions could go a long way to bring the Israeli states brutality to an end. Rather than aiding and abetting Israel in its crimes the EU should place economic sanctions upon it for the wrongs it continues to perpetrate in the middle east."

Mac Giolla Easbuig concluded by saying, "The current Twenty-Six County government have their part to play in this also. They should be actively calling on Israel to desist from its many crimes, instead of backing them by trading with them in deals, such as the purchasing of millions of euros worth of bullets from Israeli Military Industries, a deal which they are currently considering."

"At the up-coming EUIAA meeting, the Twenty-Six Counties will be represented by the Department of Foreign Affairs and given Israels track record and its continuing occupation of Palestine and blockade of Gaza, I'm calling on the government to insist that this agreement isn't up-graded, but rather scrapped altogether. I would also ask that those who represent the Twenty-Six Counties in the European Parliament, such as Pat The Cope Gallagher, work harder to insure that Israel is brought to book and that the Irish people who they represent are not mis-represented by being made complicit in Israels many crimes."