National Space Council
The National Space Council (NSpC) is the White House policy council responsible for ensuring the United States capitalizes on the rich opportunities presented by our nation’s space activities. Under the leadership of its chair, Vice President Kamala Harris, the NSpC advises and assists the President on the development and implementation of space policy and strategy and is comprised of Cabinet-level Secretaries and other senior executive branch officials.
The NSpC synchronizes the nation’s civil, commercial, and national security space activities to advance the broader priorities of the Biden-Harris Administration.
The NSpC was established by law as part of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act of 1989. The Council was not operational from 1993-2017. The NSpC is aided by a staff from the Executive Office of the President led by a civilian Executive Secretary. It is also supported by the Users Advisory Group, a Federal Advisory Committee consisting of outside experts from industry, academia, and other non-Federal organizations.
United States Space Priorities Framework