Showing posts with label Abba. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abba. Show all posts

Saturday, May 16, 2020

30 Day Song Challenge - Day 16

A song that's a classic favourite.

Two Abba songs in such a short space of a music challenge? Either one of them just died (they haven't) or this lockdown has unlocked from my inner depths my 9 year old, 16 year old, 27 year old, 36 year old . . . old man 'lustcrush' (not a word; just made it up).

Anyway, it's a stone cold classic. Elvis Costello and Steve Nieve thought so, and they know their pop onions:

Abba - Dancing Queen (1976)

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

30 Day Song Challenge - Day 12

A song from your preteen years.

As a kid, it was such a big deal that they mentioned Glasgow in the lyric. The glamour . . . Agnetha . . . Be still my beating heart . . .

Abba - Super Trouper (1980)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Garfunkel and Garfunkel Simon and Simon

Swedes have always been my favourite Scandinavians for some inexplicable reason but a bit more of this from the Norweigans and I might have to revise my opinion:

Of course, I've been here before with my declared love for Kings of Convenience, but I would have thought after nearly four years my mancrush on Erlend Øye would have melted away just a wee bit.

Quick, throw me my favourite Abba youtube clip before I write something I might regret.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Friday's Playlist #16

An ongoing series:

  • My Brightest Diamond, 'Golden Star' (Bring Me the Workhorse)
  • The Mary Onettes, 'Void' (Labrador Summer Sampler 2007)
  • Chas & Dave, 'There Ain't No Pleasing You'
  • Future Of The Left, 'Manchasm' (Curses)
  • National Skyline, 'The Last Day' (The Last Day EP)
  • Alistair Griffin, 'Mark Viduka'
  • The Legends, 'Call It Ours' (Up Against The Legends)
  • Abba, 'Head Over Heels' (The Visitors)
  • Amy Rigby, 'Dancing With Joey Ramone' (Little Fugitive)
  • The Tom Morton Two, 'Learning To Hate The Beatles' ('A Complete and Utter History of Rock'n'Roll')
  • Spotify Playlist Link.