Showing posts with label cross party group on eating disorders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cross party group on eating disorders. Show all posts

Monday 28 July 2008

Scotland follows our lead- for a change!

I hope you can take time to read this article that I wrote, that was printed in today's health section of the Western Mail with regards to the treatment of eating disorders in Wales. If you want to join the cross party group, then just get in touch, or if you are on Facebook please join us for discussion there.

I also received a link from a member of the cross party group of a debate on eating disorders that took place this March at the Scottish Parliament- praising our action here in Wales on eating disorders. Well, it makes a change to Wales following Scotland all the time! A Tory MSP, Mary Scanlon was singing our praises, although I gather from her speech that she believes the cross party group to be a government led initiative. There's pressure on us now to perform as a committee, which of course we will do!

Here is the quote:

"Whereas there has been a lack of action—or insufficient action—on the issue in Scotland, the Welsh Assembly has taken dramatic and decisive action to combat eating disorders. It established a cross-party committee on the issue to compile a comprehensive analysis of eating disorders in Wales, including recommendations from the NHS in Wales on provision and support for patients and their families. The committee has managed to raise awareness of eating disorders across Wales and has called for proactive campaigns that specifically target young women in schools and universities. It has also promoted the need for increased training in the health sector to equip front-line staff with the skills to identify and to deal effectively and efficiently with patients suffering from eating disorders."

I am pleased that we are progressing on this issue here in Wales, especially following a meeting that a delegation of the group had with the Health Minister, Edwina Hart AM lately. There's still much to be done, but we have recess to continue the work ( some of us are not taking 9 weeks holiday, I'll have you know. We are working very hard in our constituencies, as some journalists such as Matt Withers needs to know.....;-)) and to follow up any issues in the next cross party group in the new term. B-eat Cymru will be launched in October also, which will also be an exciting time for those working in the sector, and for those suffering from an eating disorder in Wales.

Wednesday 2 July 2008

Politicians are human too!!

I have had a relatively quiet day today, which is more than I can say for my colleague Nerys Evans AM who has been running around doing interviews about her anonomous survey of AMs on their own experiences of domestic abuse and sexual assault. This was initiated in relation to an Amnesty and NUS Wales led survey on the perceptions of domestic abuse amongst students, and the rate at which it takes place. Of course, the findings of the questionnaire are not surprising as we all, no doubt, know people who are victims of domestic violence in one shape or another. But it was actually surprising that so few AMs took part in the process. Nerys Evans was, after all, only seeking to communicate the fact that politicians are involved in this situation, and that we too have experiences that shape our society. I commend her for raising awareness of this issue, and hope that the Assembly's report on domestic violence will lead to action in this area, as well as place additional pressure on the UK government to push this to the forefront of the political agenda.

The eating disorders cross party group went really well last night, and I thank everyone who attended. We will be meeting with the Minister imminently to discuss the care pathway with regards to eating disorders, and I hope that we can get assurances that there will be substantial investment in this area. Carers and those suffering from an eating disorder, as well as those working in the health sector were present, and I look forward to the next meeting, and arranging more events to raise awareness of the issue.

Tomorrow, I am taking part in a British Council event in encouraging young people to get involved in politics. I met with a group of 6th form pupils to discuss their political aspirations yesterday, and their enthusiasm is clear for all to see. I only hope that we can try and ensure that young people feel part of the political system as opposed to believeing that their voices are irrelevant to us as Assembly Members.

Friday 27 June 2008

Its Friday!

Here is a link to the blog that I wrote for Ourkingdom on devolution if you want to take a look. It concentrates on the challenges ahead for both the Labour party and the Tories in the context of the referendum on a Parliament for Wales.

I visited Christchurch Primary school in Swansea today. I am always touched by the enthusiasm and the drive of teachers who dedicate themselves to their pupils. They were all very welcoming. My mother is also a Primary school teacher, and so I will always respect the time and effort that teachers invest in their work. It is certainly not an easy job, and I don't think that I could juggle a class of 30 children personally!

I am doing a surgery at the Berwyn Centre, Nantymoel on Monday between 10am and 12 if any readers of my blog live in that area and wish to raise any local issues with me personally. I am trying to do a mixture of street surgeries, and surgeries in various locations across the region so as to reach as many people as possible.

The next cross party group on eating disorders is at 5.30pm next Tuesday at the National Assembly if any of you wish to attend. We are looking at the provision of services by GPs, and also the response of the Health Minster to a letter that we wrote regarding the fact that the current care pathway on eating disorders is only an advisory document- which ultimately means that many local health boards, trusts and GPs alike do not take it as their own individual responsibility to treat eating disorders accordingly.

I've just remembered that there is a London Olympics event at the Assembly on Monday evening also. I was hoping to attend so that I could ask some awkward questions about the financial burden of the Olympics on Welsh lottery monies, but it looks to me as if it will be more of a wine and canapes session. hmmm!

Have a nice weekend....

Tuesday 6 May 2008

Financial support from the Lottery for Eating Disorders in Wales

I've just found out that the Lottery has announced today that it will be putting £800,000 aside to support those suffering from an eating disorder in Wales. The BBC reports that this will be administered by the Eating Disorders Association, which may be a hard task as it no longer exists. It is now called b-eat...

Nevertheless I have been told by reliable sources that the Steering Group for the Big Lottery project will be the AWEDSIG ( All Wales Eating Disorder Special Interest Group) management group that Joy Jones chairs- a group that is a member of the Cross party group on Eating Disorders here at the National Assembly.

This is great news for those of us who are campaigning for increased provision and support for those with an eating disorder in Wales, and I look forward to learning about the new projects that will follow in line with this investment. B-eat has support groups in Wales, but it does not, for financial reasons, have a broad presence in Wales. I'm excited by the possibilities for action in light of the Lottery's funding announcement today.

Monday 14 April 2008

Cross Party group on eating disorders tomorrow.

I'm looking forward to the cross party group on eating disorders tomorrow, especially as today I visited a woman who has suffered from the condition for most of her life, and was told that had mental health strategies been in place to support her years ago, she would be fit and healthy now.

If this is not a wake up call for action, I do not what is. At the meeting Peter Boyle, a Public Health Specialist will be giving a brief introduction on the work of the All Wales Eating Disorders Special Interest Group. It was enlightening to discover that Peter and his colleagues had previously devoted time and effort into writing a care pathway on eating disorders in Wales, which was then, under Jane Hutt, set to be enforced as part of a National strategy on eating disorders. Unfortunately this did not happen for reasons of which I am unfamiliar with. Therefore, I hope that one of the key first actions for our group is to impress upon Edwina Hart, the current Health Minister the need for the implementation of the care pathway so that those suffering from eating disorders have the care that they rightly need and deserve at every level - from access to GPs who may then refer them to local mental health teams, to the more specialised services.

Experts in the field rightly argue that there will be far less of a need for beds in a specialist treatment centre if sufferers can be supported from the outset- without their condition getting so severe that specialist treatment is the only option. There is much more to do in this field, what with educating GPs about how to identify those suffering from an eating disorder, to providing support networks for people, to ensuring that courses specialising in eating disorders are part of the main syllabus for both nurses and Doctors- all issues that we will discuss in the group during the next three years, at least!

Wednesday 9 April 2008

Anhwylderau Bwyta/ Eating Disorders

Bydd cyfarfod nesaf y grwp trawsbleidiol ar anhwylderau bwyta yn digwydd wythnos nesaf, ar y 15 o Ebrill am 12.30 yn ystafell Cynhadledd 21 yn y Cynulliad. Os oes diddordeb da chi mewn trafod y materion pwysig sydd yn ymwneud a thriniaeth anhwylderau bwyta, a thrafod sut i sicrhau bod y mater ar flaen yr agenda gwleidyddol, plis dewch i'r cyfarfod. Ers sefydlu'r grwp, rwyf wedi derbyn cryn ddiddordeb gan bobl sy'n gweithio yn y maes iechyd, pobl sydd yn cael anhwylder bwyta, ac gan elusennau yn y maes. Mae'n bwysig bod y grwp nawr yn mynd i'r afael a'r sefyllfa yng Nghymru. Yn ngolau trafodaethau'r LCO newydd ar iechyd meddwl, mae'n bwysigach nag erioed bod gwasanaethau anhwylderau bwyta yn cael ei drafod, a sut fedrir hyn gwella yn y dyfodol.


The next meeting for the cross party group on Eating Disorders will take place next week, the 15th of April at 12.30pm in Conference Room 21 at the National Assembly for Wales. If you are interested in taking part in the debate, and of looking at ways to ensure that the issue stays at the top of the political agenda, then please attend the meeting. Since we have established the group, there has been widespread interest from Health professionals, charities, and those with eating disorders in the group, and the work that we are seeking to carry out. Its important now, especially in light of the LCO on Mental Health at the Assembly, that provision is improved for the future.

Friday 25 January 2008

Eating Disorders- support for the cross party group.

This letter was in the Western Mail today from David Samuel. I was on the Richard Evans show with Ali Valenzuela, a girl from Swansea who suffered from the illness on Wednesday, and David phoned in to the show to say that he too had anorexia while a student in Cardiff. I was actually in school with David, and he has been very active with the BMA in Wales in raising important issues affecting student Doctors. I hope that everyone who is interested in this subject will take part in the debate, and also attend the launch of the eating disorders cross party group campaign on the 27th of February at the National Assembly for Wales.

Eating disorder need

SIR – I welcome the call by Bethan Jenkins to improve the services dedicated to treating eating disorders in Wales (Health Wales, January 21).

Despite over 50,000 people in Wales suffering from such disorders, the limited in-patient service offered in Wales is over-run and community services are limited and stretched to breaking point.

Anorexia nervosa has the highest mortality rate of all mental illnesses. It impacts on the patients’ physical and mental status, and also transforms their lives and that of their family and loved ones.

Unless patients are treated quickly then their obsession with food, exercise and their illogical desire to be thin turns into a live threatening, life-dominating condition.

As a medical student who has suffered from anorexia, I have seen the effects of this condition from both sides. I am only too aware of the dangers of the condition, as well as the illogical thoughts that possesses a sufferers’ mind.

At a time when preventing obesity seems high on the agenda in the UK, let us not forget those at the other end of the spectrum who are underweight, undernourished and suffering in silence as anorexia and bulimia torment and haunt their everyday lives. No family should have to travel over the border to receive treatment for what is an already immensely burdensome condition. I only hope WAG listen to Ms Jenkins’s call and also take note of the silent cries of many eating disorder sufferers across Wales. I only hope that as a practising doctor in six months time I will be able to offer help to my patients close to their homes to overcome their dying desire to diet.


Fifth year medical student, Cardiff University. Pant, Merthyr Tydfil

Tuesday 22 January 2008

Eating Disorders in Wales

This article on eating disorders and provision in Wales was printed in yesterday's health section of the Western Mail for your information.

Roedd yr erthygl yma wedi cael ei brintio yn y Western Mail ddoe am anhwylderau bwyta, a gwasanaethau yng Nghymru.

Wednesday 16 January 2008

Cross party group on eating disorders gets under way

I've had a busy few days back at the Assembly. Today is a little less frantic so I have prepared to say a few words during the Lib dem minority party debate on ID Cards today. I am hoping to concentrate on the issue of Welsh identity in the context of the argument against ID cards, and the way in which ID cards are another way for Gordon Brown to push forward his obsession with 'Britishness'.

Yesterday, I launched the new Cross-party group on Eating Disorders. I'm really looking forward to the work of the group. Edwina Hart was present, and requested that we draw up a strategy, and raise awareness of eating disorders in order to mainstream the issues surrounding the illness. We are hoping to launch the aims and objectives of the group during Eating Disorder Awareness Week, which starts on the 25th of February. The National campaign this year focuses on the role of carers of those who suffer from eating disorders. While this is an important issue, as this will be our first event as a National Assembly group, we will be a little more general in our approach. If anyone would like to contribute to the group or to help with the organisation of the event, then please do get in touch.