Showing posts with label Wreckless Eric. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wreckless Eric. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 08, 2022

Be Stiff: The Stiff Records Story by Richard Balls (Soundcheck Books 2015)


32 Alexander Street, London, W2

1977. An office in a former house in Bayswater, now home to a small record label. Inside is a garrulous Dubliner with scruffy hair, a couple of women hard at work, and a boyish-looking singer called Wreckless lounging in a chair. The door opens and a bloke comes in carrying several large cardboard cut-outs of some of the label’s exciting new acts. One cut-out is of a nerdy, pigeon-toed singer with a sneer and a Fender Jazzmaster.

“Ah great, they’re here. Great,” says the Irishman. “Jesus, these are pretty good. I love the one of Elvis. These look all right.” Excitedly he picks them up and admires them, before grabbing a hammer from a drawer and climbing on a chair. “Hey Suzanne, would you pass me a nail? I want to put these up. These are gonna look great up here.” Bemused at this sudden burst of activity, the singer looks on as the giant shop displays are banged into place. “That’s the sort of stupid thing I’d do,” he thinks to himself.

As the hammering goes on, a wild-eyed, intimidating figure bursts in and looks up at the wall, horrified. “Yeah, we’ve got the displays,” says the Irishman. “They’re fucking great aren’t they? Great.”
“What the fuck?” yells the other guy. “What fucking moron did that?” “Well we’ve got to put ‘em up, Jake, you know?” he replies. “Put ‘em up? Do you want to see Elvis Costello with a fucking nail through his head? I fucking don’t”. Jake then storms out of the office, slamming the door behind him, and disappears along the busy London street.

A storm is brewing. Something is going to blow.

Excerpt From: Richard Balls. “Be Stiff: The Stiff Records Story.” iBooks. 

Excerpt From: Richard Balls. “Be Stiff: The Stiff Records Story.” iBooks. 

Friday, September 28, 2007

Friday's Playlist #15.5 Stranger Than Fiction

An ongoing series:

  • The Proclaimers, 'Whole Wide World' (Life With You)
  • Wreckless Eric, 'Whole Wide World' (Wreckless Eric)
  • Pardon the pun, but it was wreckless of me to inadvertently leave two songs on permanent repeat on iTunes overnight whilst the volume was down. I mean, I love both versions of the song, but the play count is now lying to me about how much I love the song.

    Sadly, this wee entry doesn't even have a happy ending. Another 30 minutes of not discovering the musical mistake would have finally displaced Cheap Trick's 'Surrender' from the Top 25 Most Played folder, but it wasn't to be. Maybe next time.