Showing posts with label New Labour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Labour. Show all posts

Monday, February 17, 2020

"This is my moment of madness. This is my Clapham Common"

Catching up again (part 3)


New Year's Darts Resolutions (Updated)

  • Hit two 180s in one day.
  • Hit fifty 180s in 2020.
  • Hit a high of 41 - as the lowest score - in a round.
  • Hit 60 sixties in a round.
  • Hit a 180 in a bar.
  • Towards the end of the year, join a pub team and, naturally, go down in flames in ignominious defeat.

Another 2020 Dart Resolution achieved That's my fiftieth 180 of the year. If I'd known I was going to reach the target in the middle of February then, of course, I would have set a higher number but, in fairness to myself, I was basing it off the fact that I'd hit seventeen 180s in 2019. I guess the unofficial goal now is to hit 100 180s in 2020. We'll see.

With regards to the other resolutions yet to be achieved, I've not even come close to the 'high of 41'. I'm not sure I can even achieve it, but I will give it my best shot.

Joining a pub team? That's a bit more complicated. I'll fill you in about it another time.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Last Party: Britpop, Blair and the Demise of English Rock by John Harris (Harper Perennial 2003)

Noel Gallagher had turned up at his local polling station to find that he was required to produce one more item of identification than he was carrying. 'Do you want me to sing you a fucking song?' he protested, before celebrity eventually got the better of bureaucracy. That night, though the South Bank beckoned, he remained on the sofa. 'I had a ticket for the Labour Party party, but I had that much fun watching Portillo and the others get done over I stayed at home in front of the TV. It was all champagne and cigars round our house. Meg and me got pissed and went out into the garden and played ['The Beatles'] Revolution dead loud with the neighbours banging on the walls.'