Showing posts with label johnny cash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label johnny cash. Show all posts

March 26, 2010

Jim Marshall r.i.p.

Jim Marshall passed away this week. Marshall was the greatest music photographer ever. If one picture is worth a thousand words, than Marshall was James Joyce multiplied by infinity. Here is some of his work. I am sure you know many of his iconic photos and perhaps weren't even aware that he was the master behind the lens.

October 16, 2009


As some of you might know, I play bass in a couple of bands of the Punk genre. My lack of musical ability makes my choices perfect. Bass (4 strings, 2 less than guitar), and Punk (even I can play 5 notes) and of course, my ever sunny disposition.

My ever understanding wife has given me free reign to exorcise my demons in this manner, bless her little heart.

One of my bands, Dirty Pillows; has got a gig on Long Island in Amityville (yes, the home of this) tomorrow (Sat Oct 17), if anyone is in the environs. It's for a pet shelter - a good cause if there ever was one!

The neat thing about this band is that we play 2 or 3 times a year live, and practice about that much as well. Hey.. it's punk rock. Furthermore, as most of what we do is, ahem, "influenced" by The Ramones, as long as one of us can remember to count to 4, we're set.

Last nite we had our first and only practice for the show. We literally ran thru the set once and we were perfect (also sober... which MIGHT have helped). It's nice to be able to get together with some laid back people and not have any drama in a band. We have about a 20 year span between the oldest and youngest people in the band, and maybe that helps as well.
After running thru the set, we had a lot of time left, so we played some elongated 12 bar blues thang (which I named "The I Can't Bang Jennifer Aniston Blues") and some old Pete Seeger stuff.

And my other band, Caterwaul Of Sound, is shooting an actual music video tonight! Lots of blood and gore and bad taste will be involved.

Punk rock... it's what's for dinner.

Hey... check out this progression...

Green Day - Another State Of Mind (Social Distortion cover)
Social Distortion - Ring Of Fire (Johnny Cash cover)
Johnny Cash - Hey Good Lookin' (Hank Williams cover)
Hank Williams - Your Cheatin' Heart

December 28, 2008

An Ends To A Means

In the final accounting of the recent travails of the Nomad clan:
  • Kitty Nomad is still hanging on for dear feline life. The tumor on his side has blown wide open, and while it is coverered with a shirt, we know the meds we feed him will soon lose their effectiveness. The vet says that it makes no sense to cut away his flank and sew it up, as the trauma would kill kim. For now, he is still friendly, social, and most importantly, hungry... so we pray that perhaps the 2 inch gaping hole in his side will somehow seal and he can make it through the end of year.
  • Princess Nomad is firmly entrenched with the Twilight series of books. Between that and this, she is as happy as can be hoped for while awaiting the endgame for her pet.
  • Nazz Junior is destroying all comers in Halo and Left For Dead on the XBOX 360. He has also developed an enthusiasm for Johnny Cash music, thanks in part to this movie. Nazz Junior is specifically enamored of The Man In Black's tales of murder, revenge and prison. Like father, like son!
  • The Missus is trying to keep it all together in the face of feline doom. Thankfully, the shock is past, for now the grim waiting game continues.
  • Yours truly is laid up with a bad back. Possibly this has been caused in part by the stress of work and finances. Luckily, a regiment of this and this have enabled him to combat the pain somewhat. Unfortunately, this has caused him to recently engage again in wasted posting. Oops!
On the plus side of the ledger... THE NEW YORK FOOTBALL GIANTS have got the number one seed in the NFL Play-offs.

So, along with the total consciousness the Dali Lama promised me on my deathbed, I've got it all under control. Which is nice.

Or something.

Gunga La Gunga, you mofo's!!!!!!!

Joey Ramone - Garden Of Serenity (live)
Johnny Cash -Dirty Old Egg-Suckin' Dog (live)
Social Distortion - Another State Of Mind
Quickie - Medicated (Just To Get By)
The Cramps - Bop Pills

April 24, 2008

Apocalypse Soon

The other day was Earth Day and everyone had their 24 hour feel good moment. And now it's back to your regular programming. I especially like this rancid bag of pus, Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, who is AGAINST Flourescent light bulbs and FOR leaded gas! At this point, why don't the Republikkkans just show their cloven hooves and horns and get it over with.

Meanwhile, gas is over four bucks a gallon, the war is still on and worst of all, freakin beer prices are skyrocketing.

It's the end of days, kiddies... so grab a seat and embrace the apocalypse.

Jerry Garcia Band - Save Mother Earth (live 1-19-72)
Dramarama - What Are We Gonna Do
Johnny Cash - The Man Comes Around (early take)
The Clash - Four Horsemen (Vanilla Tapes)
New Bomb Turks - Apocalyptic Dipstick

July 25, 2007

Coked, drunk & stupid is no way to go though life

Anyone remember there's an illegal war going on? Anyone remember an administration full of criminals? I guess not. The media finds the tale of addict actresses more compelling.

The tale of Lindsay Lohan gets more pathetic.
I will say this... if I was a 20 year old movie star; with unlimited funds and carte blanche, I'd probably be dead. And most of you would be too. How many times have YOU put yourself in a self destructive situation?

Hell, when I was in my college years I almost cashed in a bunch of times and I was broke most of the time. Luckily, after a few calls too close for comfort (and some a little too recent), I have realized that there is no glory in croaking at an early age. Or, for that matter, going to prison.

I would like to think, however, if I had the money that Hollywood's dumbest has; that I would have hired a freakin' driver to take me around!

Rolling Stones - Stupid Girl
Screeching Weasel - Stupid Girl
Funcadelic - Super Stupid
AC/DC - Have A Drink On Me
Husker Du - Whatcha Drinkin?
Johnny Cash - Cocaine Blues

July 6, 2007

Friday Grab Bag - Prison Bound!

Here's to the most American of experiences. Prison!
As of June 30, 2006--
-- 2,245,189 prisoners were held in Federal or State prisons or in local jails.

-- Over 50% of those held in federal prisons are incarcerated due to non violent (ie: drug) offenses. Yep, the War on Drugs is really working out!

- - there were an estimated 497 prison inmates per 100,000 U.S. residents; up from 411 at year end 1995.

I would suspect that many of my fellow travelers have spent a night in the pokey. Hey, it's good for character building, right?

Jerry Garcia 5-5-82 Oregon State Prison (whole show!)
Johnny Cash - Live inside a Swedish Prison (whole show!)
Social Distortion - Prrison Bound
Social Distortion - Orange County Jail (demo)
Dan Bern - Jail
Wanda Jackson - Riot In Cell Block 9
Leadbelly - Birmingham Jail

June 15, 2007

Friday Grab Bag - Happy Father's Day

Sunday is Father's Day. If you're lucky enough to still have your dad in your life, enjoy your time together. I'll be in hangin' in my backyard with the kids drinking beer (well, I'll be drinking beer, not them!) and catchin' rays.

Happy Father's Day!


New York Dolls - Daddy Rolling Stone (live)
Edwin Starr - Big Papa

The Cramps - Papa Satan Sang Louie
Janis Joplin - Daddy Daddy Daddy