Showing posts with label Noel Edmonds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Noel Edmonds. Show all posts

Friday, September 04, 2020

Confession time . . .

. . . I preferred Swap Shop over Tiswas as a kid. Give me toys beyond my financial reach over mayhem, anarchy and adverts any day:

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Infotainment Scam

Our TV died on us last autumn, but after viewing this recent clip from Fox's Glenn Beck Show I now realise that it committed suicide.

Before any British readers get a bit smug about right-wing loud-mouth American tv, wrap your peepers around this recent clip from Noel's HQ:

I always knew Noel Edmonds had his head up his own arse but it's sad to see Keith Chegwin plumb such sorry depths. The man who fronted Naked Jungle reduced to the status of being King Noel's arse wiper. I bet he never thought it would come to this . . . and it must be a bastard trying to wipe when Noel's head is in the way.