The MRC's Ironic Promotion Of RFK Jr.'s Presidential Campaign, Part 1

The Media Research Center doesn't actually want Robert Kennedy Jr. to be president -- it's just hoping that his Democratic campaign might damage President Biden's re-election efforts.

Related: It's Not Book Banning When The MRC Does It!

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WND's Other Russia Apologists, Part 2

WorldNetDaily columnists have continued their admiration for Vladimir Putin and their smears against Ukraine -- but there's one columnist who's deviating from the pro-Russia norm.

The MRC Hating Transgender People, 2023 Edition: Part 2

The transphobic meltdowns continued among Media Research Center writers as the year progressed, which included complaints that right-wing transphobic hate was being called out for what it is.

Vladimir Putin's Favorite WND Columnist, Part 2

WorldNetDaily's Scott Lively admits he's a Putin apologist, and he has even appeared in Russian media to help the country justify its invasion of Ukraine while blaming the "deep state" for provoking it.

The Clarence Thomas (And Sam Alito) Defense Center

The Media Research Center continued to defend Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas as ethical concerns about him continued to mount -- and it also had to defend fellow right-wing justice Samuel Alito from similar allegations.

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