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midnightauro commented on
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Score hidden · 1 hour ago

I took civics and economics in the 9th grade! World History 10th. US history in 11th. Nothing required for seniors or college

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Score hidden · just now

Mine were flipped, your 10th, then 9th but basically the same education. I can't say I learned very much, but I do think high school needs to be improved rather than shunting this off to colleges.

Everyone takes a basic math and English class at the community College I'm at, but history is not something that fits into the jam packed medical programs. There's already not enough time for them to fit everything in 2 years without a summer session to help.

0 points · 4 hours ago · edited 31 minutes ago

“She (Mamie) suffered from poor balance due to Ménière's disease [which causes a lack of balance due to vertigo]. (Wikipedia)


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1 point · 3 hours ago

I wouldn't wish this hell disease on anybody, but maybe in this one case...

Denying a recovering new mother a damned wheelchair because you know she's too nervous or proud to ask is inexcusable imo. Especially when you know exactly how godawful childbirth is because you've had kids.

midnightauro commented on
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70 points · 17 hours ago

Is there a word for that feeling of crushing nostalgia? The panic you feel when you realise that time is gone, you can't get it back, and you didn't appreciate it when you had it?

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29 points · 13 hours ago

That crushing nostalgia where I just want to see it as it was really one more time. My memories are fairly mixed and not joyous but I want a moment where everything is the same just once more...

Everything changes and I'm living with it, but the feeling of something existing only in my memories is painful as hell.

midnightauro commented on
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48 points · 1 day ago

I don't want a gravestone but if I did, I'd want goths to pose on it. I get second hand fame and they don't harass anybody else's gravestone. (Though I guess photo shoots could still be disruptive to the other visitors. Just do it late at night eh kids? And don't litter or I WILL haunt your ass)

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14 points · 23 hours ago

By all means goth kids, come fuck it up with the poses in front of my grave marker. I'm dead, I won't give a damn as long as you don't hurt anyone or leave a bunch of trash in the process.

midnightauro commented on
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4 points · 1 day ago

Historically accurate, practical armor is sexy to history nerds. Like me.

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2 points · 1 day ago

Hey now, we can like both. I need options. I need nicely accurate, practical armor or at least actual clothes my character can wear for RP sessions... And also platekinis. For reasons.

midnightauro commented on
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79 points · 1 day ago

I am a proud memeber of the guild and it is on Sargeras and we now 8/8H as well as 8/8N we welcome all the deeps and heals to joij mrglmrrgl mrgl

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14 points · 1 day ago

How did I know it would be Sargeras. My SO is still playing retail and I'm going to outright demand he join. 🤣🤣

6 points · 1 day ago

I'll join, but only if the raid leader does call outs in mrrrgls.

midnightauro commented on
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2 points · 1 day ago

should I just buy the disposable undies and cry about it later?

I choked on my drink at this. My depends did nothing to help prevent this!

Srs answer: While I've had plenty of gastro upset and some urgency issues, I can proudly say I've never shit my pants in the full 8 years I've been on it. Just don't trust any fart you feel, they're lying to you.

It's not the best or most fun thing I've ever taken, but it's certainly not so bad I can't tolerate it. The extended release can also help if short acting isn't working out for you.

midnightauro commented on
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5 points · 1 day ago

Texas just wishes they were us

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0 points · 1 day ago

They have Texas shaped cheese at HEB and Whataburger but that doesn't make up for calling beef the "real" BBQ.

Heathens. Brisket is fine but I will die on the hill made of pulled pork.

4 points · 1 day ago

Biscuitville takes Hardee's behind the shed, imo.

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5 points · 1 day ago

Strangely enough, the only thing I didn't particularly like about Biscuitville was the biscuits. Their grits slap, the spam was awesome, but I didn't care for the namesake.

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