If your post is about human rights issues. This is the place. We encourage fair and balanced submissions. Please do not use misinformation and unreliable resources. Do use credible resources like the reuters, BBC, or NPR.
The subject and content of the link should be apparent by its title. Posts with misleading or inaccurate titles will be removed.
Carefully consider the validity and reliability of the source before posting. Strictly no spam or self promotion of your material. i.e. your site, channel etc. Violation will lead to an immediate ban.
Posts attempting to promote a specific agenda of yours or anyone else will be removed.
To make this a welcome sub for all, your unwelcome comments will not be tolerated, and you will be perma-banned. Examples: Negative comments towards race, culture, ethnicity or religion, direct or implied, true or false facts. Race baiting or slurs, making comments to get a toxic thread going, or jumping in on that bandwagon. Telling someone to kill themself.