
Goodnight my sweet prince by bmwlocoAirCooled in asheville

[–]casemanx 0 points1 point  (0 children)

That's rough, I'm so sorry. I've got an old girl and she's getting close.

Best Place For A Burger And A Beer by Previous-Awareness15 in asheville

[–]casemanx 0 points1 point  (0 children)

They have a "new'ish" owner and chef as of right around the start of the pandemic. The original chef opened Asheville Proper over in Grove Arcade. I don't know how it is now, but Storm used to have an amazing burger but that was back with the old kitchen staff.

Surprisingly, Jetty Rae's has a fantastic burger as well. Like, really effing good.

Resident Evil print advertisement, 2002. by YS-123 in gaming

[–]casemanx 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The old advert that use to play with the lady smashing the hell out of melons for the original RE was damn funny. I've tried searching for it for a trip down memory lane but my google fu fails me every time.

Where to run D&D by bigbadbananaboi in asheville

[–]casemanx 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Mork borg is amazing!

Is everyone over 21? Upstairs at Wedge Foundation, or maybe Hillman would both be good options. I don't you'd actually need to be 21 and over, but being able to buy a few pints is a win/win for everyone.

Gym recommendations? by [deleted] in asheville

[–]casemanx -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Madabolic is fantastic, but it's more of a structured group workout environment... not sure if that's what OP is looking for. If so, definitely check it. If not, check out Biltmore Fitness over by Mission.

Vacation Question by Freegal45 in KeyWest

[–]casemanx 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Can't recommend this enough! OP, do this for sure.

Best place for botox/lip filler? by deaf_tyger in asheville

[–]casemanx 31 points32 points  (0 children)

Man, people in this thread are judgy AF.

OP, my lady's friend had some work done that she is happy with, I'll see if I can get the name of where she went.

Anyone had a deck built recently? Curious about costs. by Doiq in asheville

[–]casemanx 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I had my old back deck (elevated like 30' off the ground) completely redone as all of the floor planks were rotting. So the base structure was there, but it was almost a complete rebuild (kept the railing, that was it). Along with that I added a roof along the majority of it to keep the sun from beating the crap out of the new decking. Total cost was about $9k. I've used the contractor for other jobs and he's fantastic.

Oh, dimensions were something like 27'x10. Edit: Project was last October/Nov.

Fishing guide? by dfgvxut45 in KeyWest

[–]casemanx 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Chad at TarponDiem has some dates available in your window. He's fantastic.

How early do you get to the airport? by gregarious_wanderer in asheville

[–]casemanx 1 point2 points  (0 children)

As someone who always gets the airport as early as possible, you don't really need to be at the AVL airport any earlier than an hour. And of the 2 dozen times I've left through AVL that hour was still too much time.

Updates to BSC Reflection Tracker by External_Staff_8405 in Y5FinanceOFFICIAL

[–]casemanx 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Once again this rocks, thank you for always improving on it.

How hard would it be to create a sort of hybrid Individual/Cumulative option where you could see your daily reflections rewards in a specific token (say busd for example) being rewarded from ALL the tokens you have that reward it? Right now you have run the report multiple times and then add up the resulting BUSD daily rewards. Would be nice to know how much your earning each day from all the tokens you hold.

Just a thought. Your Tracker is a great tool, thank you for designing it!

New Dashboard is live by TheCryptoSam in Y5FinanceOFFICIAL

[–]casemanx 1 point2 points  (0 children)

This is not the CRD (custom reflections dashboard), I think the OP is confusing people by saying "new dashboard". They just tweaked the existing one so you can buy Y5 directly on their site (which is cool nonetheless). The AirDrop is due at the same time the Custom Dashboard drops which is what will allow you to pick your 5 custom reflection tokens. This will happen in Q2

Wow... has started to rise now! by [deleted] in EverReflect

[–]casemanx 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Those are reflections, I'm aware of how those work. I was more asking about the air drops to some holders he mentioned.

Wow... has started to rise now! by [deleted] in EverReflect

[–]casemanx 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Just out of curiosity what's the procedure to see if you qualify for the airdrop?

Licensed contractor for home renovation by Ok_Run_4098 in asheville

[–]casemanx 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I'm not sure what his time line is right now but I've used Steve at S.B Welco multiple times (most recently for a basement build-out) and he's fantastic.

Exchange Update by TheCryptoSam in Y5FinanceOFFICIAL

[–]casemanx 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Definitely looking forward to that AMA.

Picking a New Washer and Dryer by Iron_Chef_BBQ in Home

[–]casemanx 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Gonna second SpeedQueen. Durable AF. I love mine.

Dentist Recommendations? by [deleted] in asheville

[–]casemanx 2 points3 points  (0 children)

This right here. Dr Peele is fantastic!

So what just happened on poocoin???? by Creepincrypto in Y5FinanceOFFICIAL

[–]casemanx 1 point2 points  (0 children)

There is the official Discord as well. It's a lot calmer and less frantic than the TG channel.

hows everyone doing by Cryptoking0420 in Y5FinanceOFFICIAL

[–]casemanx 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Just lucky enough to get in on presale, and have added a bit since then.