
27F, what are your first thoughts?:) by xWhovillex in firstimpression

[–]dhoae [score hidden]  (0 children)

We were all thinking it but I was hoping no one would say it haha.

Edit: Oh I just noticed her username. Seems she’s aware.

Weak punches or strong chin? by jarvi-ss in fightporn

[–]dhoae 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It doesn’t take that much power to knock someone out. I’d say the bigger issue is where the punches are landing. Not the optimal place for a knock out.

Weak punches or strong chin? by jarvi-ss in fightporn

[–]dhoae 1 point2 points  (0 children)

More so poor punch placement. It doesn’t take that much to knock someone out but he’s hitting him on the side of the head. That’s not the best place to hit someone and get a knockout.

How do you call this item in your clong? by ZifuunTikx in conlangscirclejerk

[–]dhoae 3 points4 points  (0 children)

The fact that the word pussy is derived from container is hilarious 😂

Charles White preaching class consciousness and collaboration to his normie viewers. Can this be the end of people claiming he’s right wing? by dhoae in VaushV

[–]dhoae[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

No, I dont even remember what he said about Vaush. What bothers me more is how he acted during the whole Shark incident. Outside of that every time I see this guy talk he’s taking a bs position.

Charles White preaching class consciousness and collaboration to his normie viewers. Can this be the end of people claiming he’s right wing? by dhoae in VaushV

[–]dhoae[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Ok so why did you do this whole song and dance pretending people weren’t saying this when you’re one of the people saying this?

Opinions on art don’t make you right wing. I’m not particularly into art at all and prefer realism but I’m a leftist. Then Ryan Beard is an awful judge of character and it’s embarrassing that you would cite him.

Charles White preaching class consciousness and collaboration to his normie viewers. Can this be the end of people claiming he’s right wing? by dhoae in VaushV

[–]dhoae[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Did he not just promote a decent portion of class consciousness in this clip? And now i see, you’re one of the people who thinks he’s right wing haha. None of his takes on any of that stuff is right wing. You’re out of your mind.

Charles White preaching class consciousness and collaboration to his normie viewers. Can this be the end of people claiming he’s right wing? by dhoae in VaushV

[–]dhoae[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Where did you see me say leftism? 🤔 This is clearly not a right wing criticism of Hollywood. They don’t care about solidarity within the working class.

Charles White preaching class consciousness and collaboration to his normie viewers. Can this be the end of people claiming he’s right wing? by dhoae in VaushV

[–]dhoae[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Again, you’re treating it like it’s an exact quote from every person who has said anything about it. I know what I remember. You’re not going to get me to doubt my memories just because you didn’t personally experience it. The point is that people had this misconception about him. Stop trying to do the semantics thing.

Charles White preaching class consciousness and collaboration to his normie viewers. Can this be the end of people claiming he’s right wing? by dhoae in VaushV

[–]dhoae[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You’re ridiculous haha. The point is that they thought he was right wing. I don’t care about whatever excuses. You’re also acting like this is the direct quote of every person who has brought it up. This should help clear up the ignorance. Unfortunately I can’t help you with your problem.

Charles White preaching class consciousness and collaboration to his normie viewers. Can this be the end of people claiming he’s right wing? by dhoae in VaushV

[–]dhoae[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

They’re not saying “Is he right wing?”. They’re listening to Vaush speak positively about him, then questioning why. Saying “isn’t he” means you think he is and you’re seeing if it’s true. You know that but you’re lying for some reason and it’s weird.

Charles White preaching class consciousness and collaboration to his normie viewers. Can this be the end of people claiming he’s right wing? by dhoae in VaushV

[–]dhoae[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

This comment is just ridiculous. You’re saying that them saying that them saying it is not actually them saying it because they said it out of ignorance and are wrong. Yeah people say incorrect things out of ignorance all the time but they still said it! I’m not sure why you’re dying on this hill. I’ve seen people make the claim multiple times, if you never thought that then good for you.

Charles White preaching class consciousness and collaboration to his normie viewers. Can this be the end of people claiming he’s right wing? by dhoae in VaushV

[–]dhoae[S] -1 points0 points  (0 children)

This comment is just ridiculous. You’re saying that them saying that them saying it is not actually them saying it because they said it out of ignorance and are wrong. Yeah people say incorrect things out of ignorance all the time but they still said it! I’m not sure why you’re dying on this hill. I’ve seen people make the claim multiple times, if you never thought that then good for you.

Charles White preaching class consciousness and collaboration to his normie viewers. Can this be the end of people claiming he’s right wing? by dhoae in VaushV

[–]dhoae[S] -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Not sure how I could misremember that. Often when Charlie comes up Vaush responds to people saying something like “Isn’t he reactionary?” or something like that. There was even a point where Vaush thought that. There’s an old video of Vaush going over one of his videos where he makes that mistake. I was glad to see he had reevaluated.