
Life is about to get much more expensive for millions of families by FrigginMasshole in Economics

[–]BrightAd306 [score hidden]  (0 children)

It’s more that they let them expire like they were always meant to. The dems had both houses for years and wrote in the expiration dates.

Life is about to get much more expensive for millions of families by FrigginMasshole in Economics

[–]BrightAd306 [score hidden]  (0 children)

The issue as I see it is that in these other cultures, the elderly are respected and listened to. What grandma says goes. Doesn’t matter if she’s earning money, there’s a clear hierarchy. In the USA, parents don’t want grandma to be bossing them around about childcare. We have a youth focused culture and toss out our elderly. We don’t see or treat them as wise or worthy of respect.

It’s not going to work because in any household, there needs to be a clear hierarchy because sometime there will be conflict. Not so much with a married couple, but you throw 5 adults in the same house, some being in laws and there will be fireworks.

Life is about to get much more expensive for millions of families by FrigginMasshole in Economics

[–]BrightAd306 [score hidden]  (0 children)

We’d love to live in a lower cost of living area. Our problem is everything on the west coast is HCOL now, and at least our area also has higher wages. If we were remote workers, we’d move in a heartbeat.

Even places like Boise and Phoenix and Vegas are as expensive to live in as the Seattle suburbs as far as housing goes, with income tax on top of much lower wages.

My girlfriend left me because I shot a burglar by WrassleMan in TrueOffMyChest

[–]BrightAd306 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You’re delusional. This person was already violent when they kicked in a door. Then you expect them to act rationally and not be armed? Good luck with that.

Fear of Commitment by Direct_Row_7795 in Jung

[–]BrightAd306 7 points8 points  (0 children)

One thing to remember is that very few commitments can’t be undone. Having children is maybe it.

Plenty of people divorce, change careers, move states, go back to college.

I also think understanding the paradox of choice concept helps. No perfect, only good enough.

So hard to agree on girl names with husband! by mintccicecream in namenerds

[–]BrightAd306 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Coralie, Sylvie, Rosalie are my favorite French names other than Madeleine (which is also gorgeous)

Do reciept checkers catch anyone? by liebereddit in Costco

[–]BrightAd306 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I think it’s more about prevention than anything.

I found my other half and I’m tired of pretending it’s all right. by ditch-me in TrueOffMyChest

[–]BrightAd306 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Honestly, a lot of cheaters think this. They’re chasing butterflies. If you divorced and married this other woman and had to pay bills and do chores together, you’d lose that high soon.

Studies show the euphoria lasts as long as the affair lasts, but once it’s not an affair anymore that feeling goes away. It’s why so many who cheat once become serial cheaters, they’re always chasing “their other half”

Hpv Vaccine, possible issue. by Hieveryone8787 in VACCINES

[–]BrightAd306 1 point2 points  (0 children)

At this point, I think you’re safe. You’re a week out.

Hpv Vaccine, possible issue. by Hieveryone8787 in VACCINES

[–]BrightAd306 0 points1 point  (0 children)

In the UK, the cutoff is 25 for 2 doses. Age does matter, thanks for bringing it up.

If I were OP, I’d still take the course of steroids. And I wouldn’t do a second HPV shot under 25. It’s usually fine, but people do have more side effects after the 2nd dose because the immune system comes at the virus stronger.

My Fiancé said I stunk during sex. Now I don’t want to sleep with him anymore. by peanutpa in TrueOffMyChest

[–]BrightAd306 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Negging? Andrew Tate is ruining relationships for men and then making his followers act like women are the problem.

Hpv Vaccine, possible issue. by Hieveryone8787 in VACCINES

[–]BrightAd306 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You only likely needed one dose anyway. The USA has been slow to change, but they WHO is encouraging it and most of Europe and Asia have already reduced it to one dose.

I’d take the meds. If your immune system is reacting, it’s reacting because it’s already done a lot of it’s job just in building up more antibodies responding to the threat.

My girlfriend left me because I shot a burglar by WrassleMan in TrueOffMyChest

[–]BrightAd306 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Not my favorite aspect of living here, that’s for sure. Gun crime is worse in some areas than others. It’s not bad in mine and I don’t personally think it’s worth it to keep a gun handy. We have some for hobbies we keep so locked up that we wouldn’t be able to access them in a situation like this, but it’s statistically more likely a kid got into it or it got stolen than needing it in case of intruder.

My girlfriend left me because I shot a burglar by WrassleMan in TrueOffMyChest

[–]BrightAd306 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Not to mention, in America there’s a good chance the guy in also armed

My girlfriend left me because I shot a burglar by WrassleMan in TrueOffMyChest

[–]BrightAd306 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Kicking in a door takes an incredible amount of force. This isn’t someone who picked a lock.

My girlfriend left me because I shot a burglar by WrassleMan in TrueOffMyChest

[–]BrightAd306 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Your violent intruders are also likely not armed with a gun. Ours probably are.

Need advice for overweight teen by NoStreetlights in parentingteenagers

[–]BrightAd306 13 points14 points  (0 children)

This is one of those cases where you can only make things worse. Just be a good example and have healthy food around.

You’ve already said something or she wouldn’t accuse you of being an almond mom. I think it’s okay to gently nudge and then be quiet, and you’ve done that. If she has a camera and a mirror, she knows.

My girlfriend left me because I shot a burglar by WrassleMan in TrueOffMyChest

[–]BrightAd306 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I think kicking down a door and rushing in is different from wandering in, or even picking a lock. Not trying to be quiet means the intentions were almost certainly violent.

My girlfriend left me because I shot a burglar by WrassleMan in TrueOffMyChest

[–]BrightAd306 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Absolutely. People act like he’s being cold, but feeling numb is super normal in this situation.

My girlfriend left me because I shot a burglar by WrassleMan in TrueOffMyChest

[–]BrightAd306 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Loved ones don’t kick in a door. No one kicks in their own door.

The time it takes to shout that would be the time it takes for someone armed to shoot OP.