Showing posts with label Twee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Twee. Show all posts

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Belle & Sebastian think you walk as a peasant does.

Click here to follow the bus happily.

When this record first surfaced, I was living in New York. It was an early time and I had just taken the hand of a fair maiden. Life was good and then on one fateful day, I picked this record up at a place called Other Music. After getting it home and playing it in full for the fair maiden mentioned above, it was obvious that this would remain in heavy rotation. Years later this same sentiment still rings true.

Here's the video for the song "I fought in a war."

Before you press play, you must realize that this isn't just any ordinary piece of music. This is actually a rare instance of pure, expertly played material. You have to be open to it if this is your first listen and for God's sake, please be ready to take in the little things...

You should notice how when Stuart Murdoch first opens his mouth to sing, there isn't so much as a peep from the thousands strong audience after an initial whoop and holler. A rare feat indeed. It's like an angel opened it's mouth.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

More twee: The Postmarks

Click here for mandolin balm

Pompano Beach, Florida. Nothing comes from there. Nothing except The Postmarks and... this guy


Recommended if you enjoy Camera Obscura and the lot.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Rose Melberg hates clouds

Click here to make "rain love"

This record is good. No... perfect. Yes, that's it. Perfect for those rainy days where you end up sitting home alone thinking about the one that got away or the one that left your heart hurting. It's a twee as possible due to the sparse instrumentation and her soft, dreamy vocals featured on it. For the most part it's just Rose and her guitar that gently weeps.

I purchased this directly from her a couple of years ago and she couldn't have been a sweeter person. I swooned, but not in a cartoonish way where my feet left the ground and my heart beat out of my chest. It was more of a head nod because sometimes I just prefer to be boring.

Anyway, she's got a new record out called Homemade Ships and if you like this one you should go out and BUY her latest. I say buy because she isn't rich and she has kids to take care of. Not that that is your problem, but if you get off on looking at hungry kids, heck... go for it!

Couldn't you just taste that yummy ass sarcasm?

Please enjoy "Cast away the clouds" by Rose Melberg.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Gentle Waves will wash you ashore

Click here to dance between raindrops

After leaving Belle and Sebastian because her romance with front man Stuart Murdoch came to a crashing end, Ms. Campbell started a new band. They called themselves the Gentle Waves. This album, The green fields of foreverland, was their first. Not straying far from the sound that her prior band released, the album is warm with lush arrangements and sweet jangly guitars. There's no way one could find this a bad listen.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Slumber Party time!!
Click here to see my sisters boob.

Shoegazy..indie pop...noise...twee...blahblah blah.

Ms. Alicia Berg wrote all of the songs on this album.

What did you do today?
This Detroit band is really nice to listen to while you're doing whatever it is you might be doing outside when it rains. Keep the trenchcoat buttoned up though.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Isobell, oh Isobell
Click here to not mind riding your bike in the rain.

What can I say that you haven't heard about Ms. Campbell? We all know she was in the incredible Belle and Sebastian. We all know she had a bad breakup with the lead singer, Stuart Murdoch. We all know she put out a duets album with the gravel voiced Mark Lanegan. We all know she has a really pretty voice and an ability to write perfect pop songs. We all know she's Scottish.

What else?

Oh yeah, I almost forgot...she loves dogs!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Rose Melberg will cause nice dreams
Click the above link to speak to nature.

Admitedly, I'd never heard of Rose Melberg until one fateful night when I came across the wonderful site

Here I learned of one of the sweetest voices in twee/indie circles.

After that fateful night, I was devoted to Mrs. Melberg's soft songs and I went on a hunt to find more of these angelic sounds.

99% of the time, I download something and try hard to buy from the artist direct. In the case of Rose Melberg, I bought the limited vinyl release of "Cast away the clouds." (Only 450 copies worldwide)

Thanks to Bradleys Almanac I became musically smarter.

Visit his Boston based site and buy all Rose Melberg releases because she's not a stupid rock star. She's a normal gal...and that's a good thing.

Anyway, here she is live for your listening pleasure.

PS. If you use the link, mention Oh, robot. Thanks cutie!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Black Tambourine
Click on the link to lose yourself in guitar fuzziness!

Twee. Such a pretty sounding word, isn't it? I'm not going to sit here and be a super mega record nerd and tell you who this band's influences are...that's what Wikipedia is for!