Showing posts with label Thee Oh Sees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thee Oh Sees. Show all posts

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Thee Oh Sees Live!

Click here for wetter stamps

Courtesy of the technologically advanced, fine fellows over at NYC Taper, you now have the chance to hear a fantastic quality show by San Fran's favorite rockers. There isn't much else to say here because if you're here to begin with then you already know the deal. There are a few songs from the upcoming Warm Slime record too.

By the way, you should visit the NYC Taper site for loads of gems, but make sure you ask permission to redistribute because you don't want to be like me and get in trouble. Then, all of a sudden you'll start hanging around the wrong crowd, wearing leather, spitting at mirrors, and breaking pinball machines with your fists.

Again...NYC Taper I'm sorry I didn't follow the rules. Let's be friends. With the exception of my penchant for riding my bike inside of peoples apartments I'm a swell guy.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thee Oh Sees & Paul Cary split 7"

                        Click here for beard pampering.

While I'm not bowled over by Paul Cary's old band, The Horrors, his recent solo album was the cats meow for me. Go out and buy that one, will ya??!!

This 7" with Thee Oh Sees is basically a perfect record as far as I'm concerned. You should own a tangible copy of this too, but it was so damn limited that you'll need an ebay account to get any closer than this.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Click here for Ed Koch hairspray

There is definitely something about John Dwyer that rocks my socks off. Besides the sixteen hundred bands he's in, he's also in this one.

Go to all of his shows. Buy his vinyl too, because he always makes it in really pretty colors.

Please enjoy Yikes! Whoa comas or blood bomb.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Coachwhips time!

Click here for great nothings.

John Dwyer. To most people this is just an ordinary name. A name that could belong to a lawyer... a baseball player... or a school shooter. To them it is just a name, but to folks like me, it means a whole other thing.


John Dwyer is a prolific musician in the garage punk scene. His musical output is proving itself to be in competition with Billy Childish in terms of how many recordings can one man possibly release? It seems like every time you blink this man has already recorded, packaged, and released a new record. He is also a man that doesn't stay in one band for too long. Pink and Brown, Thee Oh Sees, The Hospitals... plus a few more that I can't recall right now. He keeps busy.

I remember when my ears first met him...

He was loud and obnoxious, but exciting at the same time. It was the split 7" with Trin- Tran. I bought it because I liked the cover. It had a guy hovering menacingly over his bowl of cereal while clenching silverware in his fists.

However, after a few plays I turned my back on his sound and sold it to the highest bidder. It wasn't until earlier this year that I visited his work again. Since then I've managed to purchase a lot of his stuff up to his current band. Most recently I was able to pick up the Double Death LP in all its glorious red and black vinyl goodness! That was actually yesterday.

I firmly believe that he is a crazed man. Though to be honest... I'm glad he isn't any other way.

Please enjoy "Hands on the controls" by Coachwhips.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Ty Segall & Thee Oh Sees split 7"

Click here to bring a panda food

When I first heard Ty Segall I was immediately hooked on his tunes. I listened to "Don't do it" off of his self titled album and caught a chilly ass wave that totally reminded me of Jack White when he was at his best; singing "Let's shake hands" which by the way is my favorite song ever!

This kid has got it down and he has no shame in showing off what he knows. I've purchased all of his other stuff and so should you. Do not delay either. It's called a record store. After pushing their door open, you can enter and actually purchase these strange plastic discs and use them to get sound in your home. I know! Crazy!

The other band on this 7 inch is called Thee Oh Sees. Absolutely great shit here, man. For this record they've swapped material and both sides are liable to make you cut a rug all night. Don't worry... there's gonna be chicks there.

Ty Segall - Maria Stacks (Thee Oh Sees cover)
Thee Oh Sees - The Drag ( Ty Segall cover)