Showing posts with label Raconteurs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Raconteurs. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Having a heart is definitely bad for me...

Brendan Benson - Bad for me

Well here it goes again
Another losing streak
Guess I'm on a roll
I haven't got a chance 
I'm too weak
She sucks my soul
And this St Christopher 
That hangs around my neck
Has got to be a fake
'Cause I crash every time
The same old wreck
The same mistake
And I make a mental note so I don't forget
A little reminder of what hasn't happened yet
Well maybe she's bad for me
But I don't care to see
'Cause what I want and what I need
Are the same to me
In the end

And there is a voice in my head saying no
But my mouth says yes
I should stop I know but I really wanna go
it's okay I guess

And I've played with fire so many times before
Guess I'll never learn
Just like an addict I keep coming back for more
Come to love that burn
And I make a mental note so I don't forget
A Little reminder of what hasn't happened yet

Well maybe she's bad for me (Bad for me)
But I don't care to see
'Cause what I want and what I need (What I need)
Are the same to me

Well maybe she's bad for me (Bad for me)
But I don't care to see
'Cause what I want and what I need (What I need)
Are the same to me

There is a feeling that I get deep in my gut
But I pay no mind
Instinct out of sync but so what 
Love is blind 

And I make a mental note so I don't forget
A Little reminder of what hasn't happened yet

She's gonna be the death of me
Here it comes again
The only leaf left on the tree
And blowing in the wind

Well maybe she's bad for me (Bad for me)
But I don't care to see
'Cause what I want and what I need (What I need)
Are the same to me
In the end
In the end

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Video of the Week!

Zee Avi - Bitterheart from naz on Vimeo.

I'm not sure if this is old news for you guys, but I've been sitting on it for a few months. Ms. Zee Avi is a young Malaysian singer songwriter who through the miraculous power of the internet, was discovered by Whites Stripes manager Ian Montone and Greenhornes/ Raconteurs drum beater Pat Keeler. I guess those might be some pretty good fans to have. I highly recommend buying her album when you're just feeling melancholy or at a specialty grocer purchasing a bag of quinoa and a fancy cheese.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

A review of The Raconteurs new album.

I found out about this record three days before the release date and became super pumped! Once I heard it though, I felt fooled. I listened to it about 20 more times and each time I found things I liked, but at the same time I was finding stuff that I didn’t.

The title track caused instant discomfort. I stood tough and let the song play through. By the end of the album I started to think about the individual members of the band. Where are the Greenhornes anyway?

I won’t say I hate this record. No…it’s too soon.
For now I’ll give it a fair shake for it to sink in, but upon first listen I wasn’t taken.

Not like I was when I heard DeStijl or If we can’t trust the Doctors.

I think Jack White’s a genius though. I’ll pretty much buy what he’s sellin’ all the time.

I played this for my wife and she asked me to stop. That never happens.

*There's no link to this because you should go out and buy new releases.

As a bonus, here's an exerpt from the 333 page book I'm writing called
Why Jack White and Greg Cartwright should collaborate. a record with Greg. It's time to go to a bar tonight.

UPDATE: Since the day of its release I have listened to this record six times. It is now June 14th. 2008. If it wasn't for "Many shades of black" this album would have disappointed me completely. Here's the video to a close to perfect little pop gem...

Update December 2009: Still sucks.

Update June 2010: Yuck.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Brendan Benson
Click here to rid yourself of the clap.

I'll admit, Brendan Benson's sugary sweet approach to 1970's California pop wasn't immediately my thing. I had only heard of him because of his connection to a certain Detroit duo. I was underwhelmed when I heard this album so I put it on the back burner for the rest of the year. Then the Raconteurs album came out and I grew an appreciation for the stark contrast between him and Jack White. I decided to dust off this album while I was laying around doing some daydreamin' and it was as if I had "gotten it!"

Benson is not trying to be some Detroit guitar God. No, he's perfectly content keeping it calm and relaxing. His lyrics are really smart and that's always a plus.

Your girl will enjoy this when it's Sunday and she's writing poetry in her room about you. Douche.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Blanche are incredible.
Click here to become a ghost.

I am a really huge fan of this band because they somehow make a brand of music that seems old timey at the same time as sounding very today.

Led by Dan Miller, who at one time was the frontman in a Cow Punk band called Goober and the Peas, which also featured members of the Detroit Cobras and a little guy by the name of Jack White.

Today he, along with his wife Tracee, lead an incredibly tight band that has so much substance, all other bands should quit today.

Please enjoy "If we can't trust the doctors"

Please use your cash to buy product from Blanche.

PS. If you use this link, mention Oh, robot.