Showing posts with label Horror. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Horror. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Hey guys, today's post isn't music, unless the sound of electric bolt guns, moaning, yelping, and things of that nature are considered music to your ears. As a reader of this blog, I should hope not, unless we're talking about awesome, racket making bands like The Coachwhips. I like to imagine you all as cool, artistic folks, that believe in love and shit like that.

(I couldn't embed this, so you'll have to follow the link)

I don't even know how I stumbled on this, as I hadn't even heard of it, but I thought that it might be good for everyone to watch. Of course, if you have a weak stomach I don't advise you to see this at all.

Because I fancy myself to be a good guy, this affected me a little, but was it enough for me to stop doing certain things that I do? Stop wearing certain things I wear? If it is going to happen, it's not going to be overnight.

This, much like my Last minutes with Odin video post a while back, did this weird, hypnotism thing where I was compelled, with no ability to stop, to hug my dogs so tightly that I might've made their eyes pop out. Animals. I. Love. You. and. I'm. Sorry.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Black Sunday is serious business!

A bomb threat can seriously fuck up your decision to go get a slice of pizza. And that only happens once.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Misfits bring the Static Age

Click here to finally get rid of that dead thing smell.

There once was a time when Glenn Danzig could do no wrong. This record is from that time. Enjoy it while pounding beers or arm wrestling a van full of angry jocks. Fuck those dudes, right? What the hell are a bunch of jocks doing driving around at night anyway? Don't they have some sort of "game" in the morning? Shit.

I'm not sure if girls like this record. I mean, of course there are actual girls, with breasts and vaginas, that listen to The misfits, but how about the girls you might actually want to get in the sack with? From my personal experience...none. 100% of the fairer sex who I have met that had this record had their heads shaved or a facial implant that made them look like a crazy, bumpy animal. If there are some fine ladies that dig this, I apologize. Actually... right now ladies aren't popular with me. They are the equivalent of a scurvy ridden sea rat with an infected sore leaking from its belly. Not only that, but out of the sore comes worms... with knives!

I'll be better tomorrow. Maybe. Until then though, I'd like it if you played this album end to end in your van. Oops, I mean the van you just won from arm wrestling those sissy jocks. Man, you'd think they'd have expected someone to stab them while arm wrestling. Sheesh!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Astro Zombies are serious business.

I've never been to the beach at night, 
nor touched it's glowing waters.

I just felt like saying that.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Evil Dead 2 and a chicken?
Click here for a little "boom stick"

Hello kids, today I'm writing you all because I was inspired by a chicken that was found in my backyard a little while ago. Now the yard is completely sealed off from the public and is so far from the curb that either this chicken is bionic and made the 70 foot jump or somebody tossed it? I really hope it's a bionic chicken though...

What's weird about this is that this bird is now the third weird thing I'm finding in my yard in the two months I've lived here. First it was a humongous avocado that looked as if someone was trying to eat it without peeling it. I'm not CSI, but they were definitely human bite marks.

Next, there was a giant piece of wood that looked as if it had fallen from a tree. Nothing uncommon there except for the fact that this particular type of tree is nowhere to be found in my neighborhood. Trust me, I've checked around. There hasn't been any unusually strong winds lately either.

Now...a really good looking tan colored chicken.

It's just walking around pecking at stuff and doesn't seem to have any injuries. It might be bionic, who knows?

I'm not sure what I want to do about it. Should I walk next door and talk to the neighbor? "Excuse me...uh, permiso...are you missing a chicken?" or should I call animal control? Either way, something tells me that this bird's goose is cooked, know what I mean? Shit, it sucks to be something that people want to eat all of the time. There's no secure feelings there.

Anyway, enjoy the score from the greatest film ever made: Evil Dead 2! Maybe this might become the music I put my kids to bed with tonight?

PS. If the scene below doesn't make you want to watch this, must hate love.

Monday, September 29, 2008

In honor of Halloween...
Click here for bunny kisses.

I'm very excited to get you guys to listen to this album. Horror punk at its finest. We all know Danzig is kind of a douche bag, but boy can that man make some killer music! Wait...maybe he's a really nice guy and just misundertood? Anyway, this is a perfect album to listen to while you and your friends drink cheap beer in the woods. Enjoy Novembers Coming Fire.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

13 Crimson Ghosts - A surf tribute to the Misfits

Click here for too much horror business!

In life there are some pleasures that cannot be described in words. Fortunately, this is one of them that really can be. So much so in fact, that their old bassist has taken it upon himself to bootleg this album on his own and not share any profits with the band. Heck, their own website describes him as an asshole.

I can't say that I blame him though. I mean, this is probably thee most fantastic tribute album I've ever heard....and it's instrumental at that!

When I first popped this in I immediately cracked a wide smile. These guys are so rad to have created this masterpiece. After hearing this album you should go out there and buy more from them because it's really clear that this band doesn't simply make surf rock...they do their homework too!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Oh Glenn, won'tcha rock it like you used to?
Click here for unicorn powder.

Anyone who has read the early posts in this blog knows that the Misfits are one of my favorite bands to ever have recorded music. However, in 1983 this band rose from the ashes of the long defunct Misfits and I couldn't have been a happier little man. Now by default, Samhain is also one of my favorite bands too. To be honest, I became a little distant right when Danzig went solo and became a metal maniac.

Enjoy: Initium

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Here's the update. Also, here's some Misfits to continue this slow series.

To get the meat to you before I offer up the potatoes...

Here's an update on the wonderful real, non-internet world.

Mrs. Robot is still away. She's with her terminally ill mother in Watertown, MA. She's been away for over a week and kids, I gotta tell ya, I'm dying over here. Most husbands would be thrilled and invite every single beer-swilling bud they've got, but not me. No sir!
I wish she was here with her belly. Oh my goodness, have I even mentioned that I have gotten the love of my life knocked up? Oh yeah, she's a milk factory in the making.

We're having twin girls! So please, creepy dudes, stay away!
That being said, I think I've given you all of the personal info that I needed to today.

Please enjoy: The Misfits Box set #2

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Misfits got me through high school.
Click here to go where eagles dare.

I remember when I was in the, oh I don't know...5th grade, maybe? I had a cream colored leather jacket that because of the color didn't scream "Beware! Dangerous punk guy coming!" All of the other rockers at school wore black motorcycle jackets with their Judas Priest t-shirts. Me on the other hand, I wore this light colored members only style leather and an athletic grey tee that said "Hitler's World Tour" complete with the dates and town names where he did his buisness. In hindsight, I was an idiot for wearing a Hitler shirt, but at the time when being a young punk meant pissing off everyone, this shirt definitely fit the bill. The only sad part was I didn't even know exactly what Nazi's were and I asked my mom to get me the shirt because I had seen the Swastika worn by some British punk bands I liked. Anyway, I remember going to school one day wearing this very un-tough cream jacket along with the Nazi shirt. Nobody said a thing. Not the teachers. Not the principle. Heck, not even the crossing guard! I was largely ignored until one day I recieved a sticker in the mail from a fan club. This wasn't your ordinary fan club. No sir, this sticker bore the logo of the Misfits Fiend Club. I was so happy to get this little gift and quickly peeled it off the backing and placed it smack on the chest of that boring old jacket. That sticker must've had some magical hatred dust on it because I went to school the next day and as soon as I walked into class the teacher laid eyes on me, called my name, and sent me to the principals office. The next thing I know, I'm surrounded by my teacher, the principal, and for some reason, the school nurse. All of them looking down at me with disdain. All of them shaking their heads. All of them silent. Silent until my teacher broke the deafening quiet and said "Why would you wear such a thing to school? Does your mother know you have this on today?"

I don't really remember my answer, but looking back, isn't it sad that a young boy could go to school wearing a Nazi shirt unnoticed, but the minute he wears a Misfits patch he's a condemned man?

I've always regretted the whole Nazi tee stupidity, but the Misfits are something that I'll never apologize for.