Showing posts with label spoken word. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spoken word. Show all posts

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Articulations: Poems, Polemics, & Pop Songs

aboombong presents the words and voice of artist and poet Raul Dorn floating on a jumble of post-punk, art rock, and ambient soundscapes.  

It is available from bandcamp, pay what you will. Proceeds will go to support arts education in Las Cruces, NM, so, really, pay what you can. Enjoy. Spread the word. 

Artist:aboombong presents
Album: articulations: poems, polemics, & pop songs
Style: Post punk, No Wave, Basement Tapes, 
Release: 2018
Me - music, guitar, drum kit, percussion, piano
Raul Dorn - words, singing, chattering 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

aboombong - anaphora (new release)

artist: aboombong
album: anaphora
style: musique concrète, ambient, spoken word
aboombong - field recordings, fetal heart monitor, happy apple, Kawai K3; 
Random - beats; 
Carl - words. 

This one is a cross generational collaboration between my grandfather (pictured, on the left) and my son, born 101 years apart. Available name your price on bandcamp. Enjoy, and if you do, spread the word. 

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Just So Stories from the Creative Commons

Katya from contacted me today with a nice surprise. She has put together a nifty little compilation of Kipling's Just So Stories and has included para!helion in the music for How The Rhinoceros Got His Skin (track 3).

Check it out here or here (includes info and cover art).
UPDATE: Collection is now back on-line.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Waltz Bop Shop: Name Dropping at Angela's and Melting

Today we have the final two tracks that will be posted from Waltz Bop Shop (although there is a concert on video tape that I might take the time to digitize at some point). The first song, And Melting was recorded at a house party in my living room (stay tuned for more from Wil Gira, who also played). The other is an A Capella version of Name Dropping At Angela's that Jenette recorded at my house in the mountains after Waltz Bop Shop had broken up. The spoken word piece overdubbed onto And Melting was recorded on the same day and is a reading of an excerpt from a short story I published in the mid 90's.

Release: Two Tracks, one recorded live at a house party (199?).
The Players:
Keif Henley on Guitar
Rodney Cupp on Bass
Me -Drum kit
Jenette Isaacson on vocals/spoken word.
Spoken word on "And Melting" overdubbed later...

Track List:
1) And Melting
2) Name Dropping At Angela's (A Capella Mix)


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