Showing posts with label good things. Show all posts
Showing posts with label good things. Show all posts

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Eco Monsters and Broken Things

A quick friend of the show post today with a current events theme. An old friend from Albuquerque, Christina from elephant, has a nifty new project she is doing with her sons that you should check out and support. It is called Eco Monsters, an attempt to turn our collective fears about how we are transforming our world into positive energy through art. It lets you participate by contributing either art or money. Christina has personal connections to Japan and promises that she and her sons will "find a creative way for this art project to benefit the victims of the earthquake and tsunami." More information is available through the project's kickstarter site (watch the video at kickstarter to get the full context).

This isn't all Christina is up to these days. Check out her photography and her latest songs/videos. Here's one hand picked by Christina for your viewing pleasure: Broken Things. Enjoy.

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