From Bin Laden to Gaza

The dramatic events of the last six weeks have left the U.S. position in the Middle East a total wreck, with Washington coming across as a dog being wagged by its tail, the state of Israel, which is carrying out the genocidal elimination of the Palestinian people in Gaza, of whom over 11,000 have been killed by airstrikes. Nowhere was the bankruptcy of American diplomacy in the region and globally more exposed than during the UN General Assembly vote on October 30, 2023 for a Jordan-sponsored resolution for an immediate ceasefire and the establishment of a humanitarian corridor for aid which passed 120 to 14, with the United States and Israel in opposition. More

Humanitarian Thanksgiving

Despite halfway to achieving its goal of eliminating the population of Gaza, a second Nakba, Israel, and its benefactor, the United States, have received an enormous, probably irrecoverable, blow to their moral standing in the world. Keenly aware of this, the Machiavellian minds that determine the two countries’ foreign policy have contrived a four-day ceasefire. This occured the day before Thanksgiving in the benefactor nation, a day itself that Disneyfies the genocide of Native Americans by European settlers. More

Biden and the Washington Post Combine to Argue for War

David Ignatius, the Washington Post’s national security columnist, has been an apologist for the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency for the past several decades.  In the past, he has defended the CIA’s political assassination program as well as its torture and abuse program.  He never condemned the CIA training of death squads in Central America and never deplored the Phoenix program during the Vietnam War, when the CIA ran a paramilitary campaign of interrogation, torture, and assassination that targeted many innocent victims.  Now, he has a new client—the Israeli Defense Forces—and the IDF couldn’t have a better stenographer than David Ignatius.   More

Israel’s Nuclear Threat: The Dangers Only Multiply

Israel’s robust military, the fourth-strongest in the world, is ravaging Gaza and, along with armed settlers, terrorizing Palestinians in the West Bank following the brutal Hamas massacres of October 7th. Like so many other colonial projects, Israel was born of terror and has necessitated the use of violence to occupy Arab territory and segregate Palestinians ever since. The realization that its existence was dependent on More