
Showing posts with the label USVI

Right to Democracy and Right to Self-Determine

In my life I have attended a number of events, whether in person or virtually, where representatives were gathered in solidarity from each of the current US territories. But in these spaces, there was usually just a single representative from different territories, owing to the distances or difficulties in physically bringing together people Guam, the CNMI, the US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and American Samoa. One thing that made the recent Right to Democracy summit different for me, was the amount of people in attendance representing each of the territories, and how each community wasn’t reduced to a single voice, a single soundbite or a short presentation. The experiences of those in the current US territories was not on the fringes or the margins, which is the norm, but instead we were all centered. This summit focused on developing a network across the territories, with the aim of helping to dismantle US colonialism, created a lot more possibilities than usual and that was exc

IG GA June 2019

Independent GuÃ¥han will present on the risks of drafting a constitution as a territory and honor the late Lt. Governor Frank F. Blas for June GA For Immediate Release, June 18, 2019-  Independent GuÃ¥han (IG) invites the public to attend their upcoming General Assembly (GA) to take place on Thursday, June 27 th ,  from 6:00-7:30 pm at the Main Pavilion of the Chamorro Village in HagÃ¥tña. This GA will focus on the risks involved should Guam decide to pass a constitution as a territory of the US. As part of this educational focus, the group will honor as maga’taotao the late Lt. Governor of Guam Frank F. Blas.  Following the passage of a federal law that enabled Guam to draft a local constitution, the second Guam Constitutional Convention (ConCon) was held in 1977. A constitution was drafted and approved by the US federal government; however, it was rejected at a 4-1 margin by the voters of Guam. There are many reasons why the draft constitution was rejected, but many of them ste

2007 in Three Articles

I have been wracking my brain for the past few hours and also "tearing apart" at least digitally my computer looking for the source for a quote that I had included in my notes and now need to use in an article I'm completing for The Journal of Okinawan Studies. As of now I have yet to find it unfortunately and I'm hoping that this quote didn't come from a news article that I had photocopied years ago but had yet to scan or transcribe. If that is the case, I may never find the citation for it. Part of the joy, but also the frustration of searches like this, is the random surprises and nostalgia bombs that end up crossing your path. While searching through more than a decade of research, I came across so many bits and pieces of things, some of which ended up being keystones in my academic cosmology, others I had completely forgotten. One thing I came across that I wanted to share was these three articles below. They all come from August 2007, at a time when th

UN Fourth Committee Meets on Decolonization

Right now Chamorros are gathering in New York City, to prepare to give testimony tomorrow on the current state of affairs in Guam, before the Fourth Committee of the United Nations. I'll have more on their trip and their testimony soon. In the meantime, here is the report on the proceedings from the Overseas Territory Review : ************************************* The United Nations (UN) Fourth Committee convened its 2009 session in New York on 5th October. Decolonization is its first item on the agenda of the Committee which is comprised of all 192 UN member states. At the first meeting, statements were made by various member states in their national capacity and on behalf of the respective regional groups. Various perspectives on the self-determination and decolonization process were to expressed. Non governmental organizations, officials, experts, indigenous peoples groups and private citizens will address the Committee on 6-7 October. Unfortunately, territorial government offi

Kao Sina Hu Interview Hao?

Tomorrow I'll be in Denver for the Democratic National Convention. Kulang chubasko i hinasso - ku pa'go . Ti bula na tiningo '- hu put este na klasin dinana ', ya ma'a'nao yu ' na bai hu malingu gi todu i simana . Hafa i kustumbre put mangueguentos Kongresu pat Senadora ? Kao maolek ha' na bei deka ' siha gi i tata'lo - na ya faisen " Kao sina hu interview hao ?" Pat kao nisisario na bei famaisen mosu fine'nina ? Siempre todu i mampulitikat u manggaige guihi , manggaiayudante . Siempre siha dumiside hayi i ma'gas - niha u kinentusi ya hayi u linaiseni . This is my first convention, so there are alot of things I'm uncertain about. Protocols, schedules, events, directions. Right now I'm concentrating on preparing my research and coming up a list of topics that I'd like to write on, in addition to the interviews that I plan to do. I'm also working on the interview que