
OK I have a question about Void Elf Hunter by Jay_The_MH in wow

[–]lnk-cr-b82rez-2g4 1 point2 points  (0 children)

IIRC hunter casts aren't considered spell casts since they can't be silenced or interrupted (outside of cc abilities) and therefore there's no spell pushback either. I could be wrong so someone correct me if I am.

C'thun's whispers in Ahn'Qiraj missing. by [deleted] in wow

[–]lnk-cr-b82rez-2g4 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Come back to me when you're not on your period please. Aggro af.

Flaming someone and then hitting ignore. by yaboichurro11 in wow

[–]lnk-cr-b82rez-2g4 1 point2 points  (0 children)

The real aging superpower is when you develop a precognitive sense towards incoming toxic behavior and just ignore them before they even get their two cents in.

That's the best because you get to take the high road and deprive them of their little dopamine fix of having the last word and you get to smile and carry on with the knowledge that without saying anything you've upset them beyond belief. A little petty? Maybe. But nothing compared to that person.

Rise above toxic behavior with pride!

Pedro Pascal Joins Ridley Scott’s ‘Gladiator’ Sequel At Paramount by MarvelsGrantMan136 in movies

[–]lnk-cr-b82rez-2g4 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Ridley Scott really is determined to undo all of his greatest films isn't he?

is mage a good class to play rn? by RowInternational4500 in wow

[–]lnk-cr-b82rez-2g4 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The mage talent trees need a rework. It's playable but it's far from being in a great place compared to the privilege the class has always held over the years in wow.

There are changes coming in the next major patch, but it doesn't change the design of the class/spec really which is where the problem currently is.

For your first character in this game, mage would be fun to level up, but if you're not a total newbie and get a grasp of the game well at Max level and get into the endgame, there is a high possibility that you might have some regret and reroll.

This is my own opinion that comes from playing every dps spec in its current form at endgame and it is probably one a lot of players share, but there will be plenty of those that will go against it. I'd suggest you give it a shot. I personally found mage to be extremely lackluster compared to everything else I've played.

What Bands Flash You Back to WoW Expansions? by anansier in wow

[–]lnk-cr-b82rez-2g4 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Fuck yes dude. Ante up was the soundtrack to my life at one point. Definitely spammed it on repeat during wow.

Get yourself a girlfriend that plays wow by Commercial-Scene-605 in wow

[–]lnk-cr-b82rez-2g4 14 points15 points  (0 children)

No always Sunny fans saw this huh? You soiled fool!

What, the hell is that?! by [deleted] in wow

[–]lnk-cr-b82rez-2g4 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Azeroth's highly ineffective tampon. We spent an entire expansion trying to clean up the mess.

With season 2 starting soon, what are you taking into this season? by Bordty in wow

[–]lnk-cr-b82rez-2g4 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Been playing MM hunter over the last week. Might give that a serious try. They feel OP.

10.1 change- Group loot now allows rolling for transmog by Vioret in wow

[–]lnk-cr-b82rez-2g4 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Lol anybody that wants the transmog is still going to be rolling need as they already do.

World of Warcraft Patch 10.10 by mclemente26 in wow

[–]lnk-cr-b82rez-2g4 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Definitely Bear, since it's a more recent thing to reference and it's such a great fucking show.