Showing posts with label St Patrick's Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label St Patrick's Day. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

The Luck of the Oirish . . .

 Trigger Warning - old board (I've discovered via Dart Forums that some dart players don't like looking at moth-eaten boards. It offends them.)

Thought I'd rotate the board for St Patrick's Day, and I got a 180 in the green. Also, I don't want to write too soon - but I must - but I think my dartitis is gone . . . for now.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Instead of seven pints of Murphys

Weekly Bulletin of The Socialist Party of Great Britain 142

Dear Friends,

Welcome to the 142nd of our weekly bulletins to keep you informed of changes at Socialist Party of Great Britain @ MySpace.

We now have 1564 friends!

Recent blogs:

  • Tony Blair and the Chilcot inquiry
  • What is Real Democracy and How Do We Get It?
  • What’s Wrong with Using Parliament?
  • Quote for the week:

    "Democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people." Oscar Wilde (attributed)

    Continuing luck with your MySpace adventures!

    Robert and Piers

    Socialist Party of Great Britain

    Monday, March 17, 2008

    "Um, I think the old country is that way."

    I've got the surname, the colouring and even the Microdisney mp3s but, for all that, I couldn't bring myself to do the plastic paddy bit today.

    Maybe I'm off the Murphys, or maybe it's due to the fact that for 364 days of the year my accent is mistaken for Irish in a country where 91% of the population claims Irish ancestry.

    Whatever the reason: March 17th is my day for remaining sober, stumm and sarcastic. Have an appropriate mp3 to sample:

  • Eric Bogle - 'Plastic Paddy' mp3
  • More info on the brilliant Mr Bogle here.

    Sláinte Pog ma thon.