Monday, November 20, 2023

Music to Clear a Holiday Gathering Vol. 4 we are again, heading into the "holiday season". I'm not saying this is a bad thing, it's always a nice thing to get together with family & friends we don't see as often as we should. 

BUT....sometimes...some "visitors" may not leave in a timely manner.'s some gems that if you fire-up in your favorite player---should get them heading for the door!

*see comments*

Monday, November 13, 2023

ebay jukebox Vol. 91


Here ya go...the latest collection from the famed auction site! Find a favorite & give it a few spins.....

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Song of the Day Comp....2003 <>HELP!<>


Back 20 years music sharing enthusiasm was satisfied by sending out to fellow co-workers songs I discovered on the web. Not sure how much this was appreciated...a few liked it...

Anyway...I recently unearthed a CD compilation of said tunes. Problem is...The artists/tracks are NOT labeled. I've labeled a few I recognized (just replayed #19---The Misfits- Halloween).

OK you music nuts (!) ...can we figure these out?? I remember going to the Alternative Tentacles (label) site a most might be from there...

If you know any...let me know in the comments. In any event...just enjoy!

Thanks to all for the help!  Here's what we got so far:

Sunday, October 29, 2023

More Helloween Goodies !!!


Since you kiddies have been's more treats for your ears..


A plug that I get absolutely NOTHING for....but those who admire the Rolling Stones ...I picked up HACKNEY DIAMONDS last week on vinyl. It's been getting a lot of play here. Classic circa '80's era sounds from the boys. It's been a while since I bought something from them. Glad I made the purchase.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

HELLOWEEN TREATS 2023 !! a bag o' goodies !!!!!!!


Here's this year's collection of the season's sounds. 

A bag of treats from the past + some radio spots for horror flics. These are all I could find in the vault, 

Some have repeats..the quality control team quit years ago!

Boo to You!

Thursday, September 28, 2023



Long before (~20 years ago??) I was posting tunes on the web...I was doing similar compilations & burning them to cds for myself & friends. Ebay was the main source of material but there were a few blogs I would hit from time to time. One of which was hosted by Rev. Tom Frost- He was a big inspiration for my future endeavors. So THANKS to the Rev. ! 

As's the last of the cd series I did before going to "e" copies...

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

ebay jukebox Vol. 90


Here ya go...the latest collection from you know where. Always fun to harvest these lost gems. Volume 90...who would have thunk it???!! That's alot of plays...with not much of $$ going into the machines!

Find a favorite...